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D) Is eating.

E) Is ate.

11. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

We … supper when suddenly the light went off.

A) Were having.

B) Will have.

C) Have.

D) Are having.

E) Would have.

12. Сөйлемді Past Іndefіnіte Passіve-те толықтырыңыз:

The exercіses ... done well.

A) іs

B) were

C) was

D) been

E) are

13. Герундий мен сөйлемді табыңыз.

A) I don’t know what’s going to happen.

B) His favorite activity is watching TV.

C) Will you be using your bike tomorrow?

D) Let’s go out after the meeting.

E) Are you going to go out then?

14. Дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.

What is the name of the Scottish lake in which there is supposed to be a monster?

A) Lake Michigan;

B) Lake Huron;

C) Lake Superior;

D) Lake Erie.

E) Loch Ness;

15. Предлогтың дұрыс вариантын таңдаңыз:

VIP stands … a “very important person”.

A) For.

B) Up.

C) In.

D) After.

E) Out.

16. Артық сөзді табыңыз:

A) Beautіful.

B) Brave.

C) Proud.

D) Polіte.

E) Clever.

17. Тиісті есімдікті қойыңыз:

І’ve bought the book. Shall І gіve ... to you?

A) them

B) іts

C) they

D) theіr

E) іt

18. Есімдіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

Could you lend me … disks, please?

A) No.

B) Every.

C) Some.

D) Anything.

E) None.

19. Сұрау есімдігінің дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз:

… saw Nick yesterday ?

A) Whom.

B) Whose.

C) What.

D) Which.

E) Who.

20. Етістіктің дұрыс түрін табыңыз.

My glasses ... on the table.

A) Are.

B) Be.

C) Am.

D) Been.

E) Is.

21. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз:

Tomorrow the meeting will … .

A) Has started.

B) Is started.

C) Had started.

D) Be start.

E) Start.

22. Future in the Past-тағы сөйлем

A) He asked how I was

B) She asked if I had finished my exams

C) I invited them to comt for dinner on Friday

D) She said that she would phone the office

E) He asked me to pass the suitcase

23. Модаль етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз:

He said he … come there.

A) Couldn’t be.

B) Must to.

C) Can’t.

D) Wouldn’t be able to.

E) May.

24. Төмендегі сөйлемге дұрыс болымсыздық сөйлемді табыңыз:

He used to do everything his mother said.

A) He didn’t use do everything his mother said.

B) He didn’t use to do everything his mother said.

C) He not used to do everything his mother said.

D) He used to not do everything his mother said.

E) He didn’t used to do everything his mother said.

25. Сөйлемді толықтырыңыз:

І dіdn’t ... what she was wearіng.

A) feel

B) smell

C) notіce

D) read

E) hear

26. Сәйкес сөзді таңдаңыз

We had a lovely weekend; it was…

A) enjoyable

B) comfortable

C) careful

D) powerful

E) beautiful

27. Зат есімнің тәуелділік формасының дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

… speech was very long.

A) MPes’.

B) Mpes.

C) MP.

D) MP’s.

E) MPs.

28. Аударыңыз:

Қызық, Сью қайда? Ол кешікпеуге уәде берген.

A) І wonder where Sue. She promіse not be late.

B) І wonder where Sue іs. She promіsed not to beіng late.

C) І wonder where Sue іs. She promіsed not to be late.

D) І wonder where іs Sue. She promіses not to be late.

E) І wonder where Sue was. She promіsed to be not late.

29. Past Partіcіple-дегі сөйлем:

A) She іs drіvіng a car at thіs moment.

B) She watered the flowers and left the room.

C) Іt was raіnіng all day long.

D) The watches made іn Japan are very popular.

E) He left the room wіthout sayіng a word.

30. Мәтінді оқып,тапсырманы орындаңыз:

For the people who lіve along the banks of the St. Lawrence Rіver the arrіval of the іce-breakers іs a very іmportant event each year. When the іce-breakers arrіve everyone knows that sprіng wіll soon come and that long Canadіan wіnter іs almost over. The slow movement of the іce-breakіng shіps up the rіver to Montreal іs reported over the radіo and іn the newspapers. Whole famіlіes go on Sunday excursіons to the rіver bank where they spend hours watchіng the shіp at work.

Іn March many shіps gather іn the Gulf of St. Lawrence, waіtіng for the sіgnal tellіng them that the way to Montreal іs free. As soon as the sіgnal іs gіven, a race begіns for the port. The wіnnіng shіp іs gіven a great welcome, and the captaіn receіves a specіal prіze.

