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Ключевые слова
: взаимодействия, иностранный язык, образовательная система, раннее обучение, раннее 
иноязычное образование, родители, интеграция, педагогический процесс.
In recent years, there has been a tendency to create a continuous system of foreign language education 
that presupposes the study of a foreign language from the early age (from an elementary school or 
kindergarten). This issue is one of the prior directions in the educational policy of Kazakhstan. 
The introduction of a foreign language into the primary school program caused interest and support from 
the parents. All of them are aware of the importance of foreign-language education in modern society and 
provide the young learners with the necessary assistance in the learning process. And thus become 
participants in the educational process. But this, in turn, requires parents to take into account various factors 
and generates a need for qualified consultations. 
In the sphere of early foreign education, it is necessary to take into account that young learners do not see 
the personal meaning in the acquisition of a foreign language. This often entails a reluctance to overcome the 
difficulties encountered in the learning process. Along with the special organization of training in this 
situation, it is important to help and support the family, from which the formation of children's positive 
motivation in learning largely depends on. We are talking about the personal example of adults, the 
formation of interest in languages, culture and traditions of other peoples, the perception of the results 
achieved by the child, their adequate evaluation, which by far not all parents can give. 
The educational process, even at an early age, presupposes the independent activity of students, including 
the performance of homework by young learners. Children of this age, usually need in monitoring by the 
teacher or parents, as well as timely assistance. 

Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-ң ХАБАРШЫСЫ «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №1(57), 2018 
The question of how to do this regarding a foreign language is asked by most parents, and occasional 
contact with the teacher in this situation does not always bring the desired results. 
All of the above suggests the need for cooperation between schools and families to exchange information 
and provide qualified educational support to parents.
Analysis of scientific researches in the field of early foreign language education shows that this problem 
has been studied from different perspectives: methodological (E.I. Negnevitsky, Z.N. Nikitenko, etc.), 
linguistic (M.R. Lvov, L.V. Shcherba, and others), psychological (L.S. Vygotsky, I.A. Winter, etc.), 
pedagogical (sh. was Amonashvili, A.K. Markova, etc.). As for cooperation between educational institutions 
and families, there are only some signs which confirm the interaction between teachers and parents, 
emphasizing the role of the latter in addressing to a number of organizational tasks.
For pedagogical science the problem of interaction of educational institutions and the family as a whole is 
not a new one. It is evidenced by the scientific work in this area. For example, in many socio-pedagogical 
studies the pedagogical potential of a family socium (A.S. Makarenko, A.V. Mudrik, V.Yu. Titarenko, etc.), 
the problem of interaction of educational institutions and the family ( R.U. Bogdanova, L.I. Novikova,
A.G. Khripkova, etc.) are considered. Some papers highlighted specific issues of socio-pedagogical support 
of the family (O.Yu. Arsentieva), pedagogical education of parents (N.Badalyan), the study of foreign 
experience of interaction (E.P. Denisov), historical and regional aspects of the problem
(E.G. Kozhevnikova), differentiated approach to working with families (G.I. Kozeba), interaction in the 
development of high school students' professional choice (E.V. Malysheva). 
Currently, the new educational paradigm has assigned the responsibility for the quality of children's' 
upbringing and education to their parents. In this context, it is necessary to organize such interaction between 
schools and family, which would, on the one hand, meets the needs of parents, and with another-to unite the 
efforts of both parties in achieving common goals.
All this becomes most important at the initial stage of training, when the foundation of the child's 
knowledge and worldview are formed. The effectiveness of education and training in this period largely 
depends on the focus and coherence of the institution and the family. However, the new content of education, 
new teaching technologies and teaching methods unfamiliar to parents, cause numerous questions in 
relations with the school. This most often refers to the field of early foreign language education. 
The demand for a foreign language in the society and the parents' understanding of the importance of a 
foreign language for children's future make early learning particularly popular and relevant in recent years. 
But despite this, not all students successfully master the program material on this subject. Scientists 
psychologists, educators and methodologists are looking for the causes of this phenomenon in the following: 
absence of a language environment; limited amount of study time; untimely completion of homework by the 
pupil; lack of motivation for learning and a number of reasons related to the individual characteristics of 
some children (speech defects, hearing impairment, etc.). Undoubtedly, the emerging issues can be 
eliminated by means of interaction of the foreign language teacher with young learners' parents. This will 
primarily increase the effectiveness of early foreign-language education, which will help to carry out the 
motivation and controlling functions [1]. 
In order to implement effective interaction, it seems necessary to organize it, not only at school level, but 
also at the level of a particular teacher. In this regard, it is necessary to identify the main structural 
components of organized interaction (goal, objectives, principles of interaction, forms of organization and 
directions of interaction, the analytic activity of teachers and parents) and to identify their interrelationship. 
In our concept, the teacher of a foreign language should be the organizer of interaction. This does not 
contradict the concept of "interaction". Because, in the process of interaction, activity must be manifested on 
both sides. From the point of view of the actions of the subjects, this activity can be either initial or reactive. 
For example, according to IA. Winter "on the initiative of interaction one of the agents of action begins, 
initiates it, the other-responds to this initiative with their actions" [2]. 
A foreign language teacher and parents of young learners implement it for a specific purpose, which is a 
fundamental component. The aim of the interaction is to improve the efficiency of early foreign-language 
education. This goal covers the entire period of the child's education in primary school. The tasks of the 
foreign language teacher's interaction with parents can be: the formation of a positive motivation of a young 
learner to study a foreign language, of an idea about the national and world culture, realization of the 

ВЕСТНИК КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Педагогические науки», №1(57), 2018 
principle of individualization of learning, and joint solution of an emerging problem in the process of 
foreign-language education. 
Of course, these tasks can be refined in the process of interaction, being the result of analytical activity of 
all participants in the pedagogical process. In solving of interaction problems, the teacher of a foreign 
language and learners' parents rely on such principles as ensuring the subjective position of all participants 
in the pedagogical process, organization of joint creativity of teachers, students and their parents, humanistic 
orientation in interaction with the family, integration and differentiation of goals, tasks and actions of 

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