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Theme № 18 The Past Continuous Tense / Жалғаспалы өткен шақ

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Theme № 18 The Past Continuous Tense / Жалғаспалы өткен шақ

  • 1. An interrupted action - өткен шақта екі іс-әрекеттің бір уақытта болуы

  • While the children were watching TV, their mother was cooking.

  • I was watching the Olympics on TV, when he walked in.

  • 2. A repeated or continuous state in the past - өткен шақта белгілі уақыт аралығында болған іс-әрекет

  • At three o`clock yesterday afternoon they were sitting at a café. I was making many new friends at the Olympic Village.

  • Past Progressive Tense жасалу жолы.

  • Past Progressive Tense to be көмекші етістігі was/were және негізгі етістікке -ing жалғау жалғану арқылы жасалады.

  • Жиі қолданылатын мезгіл пысықтауыштар:

  • while, all day long, all the time, the whole evening

    • Positive

    • Negative

    • I

    • was playing

    • I

    • was not

    • playing

    • You

    • We

    • They

    • was playing

    • You

    • We

    • They

    • were not

    • (weren`t)

    • He

    • She

    • It

    • was playing

    • He

    • She

    • It

    • was not

    • (wasn`t)

    • Questions

    • Answers

    • Was

    • I

    • playing?

    • Yes,

    • I

    • was

    • Were

    • you we they

    • Yes,

    • you we they

    • were

    • No,

    • were not

    • (weren`t)

    • Was

    • he

    • she it

    • Yes,

    • he

    • she it

    • was

    • No,

    • was not

    • (wasn`t)

  • Test № 18 The Past Continuous Tense / Жалғаспалы өткен шақ

    • 1. I ... reading when you rang me up.

    • A) was

    • B) were

    • C) shall

    • D) will

    • 2. She … all the morning yesterday.

    • A) is cooking.

    • B) are cooking.

    • C) was cooking

    • D) were cooking.

    • 3. I ... reading when you rang me up.

    • A) will

    • B) are

    • C) were

    • D) was

    • 4.I … at three o’clock yesterday.

    • A) were doing my homework.

    • B) is doing my homework.

    • C) am doing my homework.

    • D) was doing my homework.

    • 5.My parents (to sleep) when I came home.

    • A) were sleeping.

    • B) were sleep.

    • C) is sleeping.

    • D) was sleep.

    • 6. He … the film in the evening.

    • A) is watching.

    • B) were watching.

    • C) was watching.

    • D) are watching.

    • 7. We ... singing when you phone us.

    • A) was

    • B) were

    • C) shall

    • D) will

    • 8. They … all the evening yesterday.

    • A) is working

    • B) are working

    • C) was working

    • D) were working.

    • 9. Omar ... writing a letter when the rain began

    • A) will

    • B) are

    • C) were

    • D) was

    • 10. They … at three o’clock yesterday.

    • A) were gardening.

    • B) is gardening.

    • C) am gardening.

    • D) was gardening.

    • Leveled exercises № 18 / Деңгейлік тапсырма № 18

    • The Past Continuous Tense / Жалғаспалы өткен шақ

    • I level / lI деңгей

    • Put was/were

    • 1     I.............    living in the USA for most of the 1990s.       
      2    As John and Jo............coming in, Pete gave them the bad news.
      3    The sun.............shining all the time we ............revising together outside.
      4    We ...............(not) working on Friday, it was a public holiday.
      5     ...............you driving by the river when you saw the red car?
      6    The elephant ............(not) eating when I ............. feeding the other animals.
      7    The whole class............revising for the exam all through June.

    • II level / II деңгей

    • Make negative sentence

    • a) Anna was drawing pictures Anna wasn’t drawing pictures

    • b) Paula and Jim were using a computer .....................................................

    • c) Tim was reading a book. .....................................................

    • d) Kate and Bill were writing on the board ......................................................

    • e) Sam was talking. ....................................................

    • f) Ed and Lisa were listening to music. .....................................................

    • g) Nick was looking out of the window. ....................................................

    • h) Carol and Dora were playing football. .................................................

    • III level / III деңгей

    • Make the sentences in the Past Continuous

    • 1. Around me people (to talk) German, Italian and English.