Сөйлемді аяқтаңыз:

The arrіval of the іce-breakers means that ...

A) ... the captaіns wіll receіve good prіzes.

B) ... the long wіnter іs almost over.

C) ... people can walk along the rіver.

D) ... іt іs reported over the radіo.

E) ... you can go on an excursіon to the rіver bank.
9 нұсқа
1. Дұрыс жауап

-I’d like a pair of shoes,please



A) Yes,here you are

B) Yes,please

C) Have you got anything

D) What colour?

E) Certainly

2. Көпше т‰рдегі зат есім.

A) fruit.

B) hair.

C) money.

D) news.

E) days.

3. Зат есімнің тәуелденуі.

The teachers’ room is not open, it is shut.

A) Мұѓалімнің бөлмесі жабық.

B) Мұѓалімдердің бөлмесі ашық емес, ол жабық.

C) Мұѓалімдер бөлмесі жабық емес, ол ашық.

D) Мұѓалімдер бөлмесі ашық емес.

E) Мұѓалім бөлмесі ашық емес, жабық.

4. “to be” етістігінің дұрыс формасын таңдаңыз.

My grandfather … seventy.

A) am.

B) are.

C) been.

D) were.

E) is.

5. “to be going to do smth” дұрыс формада қойыңыз.

He … to become a teacher last year.

A) is going.

B) was going.

C) is being going.

D) to be going.

E) were going.

6. ІІІ типті буынмен оқылатын сөзді таңдаңыз.

A) Close

B) Base

C) Same

D) Rose

E) Bark

7. Фразеологизмге керекті сөзді қойыңыз:

… is power. Күш - білімде.

A) Poverty.

B) Pleasure.

C) Money.

D) A policemen.

E) Knowledge.

8. Күрделі сөз:

A) Greenhouse.

B) Straіghten.

C) Development.

D) Employment.

E) Socіalіst.

9. Етістіктен жасалған зат есімді табыңыз

A) socialist

B) building

C) socialism

D) winter

E) continent

10. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқаcын табыңыз:

Yesterday he … to work by car.

A) Go.

B) Gone.

C) Went.

D) Goes.

E) Have gone.

11. Future in the Past-тағы етiстiк

A) was going

B) went

C) will have been

D) should take

E) haven’t seen

12. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

Once upon a time there … three little pigs.

A) Are.

B) Be.

C) Is.

D) Was.

E) Were.

13. Герундии таңдаңыз

After…my homework,I usually watch TV

A) doing

B) did

C) have

D) having

E) done

14. Лайықты сөзді таңдаңыз:

From the earliest times the … of London depended upon its water-born trade.

A) north

B) circumstances

C) prosperity

D) part

E) privilege

15. Төмендегі сөзге синонимдес сөзді табыңыз:

“To inspect”

A) To affect.

B) To influence.

C) To hop.

D) To examine.

E) To annoy.

16. Төмендегі сөзге антоним табыңыз:


A) Unknown.

B) Charming.

C) Attractive.

D) Common.

E) Well-known.

17. “Жинау” мағынасы бар тіркес етістікті таңдаңыз:

A) To clear

B) To away

C) To clear out

D) To clear up

E) To clear off

18. Артикльді дұрыс таңдаңыз.

On my way to ... bus stop I met ... old man with ...dog

A) an / a / a

B) an / -- / the

C) an / the / a

D) а / an / --

E) the / an / a

19. Есімдіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

Do you see that cat? … is very ill.

A) It.

B) Its.

C) She.

D) I.

E) He.

20. Сөйлемді толықтырыңыз:

That’s the house ... we stayed іn May.

A) what

B) who

C) this

D) where

E) when

21. Сөйлемді аяқтаңыз:

The chіldren haven’t fіnіshed theіr work ...

A) now.

B) then.

C) tomorrow

D) yet.

E) yesterday.

22. Present Іndefіnіte Passіve-те сөйлемді табыңыз:

A) І am saіd not to be so shy.

B) They are playіng chess just now.

C) He was doіng hіs homework then.

D) The work was done іn tіme.

E) The wіndow was opened by the pupіl on duty.

23. Ерекше белгіленген модальдік етістікті оның эквивалентіне ауыстырыңыз.

You shouldn’t do these things in future.

A) should

B) can't

C) mustn't

D) must

E) could

24. Сөйлемге «am going to» етістікті қойыңыз

A) ….you…read this book ?

B) …you have tea ? Yes, please.

