Қазақстан республикасы білім және ғылым министрлігі ministry of education and science of republic of kazakhstan


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It has become clear that our Turkish-speaking cognates, whether it be in our country Turkey or in other Turkic states and communities, ever since the West was introduced to the science, technology and art of the East, especially with the Tanzimat movement, the issue of terminology has gained importance and presently continues to do so at great speed.

In Turkic states and communities, finding Turkish equivalents to thousands of new terminology in the field of technology, different branches of science and art, emerging in parallel with the changes in our world, proved to be difficult. As a result, our beautiful language, that is Turkish, and other Turkic languages were invaded by words of foreign origin ranging at the outset from Arabic and Persian, and later from Western languages such as French, German and especially English.
Furthermore, some of the words created as equivalents to foreign terminology were not internalized and, as a result, not used by our people. The fact that these terms are not in line with the rules of our language constitutes another problem. Why aren’t these terms favored by the people? Because in Turkey anyone and everyone tries to find and create equivalents for borrowed terminology. Consequently, these aren’t favored by the masses.
Despite precautions and collective work primarily conducted by the experts of Turkish Linguistic Society, linguists, professors and all related organizations, to solve the issue of terminology, some equivalents weren’t favored and, therefore, not used by the people.
In our country and in the Turkish state and community, dialects must be treated as is due, by the scientists so that they are made to fit the purpose of their use.
In the Turkish state and communities the preparation of comparative dictionaries of a contemporary Turkish dialect, which is set to be used as written language, and accents must gain momentum. This is a serious responsibility. This responsibility must be shouldered by those who fully grasp the Turkish written language fully linguistically. While the linguists are constructing these terms they have to add the suffixes to the roots and origins of the words, and while they are doing this they should bear in mind the semantic and phonetic properties of the Turkish language. In addition they should also try to create a harmony among the derived word and the meaning it represents.
We have to make sure that there is a unity of terms in our school books. The tendency to adopt the word-for-word translation method while we are trying to find a equivalent for a foreign
word should be suppressed. A new tendency basically that of finding a word which could reflect it’s conceptual properties and function should be adopted instead.
In conclusion, in order to ensure cooperation and unity in the Turkic world, we find it would be beneficial to establish of a joint terminology workshop by all Turkic states and communities with the contributions of all related organizations and scientists.

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