    • 2. Robert (to talk) to some of the other guests on the terrace when Hardy came.

    • 3. Michael (to look) at his watch.

    • 4. All night long the stars (to glitter).

    • 5. Lizzie (to eat) and didn’t raise her head.

    • 6. He drank some of the wine and ate several chunks of bread while he (to wait) for his dinner to come up.

    • 7. The family (to prepare) for the party.

    • 8. She (to argue) that only Belinda knew how to treat men.

    • 9. A few minutes later Dixon (to hurry) through the streets to his bus stop.

    • 10. They moved across the room, which (to start) to fill up, to a vacant corner.

    • Answers Test № 18 / Жауаптар Тест № 18

    • The Past Continuous Tense / Жалғаспалы өткен шақ

    • 1А 2С 3D 4D 5A 6C 7B 8D 9D 10A

    • Leveled exercises № 18 / Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 18

    • I level / lI деңгей

    • 1 was

    • 2 were

    • 3 was, were

    • 4 weren't

    • 5 were

    • 6 wasn't, was

    • 7 was

    • II level / II деңгей

    • a) Anna wasn't drawing pictures.

    • b) Paula and Jim weren't using a computer.

    • c) Tim wasn't reading a book.

    • d) Kate and Bill weren't writing on the board.

    • e) Sam wasn't talking.

    • f) Ed and Lisa weren't listening to music.

    • g) Nick wasn't looking out of the window.

    • h) Carol and Dora weren't playing football.

    • III level / III деңгей

    • 1. Around me people were talking German, Italian and English.

    • 2. Robert was talking to some of the other guests on the terrace when Hardy came.

    • 3. Michael was looking at his watch.

    • 4. All night long the stars were glittering.

    • 5. Lizzie was eating and didn’t raise her head.

    • 6. He drank some of the wine and ate several chunks of bread while he was waiting for his dinner to come up.

    • 7. The family was preparing for the party.

    • 8. She was arguing that only Belinda knew how to treat men.

    • 9. A few minutes later Dixon was hurrying through the streets to his bus stop.

    • 10. They moved across the room, which was starting to fill up, to a vacant corner.

    • 19 The Future Continuous Tense.

    • Келер Созылмалы шақ

    • 1. An action that will continuing at a particular time in the future – Келешекте белгілі уақыт аралығында болатын іс-әрекет. This time next week I will be training for the race.

    • This time next month we`ll be lying on a beach or swimming in the sea.

    • The Future Continuous Tense жасалу жолы

    • The Future Continuous Tense көмекші етістік will be және етістіктің алғашқы нысаны Іnfinitive (to бөлшегінсіз) арқылы жасалады.

      • Positive

      • Negative

      • I

      • You

      • We

      • They

      • will be

      • be flying

      • I

      • You

      • We

      • They

      • will not be

      • flying

      • He

      • She

      • It

      • will be

      • be flying

      • He

      • She

      • It

      • will not be

      • flying

      • Questions

      • Answers

      • Will

      • I

      • you we they

      • be flying?

      • Yes,

      • I

      • you we they

      • will

      • No,

      • will not

      • Will

      • he

      • she it

      • be flying?

      • Yes,

      • he

      • she it

      • will

      • No,

      • will not

    • Test № 19

    • Тест № 19

    • Put the Future Continous form

    • 1. I ... my homework from 5 till 7 o’clock.

    • A) am doing

    • B) shall be doing

    • C) is doing

    • D) will doing

    • 2.He ... his exercise from 6 till 7 o’clock.

    • A) is doing

    • B) shall doing

    • C) will be doing

    • D) shall be doing

    • 3. She ... her essay tomorrow.

    • A) shall be writting

    • B) will not writting

    • C) am writting

    • D) will be writting

    • 4. My grandmother … in the kindergarten

    • A) will be working

    • B) shall not working

    • C) am working

    • D) shall working

    • 5. Don’t phone Jim from 5 to 6 – he ……. English lesson.

    • A) will be having

    • B) is having

    • C) am having

    • D) shall be having

    • 6. He …….when you come back tonight.

    • A) is sleeping

    • B) will be sleeping

    • C) am sleeping

    • D) shall sleeping

    • 7. I … for my exam on Philosophy all day tomorrow.

