«Балтасап негізгі мектебі» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі

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    Бұл бет үшін навигация:


1. Choose the right variant.

If it rains, we _________ at home.

  1. would say c) stay

  2. would have stayed d) will stay

2. Choose the right variant.

If you _______ harder, you will fail the exam

  1. would not try c) do not try

  2. would not have tried d) will not try

3. Choose the right variant.

If you behave yourself, you _______ with us to the concert.

  1. would come c) can come

  2. would have come d) will come

4. Choose the right variant.

If you do not work, you ________ holidays next week.

  1. would not have c) do not have

  2. would have had d) will not have

5. Choose the right variant.

If you ______ anything, ask me.

  1. would need c) need

  2. would have need d) will need

6. Choose the right variant.

If we are leaving soon, I _______ my coat.

  1. would get c) get

  2. would have got d) will get

7. Choose the right variant.

If I _________ the work by ten o‟clock, I will be able to come.

  1. would finished c) have finished

  2. would have finished d) will finish

8. Choose the right variant.

If you have finished your homework, you _________ . a) would be able to go out c) can go out

b) would have gone out d) will go out

9. Choose the right variant. Eat less or you _________ fat.

  1. would get c) get

  2. would have got d) will get

  1. Choose the right variant.

If I ________ enough money, I would retire.

    1. would have c) had

    2. would have had d) will have

  1. Choose the right variant.

If I lost my job, I ________ abroad for a while.

    1. would go c) will go

    2. would have gone d) might go

  1. Choose the right variant.

If he were careful, he ________ things.

  1. would not break

  2. would not have broken

  3. did not break d) will not break

13. Choose the right variant.

If she were slimmer, she _______ much more attractive.

  1. would be c) was

  2. would have been d) will be

14. Choose the right variant.

If you __________ me more information, I will not be able to help you.

  1. would not give c) do not give

  2. would not have given d) will not give

15. Choose the right variant.

They _________ their plane if they had not woken up late.

  1. would not missed c) did not missed

  2. would not have missed d) will not miss

16. Choose the right variant.

I ______ to the party if I ________ about it.

  1. might have gone, knew c) might have gone, had


  1. went, had known d) might go, had known

17. Choose the right variant.

I wish I _________ taller, because I am not very tall.

  1. were c) would be

  2. would have been d) will be

18. Choose the right variant.I wish I _________ on holiday with you, but I am busy tomorrow.

  1. would go c) went

  2. would have gone d) could go



Used to do something” және “be used to doing something”

Ағылшын тілінде “used to do something” конструкциясын бҧрын дағдылы болған, бірақ қазіргі уақытта жасалынбайтын ісәрекетті білдіру ҥшін қолданылады.

  • We used to live in a small village, but now we live in Astana.

  • I used to drive to work every day, but these days I usually go by bike.

Болымсыз сӛйлемде кӛмекші етістік did немесе not бӛлшегі қолданылады.

  • We didn‟t use to have computers (=We never used to have computers.)

► “to be used to + V ing” осы шақа қатысты «дағдылану» мағынасына сәйкес келеді…

  • I wasn‟t used to wearing glasses – it seemed very strange at first.

  • I am used to getting up early.

► „to be used to + V ing‟ конструкциясына „to get used to + V ing‟ синонимдес.

  • Zhanar is getting used to live in the city. (She is becoming accustomed to live in the city)

  • They will soon get used to cooking their own meals.

► „I‟d like to do something‟ сӛз орамы

I‟d like to do something‟ сыпайы тҥрді білдіреді. Сҧраулы сӛйлемде “Would you like to + infinitive?”

  • Would you like to lay the table for me? – Yes, of course.

  • I would like a brochure, please.

  • We would like to order our drinks first.

  • Would you like to visit the museum with us?

► “Suggest doing / suggest that you should do” 2 жағдайда қолданылады:

1) Хабарлы сӛйлемде 2 конструкцияда қолданылады.

  • Why don‟t we go for a walk?

  • She suggested doing for a walk OR She suggested that we should go for a walk

2) Біреуге кеңес беретін болған жағдайда конструкциясы қолданылады. Бҧл жерде айтушы адам кеңеспен жҥрмейді, ісәрекет тек бір адаммен ғана іске асады.

  • Why don‟t buy some new clothes?

He suggested that I should buy some new clothes. (NOT he suggested buying new clothes.)

► “There is / there are‟ сӛз орамдары

Заттың, нәрсенің, атаудың белгілі бір жерде тҧрғанын, бар екенін білдіру ҥшін жекеше тҥрде „there is‟, кӛпше тҥрде „there are‟қолдынылады. „There is / there are‟сӛз орамдары сӛйлемнің басында қолданылады. To be етістігі шаққа байланысты ӛзгеріп отырады.

  • There is a lamp on the table. There is some water in the glass.

  • There are lamps in the shop. There are four children in our family.

  • There wasn‟t anybody in the room.

  • Are there any flowers in your classroom?

  • Is there any air in Mars?


1. Сӛйлемде There және be қажетті формаларында қойыңыз.

1. There (isn‟t / aren‟t) any letters in the mail for you today. 2. There (isn‟t / aren‟t any mail for you today.

  1. There (is, are) a lot of problems in the world.

  2. There (is, are) a hole in his sock.

  3. There (is, are) over 600.000 kings of insects in the world.

  4. How many kinds of birds (is / are) there in the world? 7. Why (isn‟t / aren‟t) there a hospital close to those villages?

  1. There (was, were) a terrible earthquake in Iran last year.

  1. Why (is, are) there a shortage of available apartments for rent in this city at present?

  1. There (is, are) more women than men in my office.

  2. There (has been, have been) a line in front of that theater every night for the past two weeks.

  3. How many wars do you suppose there (has been, have been) in the history of the world since the dawn of civilization?

2. Сӛйлемдерге used to немесе be used to қойыңыз.

  1. I (live) used to live in Jakarta, but now I live in Paris.

  2. I (live) am used to living in Jakarta. I‟ve lived here all my life.

  3. Jane (work) ________ for the telephone company, but now she has a job at the post office. 4. This work doesn‟t bother me. I (work) _________ hard. I‟ve worked hard all my life.

  1. Dick (have) ______ mustache, but he doesn‟t anymore. He shaved it off, because his wife didn‟t like it. I (see, not) him without his mustache. He still looks strange to me.

  1. When I was a child, I (think) ________ anyone over 40 was old. Of course, now that I‟m middle aged, I agree with those who say “Life begins at 40.

  1. It (take) ______ weeks or months to cross the Atlantic Ocean from Europe to the Americas, but now it takes only a matter of hours.

  2. Even though Jason is only 12, he (fly) __________ on airplanes. His father is a pilot and has taken Jason with him in a plane many times.

  3. When I was growing up, my mother often sent me to the neighborhood store to get something for her. And each time I went there, Mr.Ditmar, the owner, (give) ________ me a piece of candy.

  4. Michael (take) ________ care of himself. He left home when he was 15 and has been on his own ever since.

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