Биоэтика и биотехнологии: пределы улучшения человека к 70-летию Павла Дмитриевича Тищенко

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bioethics and biotec

Ключевые слова:
ценности, распределенное знание, персонализа-
ция, «улучшение человека», «Новый Органон».
From the Foucauldian perspective, biomedicine was tradi-
tionally understood as a field of significantly structured clinical practices. 
Space of medical knowledge was duplicated in disciplinary segmentation 
of clinic. But now due to the democratization of knowledge only the whole 
society (scholars and laypersons) possesses the maximum knowledge in a 
distributed form. Today due to development of two technoscientific initia-
tives have formed the social expectation of privatization of biomedicine as 
science and as a complex of clinical practices. Firstly we are talking about 
predictive, personalized, preventive, participatory (P4) medicine which 
objectives lay in the field of constructing molecular model of individual 
Статья подготовлена при финансовой поддержке РНФ, грант № 15-18-30057.
organism. The second range of projects called “enhancement technologies” 
is extension of this modification beyond the therapeutical borders. In the 
cases of distributed biotechnologies we see the shift from diffusion of tech-
nical artifacts (as mobile apps) to translation of methods (garage science/
biohacking). These two lines of development are demonstrating the expec-
tations of “personalization” and “privatization” of biomedical practices, 
knowledge and technologies. In this context, we consider that methods of 
science are distributed along with a factual knowledge. In addition, the val-
ues of science also exist in the distributed state; this fact revives discussions 
about the role of the «classical» ideals of scientific knowledge.

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