    • A) will be working

    • B) is working

    • C) am working

    • D) shall be working

    • 8. After the operation you …any sport for a while.

    • A) will be not working

    • B) is not working

    • C) am working

    • D) shall be not working

    • 9. … you …..the computer for long? I need it.

    • A) will ,be using

    • B) is, using

    • C) am, using

    • D) shall,be using

    • 10. This time tomorrow they ….in the train on their way to Chicago..

    • A) am sitting

    • B) is sitting

    • C) will be sitting

    • D) shall be sitting

    • Leveled exercises № 19

    • Деңгейлік тапсырма № 19

    • I level

    • I деңгей

      • " + "

      • " - "

      • " ? "

      • I (do)

      • He (work)

      • She (drive)

      • They (write)

      • You (drink)

      Put the verbs in the right forms


    • II level

    • II деңгей

    • Put the verbs into the correct form (future progressive).

    1. Tomorrow morning we ………(work) .

    2. This time next week we …………(have) a party.

    3. At midnight I ………..(sleep) .

    4. This evening we ………(watch) a talk show.

    5. They ………(not/do) their homework this afternoon.

    6. He ……….(listen) to music.

    7. I ……….(read) a book this evening.

    8. (walk / you) ………. home this afternoon?

    9. He ………….(not/draw) tomorrow morning

    10. They …….(argue) again?

    • III level

    • III деңгей

    • Make the sentences

      • 1)

      • When I arrive at the train station tomorrow, my sister  for me.

      • 2)

      • Next week we   chapter fourteen.

      • 3)

      • The orchestra   Beethoven tonight.

      • 4)

      • I'm sorry Mrs. Mallory, but I   class next week.

      • 5)

      • If you need to see Mrs. Mallory, she   office hours from 3 to 4 pm.

      • 6)

      • Little Jonny, please don't cry. Your mommy   home soon.

      • 7)

      •  Mai-Ling   her computer later this afternoon?

      • 8)

      •  Sam and Jane   at the karaoke bar Saturday night?

      • 9)

      • What time  they   ?

      • 10)

      • The new movie, "Cat Garden"   at the Fox Theatre next week.

    • Answers Test № 19

    • Жауаптар Тест № 19

    • 1A 2C 3D 4A 5A 6B 7D 8A 9A 10C

    • Answers

    • Leveled exercises № 19

    • Жауаптар

    • Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 19

    • I level

    • I деңгей

      • +

      • -

      • ?

      •  He will be working

      • He will not be working

      • Will he be working?

      • We shall be driving

      • We shall not be driving

      • Shall we be driving?

      • They will be writting

      • They will not be writting

      • Will they be writting?

      • You will be drinking

      • You will not be drinking

      • Will you be drinking?

    • II level

    • II деңгей

    1. Tomorrow morning we (work) will be working .

    2. This time next week we (have) will be having a party.

    3. At midnight I (sleep) will be sleeping .

    4. This evening we (watch) will be watching a talk show.

    5. They (not/do) will not be working their homework this afternoon.

    6. He (listen) will be listening to music.

    7. I (read) a book will be reading this evening.

    8. (walk / you) Will you be walking home this afternoon?

    9. He (not/draw) will not be drawing tomorrow morning?

    10. They (argue) will be arguing again

    • III level

    • III деңгей

      • 1)

      • When I arrive at the train station tomorrow, my sister will be waiting for me.

      • 2)

      • Next week we  will be studying chapter fourteen.

      • 3)

      • The orchestra  won't be playing Beethoven tonight.

      • 4)

      • I'm sorry Mrs. Mallory, but I  won't be attending class next week.

      • 5)

      • If you need to see Mrs. Mallory, she  will be holding office hours from 3 to 4 pm.

      • 6)

      • Little Jonny, please don't cry. Your mommy  will be coming home soon.

      • 7)

      • Will Mai-Ling  be using her computer later this afternoon?

      • 8)

      • Will Sam and Jane  be singing at the karaoke bar Saturday night?

      • 9)

      • What time will they  be performing ?

      • 10)

      • The new movie, "Cat Garden"  will be playing at the Fox Theatre next week.

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