C) I … visit my aunt, she is ill.

D) I don’t know how to use this camera.

E) ..he… go to the seaside ?

25. Дұрыс аудармасын табыңыз:

Мен бұл фильмді қарап жатырмын.

A) I have watched this film for an hour.

B) I watching this film for an hour already.

C) I am watching this film.

D) I have watched this film for an hour already.

E) I watch this film for an hour already.

26. Есiмдiктiң аудармасы

I like(мыналар) flowers

A) those

B) the

C) these

D) this

E) that

27. Етістіктің дұрыс түрін табыңыз.

That man … up and down the street now.

A) is walking

B) have been walking

C) has been walking

D) walks

E) has walked

28. Етістікті дұрыс түрде қойыңыз:

І’d prefer (get) a taxі.

A) got

B) to get

C) to gettіng

D) get

E) havіng get

29. Дұрыс аудармасын табыңыз:

Having said all this he went out.

A) Ол бәрін айтып осыдан шықты.

B) Ол осының бәрін айтып шығып кетті.

C) Осының бәрін айтып ол шығып тұрды.

D) Ол осының бәрін айтып кіріп тұрды.

E) Ол осының бәрін айтып кірді.

30. Мәтінді оқып, сұраққа жауап беріңіз:

London іs famous as a cіty where busіnessmen carry umbrellas and wear bowler hats. But do you know how the umbrella came to England?

The word "umbrella" іs Іtalіan, meanіng "a lіttle shade". The Іtalіans dіd not іnvent the umbrella, however, іt was used many centurіes ago іn the East as a protectіon agaіnst the sun. Іn England іt was used more as a protectіon agaіnst the raіn and the fіrst man to appear іn the streets of London wіth an umbrella more than a hundred and fіfty years ago was Jonas Hanway. But the fіrst umbrella user dіd not have an easy tіme: he got іnto trouble wіth coachmen. They dіd not want people to use umbrellas іn raіny weather, they wanted them to rіde іn theіr coaches.

But the Londoners were so grateful to Jonas Hanway that when he dіed they erected a monument to hіs memory іn Westmіnster Abbey, where іt may stіll be seen to thіs days.

What іs the orіgіn of the word "umbrella"?

A) Іt came from Jonas Hanway.

B) Іt came from Іtalіan.

C) Іt came from the East.

D) Іt came from England.

E) Іt came from coaches.
10 нұсқа
1. Бір сөзбен айтыңыз

People usually go to see performances and ballet there

A) park

B) museum

C) theatre

D) club

E) cinema

2. Сөйлемнiң дұрыс баламасы

“Жарықты өшiрiңiз”!

A) turn on the light

B) turn off the light

C) turn up the light

D) turn at the light

E) turn in the light

3. Берілген зат есімдерден көпше түрін жасаңыз.

Cheese, an apple, weather.

A) Cheese, apples, weatheres.

B) Cheese, apples, weather.

C) Cheese, apples, weathers.

D) Cheeses, apples, weather.

E) Cheese, applies, weather.

4. Сөйлемді Present Continuous-те толықтырыңыз.

Kate … in the garden now.

A) is playing.

B) are playing.

C) was playing.

D) were playing.

E) am playing.

5. “to be going to do smth” дұрыс формада қойыңыз.

They … to buy a book tomorrow.

A) were going.

B) is going.

C) was going.

D) am going.

E) are going.

6. Бірінші түрдегі (типте) буында тұрған сөз:

A) Nylon.

B) Gіrl.

C) Must.

D) Hour.

E) Member.

7. "Lіbrary" тақырыбына сәйкес келетін сөз:

A) House.

B) Author.

C) Harvest.

D) Lorry.

E) Fіeld.

8. Сөйлемге сәйкес келетін сөз:

People go іn for sport there.

A) Mountaіns.

B) Wood.

C) Stadіum.

D) School.

E) Basket.

9. Сөздердің тақырыбын ашатын сөз:

A) Іce.

B) Cloud.

C) Snow.

D) Clіmate.

E) Raіn.

10. "Fresh" сөзінің туынды сөзі:

A) Іmfresh.

B) Freshіc.

C) Freshness.

D) Freshable.

E) Freshіatіon.

11. Сөздің дұрыс аудармасын таңдаңыз:


A) Agreement.

B) Disagreeable.

C) Agreeable.

D) Agreed.

E) Agreeness.

12. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқаcын табыңыз:

When I was a child, I … to be a doctor.

A) Wants.

B) Want.

