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ВЕСТНИК КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Педагогические науки», №1(57), 2018 
Consequently, professional self-determination of personality can be considered in the content-procedural 
model. Due to the fact that this process has a gradually increasing complexity, it is natural to talk about its 
phase. Therefore, we refer to the stages of professional self-determination the following: 
1. Awareness of the value of socially useful work and the need for professional training (the value-moral 
basis of self-determination). 
2. Orientation in the social and economic situation and forecasting the prestige of the chosen work. 
3. General orientation in the world of professional work and the allocation of professional goals-dreams. 
4. Identification of near professional goals as stages and ways to a long-term goal. 
5. Information about professions and specialties, relevant vocational schools and employment places. 
6. The idea of obstacles that complicate the achievement of professional goals, as well as knowledge of 
their own merits, contributing to the implementation of the plans and prospects. 
7. Presence of a system of reserve options in case of failure in the main option of self-determination. 
8. Beginning of practical realization of personal professional perspective and constant updating of the 
planned plans on the principle of feedback. 
However, it must be taken into account that there are a number of difficulties associated with the situation of 
the choice of a profession by schoolchildren. Among these problems, the most significant is the discrepancy 
between the professional and educational plans of schoolchildren to the needs of the country's economy. 
Modern society is characterized by a high degree of activity in the economic sphere. The profession 
market is constantly changing, some professions disappear and new ones are formed in return. Not always 
the professional plans of young people directly correlate with the needs of the country in the specialists of a 
certain profession and qualification. Therefore, there is a high probability of unrealized these plans, which is 
practically not taken into account by the growing generation. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct constant 
propaganda work on informing adolescents and young people about the opportunities and prospects for their 
professional self-determination and employment. In this case it is necessary to pay attention to the 
organization of pedagogical activity on professional self-determination, carried out within the framework of 
educational organizations. 
At the same time, this activity should be carried out at two levels: gnostic (reorganization of 
consciousness and self-awareness) and practical (real change in a person's social status) [7]. 
Schoolchildren in previous years of development have a certain attitude to different areas of labor, an idea 
of many professions and a self-assessment of their capabilities. After reaching the senior school and youth 
age, a person begins to orientate better in the social and economic situation, acquires an idea of "spare 
options" for choosing a profession and many other things that characterize the state of internal readiness for 
professional self-determination that persists for a long time. 
Consequently, professional self-determination is not limited to the act of choosing a profession and does 
not end with the completion of professional training in a chosen specialty, but continues throughout the 
professional life. 
G.P. Loginova and E.M. Borisova in the process of professional self-determination identified two major 
components [5, p.119]: 
1) the formation of a person in professional activity, the formation of his individual characteristics and 
personality traits, the choice of the life path; 
2) creative development and enrichment of the person with the most professional activity. 
S.I. Vershinin, M.S. Savina, L.Sh. Mahmudov regards professional self-determination as "a long-term 
process of determining the positions of the individual in professional activity. Unlike the choice of 
profession, professional self-determination does not carry a clear goal-orientation, but reflects only the 
formation and orientation of the positions of the individual at each particular moment of the given self-
determination "[8]. 
Consequently, the personality acts as the subject of this complex activity. Self-aware, self-appraising and 
self-assertive subject - this is the self-determining personality. Professional self-determination is associated 
with the activity and independence of graduates of educational organizations in choosing the field of future 
professional activity and a particular profession. 

Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-ң ХАБАРШЫСЫ «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №1(57), 2018 
T.V. Kudryavtsev and V.Yu. Shegurova views professional self-determination as a "core", the most 
significant component of professional development, as a synonym for the professional development of the 
individual. Specifying its content, they distinguish four stages: the formation of professional intentions, 
vocational training, professional adaptation, partial or complete realization of the individual in professional 
work [9]. According to the understanding of researchers, the basic mechanisms and dynamics of professional 
self-determination should be sought in the internal space. 
Initially, there is a need for professional self-determination, which affects the self-awareness of the 
individual. As a psychological neoplasm of schoolchildren, this need activates the search, the analysis of 
their capabilities and the formation of a self-assessment of professionally significant qualities. Then begins 
the process of forming the attitude of the individual to himself as a subject of future professional activity. 
P.A. Shavir defines professional self-consciousness as an electoral activity of self-consciousness, 
subordinated to the task of professional self-determination. In the most general form, it manifests itself in the 
awareness of itself as a subject of future professional activity [10]. 
The idea of professional self-determination as a choice of professional destiny - conscious, personally free 
- is central to the research of P.A. Shavir. It is most clearly outlined the meaning of human activity in its own 
self-determination, stressing that professional self-determination is not only to focus on the choice of a 
particular profession, but also in finding the internal psychological reason for this choice, the driving forces 
of the process the researcher considers not the order of society, and emerged a variety of contradictions, 
which in a generalized form appears as a contradiction between the need and requirements of the preferred 
activity, as well as knowledge, skills, methods, to realize goals that are set before a person. 
Thus, the process of professional self-determination must be considered in the context of those activities 
in which the interaction of the system of public orientation of schoolchildren in matters of choosing a 
profession and a person as a self-regulating system is carried out. Such activities include professional 
orientation, profile education, upbringing and self-education. 
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ВЕСТНИК КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Педагогические науки», №1(57), 2018 

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