English for medical students посібник з англійської мови

Exercise 9. Find synonyms to the text to the phrases given below

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Exercise 9. Find synonyms to the text to the phrases given below:
Loss of the appreciation of pain, sleeplessness, to relieve convulsions, anxiety, to soothe and calm down, loss of consciousness, adverse effects, illness, additive, to increase blood pressure, to decrease the volume of blood.

Exercise 10. Insert the missing prepositions:

          1. If this drug is used ... excessive doses, it can produce convulsions.

          2. Alcohol is central nervous system depressant which affects ….. the cerebral cortex of the brain.

          3. Most of these drugs are extracted … plant leaves.

          4. These drugs restore the heart rhythm … depressing myocardial impulses.

          5. These drugs are used … treating blood vessel diseases.

          6. This drug is easily absorbed … the blood stream and is also easily excreted … the body.

          7. Sedatives are used to quiet and relax the patient ... necessarily producing sleep.

          8. Central nervous system stimulants are used to speed up vital processes ... cases of shock and collapse.

Exercise 11. Guess what type of drugs is it said about:

  1. ___________ inhibit the growth of microorganisms.

  2. ___________ are used to prevent the formation of clots in veins and arteries.

  3. ___________ are used to raise blood pressure, increase the force of heart action, and stop local bleeding.

  4. _________ strengthen the myocardium and slow the rate of contraction of the heart.

  5. ____________ produce substances, which are called antibodies that fight a particular disease.

  6. _____________ facilitate or increase bowel movements and are mostly used to treat constipation.

  7. _____________ despite antibiotics are produced synthetically.

  8. Penicillin was the first _________________ to be produced and it still assumes a position of major importance in this field.

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