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clearly, fluently and efficiently contributes to the success of the learners in school and success in 
their future life.
Therefore, it is essential that language teachers pay considerable attention to teaching 
speaking, rather than leading the students to pure memorization, providing a rich environment 
where meaningful communication takes place is desired. In this regard the present article defines 
and describes main types of speaking activities which can be used in English classes for developing 
The article also presents the analysis of those speaking activities and shows which of them 
are more preferable by English language teachers. 
Speaking is a crucial part of second language learning and teaching. Despite its importance, 
for many years, teaching speaking has been undervalued and English language teachers have 
continued to teach speaking just as a repetition of drills or memorization of dialogues. However, 
today's world requires that the goal of teaching speaking should improve students' communicative 
skills, because, only in that way, students can express themselves and learn how to follow the 
social and cultural rules appropriate in each communicative circumstance. 
In designing speaking activities or instructional materials for second language or foreign-
language teaching, it is also important to recognize the very different functions speaking performs 
in daily communication and the different purposes for which the students need speaking skills. 
Here are some techniques for developing students’ speech fluency in teaching English to 
school students in Kazakhstan: 
The following 
speaking fluency activities
make use of repetition and rehearsal and are 
discreet activities. It is also possible for theme-based work over several days to develop into 
fluency development opportunities. One of the most effective speaking activities are role plays, 
drama, discussion, jigsaw activities, simulations, debates etc. 
role plays activities
, students are assigned roles and put into situations that they may 
eventually encounter outside the classroom. As role plays imitate life, the range of language 
functions that may be used expands considerably. Also, the role relationships among the students 
as they play their parts call for them to practice and develop their speaking skills and 
sociolinguistic competence. They have to use language that is appropriate to the situation and to 
the characters. 
refers more to informal drama as it is used in the language classroom and not on 
stage. The participants in the drama activities are thus learners and not actors. Drama provides an 
opportunity for a person to express himself through verbal expressions and gestures using his 
imagination and memory. Drama undoubtedly improves oral communication. As a form of 
communication methodology, drama provides the opportunities for the students to use language 
meaningfully and appropriately. 
activities the students may have an aim to arrive to a conclusion, share ideas 
about an event, or find solutions in their discussion groups. Before the discussion, the teacher sets 
the purpose of the discussion activity, so students do not spend their time chatting with each other 
about irrelevant things. This activity fosters speaking skills, critical thinking and quick decision 
making. The students also learn how to express and justify themselves in polite ways while 
disagreeing with the others. 
Jigsaw activities
are more elaborate information gap activities that can be done with several 
partners. In a jigsaw activity, each partner has one or a few pieces of the "puzzle", and the partners 
must cooperate to fit all the pieces into a whole picture. The puzzle piece may take one of several 
forms. It may be one panel from a comic strip or one photo from a set that tells a story. It may be 
one sentence from a written narrative. It may be a tape recording of a conversation, in which case 
no two partners hear exactly the same conversation. 

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