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Майлыбаева Вестник

ВЕСТНИК КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Педагогические науки», №1(57), 2018 
and learning; irregularity (heterochronity) of development and formation of mental actions; the principle of 
the education continuity [9, p. 40-41]. 
Ts.Ts. Soktoyeva in her dissertation research in the pedagogical projection of the subject line of school 
text-books, puts at the heart the following principles: the age and individual approach; creative activity of 
polysubjects; sociocultural orientation of education; problematic nature of tasks; situational conditioning of 
exercises; support and concentration in the material supply; motivation of learning; independence in 
collective and individual work [10]. 
M.Nichols (New Zealand) puts forward six principles of the education content of the twenty-first century: 
individualisation; meaningful interactivity; shared experience; flexible and clear course design; learner 
reflection; quality information [11]. 
The following scientists have conducted researches on construction of the education content. 
L.M. Perminova defines the construction of the education content by the following group of principles: 1) 
consideration of the dynamics of the education content; 2) its polyfunctionality for the pupil; 3) consideration 
of the dialogical/ reflective nature of the acquisition of the education content; 4) the multidimensionality and 
multifunctionality of communication in the process of its acquisition; 5) problematics [12, p. 8]. 
T.Yu. Martemyanova asserts that the text-book construction should be carried out in accordance with the 
principles of the logical-didactic approach: a) the principle of the systemic organization of information, 
reflecting the functions of scientific knowledge and its structure in the learning process, polyfunctionality, 
potential dialogicity, etc.; b) the principles of teaching (scientific character, systematic nature, problematics, 
consideration of the pupils‘ age and individual characteristics, etc.); c) correspondence to the psychological 
and pedagogical cycle of acquisition of knowledge in the learning/ educational process: perception - 
comprehension, understanding - remembering - fixing - application - generalization - systematization - 
reflection [13]. 
V.B. Novichkov, constructing the content of general secondary education, singles out such principles as 
anthropogenicity, sociogenicity, idealgenicity, dialoguegenicity and culturegenicity [14]. 
All three groups of development principles of the text-book can be seen in the ―Requirements for the 
development of a modern text-book for secondary schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan‖, which are 
divided into three groups of principles: didactic, methodological and psychological-pedagogical. The first 
group includes the principles of scientific character; accessibility and feasibility; consciousness and activity; 
connection between theory and practice; systematic nature; consistency and succession; visibility; taxonomy 
of learning objectives; criterial evaluation; self-monitoring and self-assessment. The second group includes 
practical orientation; holistic system of knowledge; individualisation; modularity of applications. The third 
group includes the following principles: consideration of pupils‘ age, psychological and individual 
characteristics and abilities of students; observance of the subject importance of educational material for 
pupils; support of the pupils‘ stimulation to independent learning activities with the transition to self-
education, self-development; providing pupils with the opportunity to choose learning problems, tasks and 
ways to master the learning material; support the activation of multichannel perception of educational 
material; support of emotional excitement and positive attitude; provision of educational materials with 
health-saving and environmentally-oriented properties; formation of pupils‘ self-control opportunities in the 
process of their learning, activation of reflection [15]. 
Having carried out a study of different ideas of foreign and domestic scientists on the principles of 
modeling, projection and construction of school text-books, we came to the conclusion that the culturological 
model of the school text-book content should be based on the following principles: axiologity, empathity, 
contextuality, problematics and dialogicality, dialecticality and polysemity, personality-centeredness, 
meaningfulness and reflexivity. 
We will reveal the informative meaning of each principle of this culturological model. 
The principle of axiologity is manifested in the following: 
- the presence of culturological dominant ideas in the content: the emphasis on the value aspects of 
human existence (axiological accents), the introduction into the world of all mankind, national, ethnonational 
and personal values, moral ideals; 
- transfer of established types of cultural behavior, patterns of cultural thinking, which have been tested 
for a long time and objectively meet the needs of the society development; 

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