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ВЕСТНИК КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Педагогические науки», №1(57), 2018 
Considering the news ways in methodical implementation of the music teacher, it‘s important to 
emphasize that such performance can be connected with intense process of operations‘ combination. In that 
case,the subject during the thinking process creates new communications and because of that he creates new 
qualities and roles which are reflected in new concepts, particularlythe subject‘s role itself continuously 
changes and updates the scope thus providing different angles exposing new attributes [3,98]. 
Moreover,according to B.M. Celkovnikovskills for creativeapplication of searching methods to process the 
educational-methodical information has been already defined. In our opinion, these skills are quite relevant 
in improvement of pedagogical implementation of the specialist which includes: 
- scientific-methodical basis of the organization andperformanceof musical lessons in the school; 
- content and functions of artistic and pedagogical criteria of selection of musical-methodical materials 
and compositions. 
Researcher as criteria of selection of teaching material considers artistry, interest, ―pedagogical 
relevance‖, ―and educational importance‖.These qualities represent a certain system in the whole approach 
of the music teacher to the analysis and evaluation of both program and new musical composition 


Learning the foundations of pedagogical technology is realized byteachersusing such methods 
likesimulation the situations of artistic and communicative practice, artistic and pedagogical games and 
exercises andby finding the most effective methods of communicating with students. Specified methods 
stimulate their thinking process, imagination, intuition, fantasy. These methods,which are defined by 
specificity of pedagogical activity of the specialist include following: 
- the method of monitoring the actions of students in order to identify the effectiveness of performing 
tasks in the process of Listening and Analysis ofcompositions (B.V. Asafiev); 
- the method of empathy, which creates participation through emotional impressions. This method acts as 
a specific indication of individual position of the person (N.А. Vetlugina); 
- the method of interviewing, presented as a figurative and psychological stance, aimed at spiritual 
communication with music. This method includes messages in the form of a dialogue with the need for 
creative discussion and general analysis in the comprehension of certain search problems
(L.A. Bezborodov); 
- the method of improvisation, as a deviation from the uniformity of interpretations of composition as a 
creative process in creating various performance interpretations (B.V. Asafiev); 
- the method of conformationof the sound of music affecting the deliberate perception of the work and 
creating challenging situations. This method deepens and activates emotional responsiveness, develops 
imagination and creativity through the motor-engine, vocal, the mimic actions (O.P. Radynova); 
- the method of education of artistic abilities in pedagogical activity as an integrated process in learning 
the elements of acting technique and pedagogical skill (K.S. Stanislavsky); 
- method of analysis of best practices of leading specialists in the field of pedagogy and performance. 
This analysis has great impact in the improvement of the pedagogical technique of the music teacher and in 
the formation of his professional qualities of personality, his position, competence (K.B. Ptitsa). 
Pointing out the importance of the above methods in the pedagogical activity of a specialist, it‘s relevant 
analyse deeper the method of using illustrations (E.B. Abdullin, E.V. Nikolaeva) 


. This method includes 
video recordings of music lessons, their sub-parts and "Live" performance (musical works, etc.) as specific 
tools of artistic and pedagogical visibility and as methods of pedagogical technique. These indicated methods 
and tools are extremely important for achievement of effectiveness and success in of the professional growth 
of the music teacher. 
The art of observation provides an opportunity to consciously dwell on individual aspects of musical 
practice. This quality examines a situation or a methodical method of teaching, since "the ability to capture 
the roots of a new one‖ means noticing the failures at the beginning of future achievements and potential 
merits in today's shortcomings... Thus, observation and analysis lead to the highest level" 


. At the same 
time, according D.B. Kabalevsky, when using video recording, it‘s not acceptable for teachers to look for 
answers to all the questions emerged and, probably, will appear in future. Life always puts before us an 
infinitely more number of questions than available answers for these questions » 

5, 6

Studying the method of the physical actions of K.C. Stanislavsky and mastering it brings up the 
perspective of a culture of action in the pedagogical activity of the music teacher. In this case, the external 

Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-ң ХАБАРШЫСЫ «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №1(57), 2018 
element is considered as something that is part of the action for the correct functioning of the process 


"Learn yourself, your nature, discipline it" - said K.S. Stanislavsky consideringvoice, intonation, plasticity, 
gestures, facial expressions which can be used to express what is needed to be expressed and which must be 
studied in detail to understand well. "Such abilities are not given by themselves, they should be cultivated in 


. In general, based on the theoretical condition, the following mechanisms in the structure 
of the methodical training of a music teacher were identified: 
- creative thinking in the analysis and generalization of achievements and perspective tasks in 
pedagogical procedure; 
- Reflexive-personal rethinking of their individual methodological experience; 
- methodological skill based on modeling of ways and methods of communication with students; 
- methodological competence in mastering value concepts, free understanding, personal and professional 
position in the implementation of musical and pedagogical tasks. 
In general, the methodical training of a music teacher represents a dynamic system since it is based on 
specific contradiction and selectivity. According to E.B. Abdullin ―if teacher will be highly motivated to 
assert his position on the relevant problem continuously and persistently, the faster he will understand the 
importance of comparison of external idea with others‘ view. In such a dialectical process the teacher will get 
the ability to see the problem from different perspectives and points of view " 

2 ,119

1 Suhomlinsky V.A. One hundred advices for the teacher / / Izbr. works in 5 volumes. 
Kiev: Radyanskschool, 1979. 

 T. 5. 
2 Abdullin E.B., Nikolaeva E.V. Methodology of musical education: A textbook for students of higher education, 
Moscow: Music, 2006. 
3 Rubinshtein S.L. About thinking and ways of its research. 

 Moscow: APN USSR, 1958. 
4 Tselkovnikov B.M. Preparation of future teachers for the creative selection of musical material for the school lesson. 
Dis. Cand. ped. sciences. 

 Moskva, 1988. 

 196 p. 
5 Kabalevsky D.B. Pedagogical reflections: Selected articles and reports.
M .: Pedagogy, 1986. 
6 Stanislavsky K.S. The actor's work on himself. - In 2 hours.

 M.: APN USSR, 1985. 

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