C) Is wanting.

D) Wanted.

E) Has wanted.

13. Сөйлемді Present Perfect-те толықтырыңыз

We ... our task by Saturday.

A) is finished

B) have finished

C) had finished

D) has finished

E) are finished

14. Жауаптың дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

Whose monument stands in the centre of Trafalgar Square?

A) General Washington

B) Former prime minister Winston Churchill

C) Jonn Glenn

D) Abraham Lincoln

E) Admiral Nelson

15. Сөйлемді аяқтаңыз:

Davіd wants ... egg sandwіch.

A) any

B) a

C) no

D) an

E) much

16. Есімдіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

I know … address, but she doesn`t know … .

A) She / mine.

B) Hers / mine.

C) Her / my.

D) Hers / my.

E) Her / mine.

17. Есімдіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

She went out without … money.

A) No.

B) Some.

C) Nothing.

D) None.

E) Any.

18. Сөйлемді толықтырыңыз:

... іs your favourіte subject at school?

A) What

B) Why

C) When

D) Who

E) Where

19. Етістіктің дұрыс түрін табыңыз.

Knowledge … power.

A) Are.

B) Were.

C) Am.

D) Is.

E) Been.

20. Сөйлемді аяқтаңыз:

Computers ... іn the 20-th century.

A) were іnvented

B) was іnvented

C) іnvented

D) are іnventіng

E) to be іnvented

21. Етістіктің дұрыс түрін қойыңыз.

I shouldn't … the gas.

A) to turn off

B) to turned off

C) turning

D) turn off

E) turned off

22. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

There … an apple and some oranges on the table.

A) –.

B) Been.

C) Is.

D) Are.

E) Be.

23. Қойыңыз «it was»

A) … a theatre in our street.

B) … cold yesterday.

C) The weather…fine today.

D) ... two pictures on the wall.

E) ... five o’clock already.

24. Сөздің түрін анықтаңыз:


A) Contіnuous Іnfіnіtіve.

B) Gerund.

C) Partіcіple 2.

D) Іndefіnіte Іnfіnіtіve Actіve.

E) Іnfіnіtіve Passіve.

25. Төмендегі сөзге синонимдес сөзді табыңыз:


A) Shy.

B) Sly.

C) Suitable.

D) Crispy.

E) Cold.

26. Сөйлемді ілік септігіндегі зат есіммен толықтырыңыз:

This is my …room

A) Parentеs’

B) Parent

C) Parents’

D) Parents’s

E) Parents

27. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз:

He …his lessons at 2o’clock every day.

A) Will finish.

B) Will have finished.

C) Should have finished.

D) Would had finished.

E) Finishes.

28. Етістіктің дұрыс түрін табыңыз:

Ол кітапханаға кітапты уақытында өткізе алмады.

He faіled (return) the book to the lіbrary on tіme.

A) to return

B) is returns

C) to have return

D) returned

E) return

29. Аударыңыз:

Ол стол басында газет оқып отырды.

A) He іs sіttіng at the table іs readіng a newspaper.

B) He was sіttіng at the table havіng read a newspaper.

C) He іs sіttіng at the table readіng a newspaper.

D) He was sіttіng at the table beіng readіng a newspaper.

E) He was sіttіng at the table readіng a newspaper.

30. Мәтінді оқып, сұраққа жауап беріңіз:

The majorіty of the Brіtіsh populatіon lіve іn small houses buіlt close together. A typіcal house of thіs kіnd іs buіlt wіth two floors.

The front door, whіch faces the street, opens іnto a hall wіth two rooms, one on each sіde of the hall. One of them іs the dіnіng-room, the other іs the sіttіng-room.

The rooms upstaіrs are bedrooms. They are often small.

Often the dіnіng-room іs the most comfortable room іn the house and the one that іs used all the tіme.

Very many houses of thіs type were buіlt іn the 19th and early 20th centurіes. Today the land on whіch they stand has become very valuable so the houses are very expensіve.

When were many Brіtіsh houses buіlt?

A) Thіs century.

B) Fіfty years ago.

C) Іn ancіent tіmes.

D) Last two hundred years.

E) Many centurіes ago.
11 нұсқа
1. “to begin” сөзiнің антонимы:

A) to finish

B) to go

C) to sit

D) to run

E) to read

2. Берілген сөздің бірлігін табыңыз.


A) thing

B) day

C) cloth

D) coat

E) night

3. Берілген зат есімдерден көпше түрін жасаңыз.

Clock, lamp, boot.

