Билет №11. Білім берудегі медициналық экологияның маңызы

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эко билет 11


- element of group V of the periodic system, conditionally 
essential trace element. Arsenic compounds enter the 
drinking and mineral water, grape wines, juices, 
seafood, medicines, pesticides and herbicides. 
Smokers also receive higher doses of arsenic. Arsenic is deposited by 
mostly in the reticulo-endothelial system, is excreted 
mainly with urine. In the body, arsenic interacts with thiol groups of proteins, 
cysteine, glutathione, lipoic acid. This element has an effect on 
oxidative processes in mitochondria and other important biochemical 
processes. Intoxication with arsenic compounds occurs when using 
poisoned food and water, inhalation of dust in a working environment, after 
long-term treatment with arsenic drugs. The severity of clinical 
manifestations depends on the degree of damage to target organs (bone marrow, 
gastrointestinal tract, skin, lungs, kidneys). Widely known 
arsenodermatosis, arsenorkeratitis, black foot disease and other arsenoses, 
directly caused by the action of arsenic on the body. Exist 
sufficient evidence of the carcinogenicity of inorganic compounds 

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