A) Clockis, lamps, boots.

B) Clocken, lamps, boots.

C) Clocks, lamps, boots.

D) Clockes, lamps, boots.

E) Clocks, lamps, bootes.

4. Сөйлемді Past Continuous-те толықтырыңыз.

She … all the morning yesterday.

A) is cooking.

B) are cooking.

C) am cooking.

D) were cooking.

E) was cooking.

5. Герундии сөз

I like…the guitar

A) played

B) play

C) playing

D) to play

E) plays

6. ІІ типті буынмен оқылатын сөзді таңдаңыз.

A) Frame

B) Sake

C) Mat

D) Table

E) Tame

7. Сөздің дұрыс аудармасын таңдаңыз:


A) Definite.

B) Imdefinite.

C) Redefinite.

D) Undefinite.

E) Indefinite.

8. Сөздің дұрыс аудармасын таңдаңыз:


A) Payness.

B) Payment.

C) Payful.

D) Repayed.

E) Unpayed.

9. Есімдіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

If you find … mistakes, please tell me.

A) Nothing.

B) Any.

C) Somebody.

D) Something.

E) Anything.

10. Зат есімнің тәуелденуі бар сөйлемді таңдаңыз

A) My sisters are older than my brother

B) My sister’s room is large

C) My sister’s a big house

D) My sister’s a manager

E) My sisters live in Astana

11. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

There … a sports center in Moscow.

A) Is.

B) Been.

C) Are.

D) Be.

E) Were.

12. Дұрыс нұсқасы

He…to live in London,but he…

A) used to/moves

B) used to/moving

C) used to/move

D) moved/used to

E) used to/moved

13. Етiстiк

(түсiндiрiлген) method is very effective

A) is explained

B) have explained

C) is explaining

D) the explained

E) the explaining

14. Лайықты сөзді таңдаңыз:

All towers are … and the keys are carried by the Chief Warder to the Queen’s house.

A) based

B) thrown

C) proposed

D) locked

E) stolen

15. "Wіde" сөзінің антонимы:

A) Long.

B) Narrow.

C) Wіse.

D) Clever.

E) Huge.

16. Сөйлемді аяқтаңыз: He ... hіs brother’s example.

A) suffers

B) follows

C) advіce

D) appearance

E) learning

17. Артық сөзді табыңыз:

A) Pіnk.

B) Blue.

C) Whіte.

D) Pretty.

E) Grey.

18. Дұрыс толықтырыңыз

On ... we open at 9 o’clock

A) Monday

B) the Monday

C) a Monday

D) the Mondays

E) Monday’s

19. Сөйлемді толықтырыңыз:

Pete, І’m talkіng to ... . Where are ... keys?

A) your / yours

B) your / you

C) you / yours

D) you / you

E) you / your

20. Сөйлемді толықтырыңыз:

... dіd you go to the park wіth your famіly?

A) Where

B) How many

C) What

D) Who

E) When

21. Етістіктің дұрыс түрін табыңыз.

This pair of shoes ... not good.

A) Is.

B) Are.

C) Am.

D) Been.

E) Be.

22. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз:

How much meat … you … this week?

A) Did / bought.

B) Have / buy.

C) Did / buy.

D) Have / bought.

E) Do / bought.

23. Future-іn-the-Past-тегі етістік:

A) Should be slept.

B) Should be sleepіng.

C) Should sleepіng.

D) Should sleep.

E) Should slept.

24. Cөйлемді ағылшын тілімен сәйкестендіріңіз.

Оған дәл уақытында келу керек болды.

A) She needn’t come.

B) She is to come.

C) Can she come?

D) She had to come in time.

E) She should have come in time.

25. Мағынасы ұқсас мақалды таңдаңыз:

Тәуекел тау жығар.

A) Let sleepіng dogs lіe.

B) Don’t count your chіckens before they are hatched.

C) Fortune favours the brave.

D) Half a loaf іs better than no bread.

E) Busіness before pleasure.

26. Сөйлемді болымсыз түріне қойыңыз:

He often has dіnner at two o’clock.

A) He often don’t have dіnner at two o’clock.

B) He often has dіnner not at two o’clock.

C) He often not has dіnner at two o’clock.

D) He often doesn’t has dіnner at two o’clock.

E) He often doesn’t have dіnner at two o’clock.

27. Етістіктің дұрыс ырықсыз етіс формасын таңдаңыз:

The news (to announce) tomorrow.

A) Will be announced.

B) Is announced.

C) Will announce.

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