Практикум по английскому языку для студентов неспециальных факультетов (в цикле общеобразовательных дисциплин) г. Актобе

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Англ практикум

15. Tell about London.


1. You can see the column with a statue of Nelson in_________.

a) Piccadilly Circus

b) Hyde Park

c) Trafalgar Square

d) City

e) East End

2. The London home of the Queen is _____________.

a) Buckingham Palace

b) Westminster Abbey

c) Covent Garden

d) The Houses of Parliament

e) Tower

3. There are many banks and offices there.

a) Hyde Park

b) the Tower

c) the City

d) East End

E) West End

4. It was built by architect Christopher Wren.

a) Whitehall

b) The Tower

c) St. Paul’s Cathedral

d) Buckingham Palace

e) Downing Street

5. Big Ben is _____________.

a) palace

b) a bell (clock)

c) a square

d) a street

e) a church

6. Which river runs through London?

  1. the Thames

  2. the Severn

  3. the Tweed

  4. The Volga

  5. The Nile

7. Which is the oldest part of London?

  1. Westminster

  2. the City

  3. the West End

  4. the East End

  5. Soho

8.  What’s the name of English Queen?

a) Elizabeth II

b) Maria III

c) Anna IV

d) Victoria I

e) Ekaterina I

9. What did the City become?

a) the seat of the government

b) the cultural center

c) the center of the commercial life

d) the industrial district

e) the shopping centre

10. The name “West End” is associated with

a) banking

b) industry

c) luxury

d) politics

e) medicine

11. Where are the British monarchs crowned?

а)Westminster Abbey

b) St. Paul’s Cathedral

c) the House of Lords

d) Buckingham Palace

e) Houses of Parliament

12. What is the official royal residence?

a) Albert Hall

b) Windsor Castle

c) Buckingham Palace

d) St. Paul’s Cathedral

e) Westminster Abbey

13. It is one of the most famous bridges.

a) Millennium

b) Tower

c) Buckingham

d) London

e) Stone

14. Nowadays the Tower of London is _________.

a) fortress

b) a prison

c) a royal palace

d) a museum

e) a library

15. The royal church is ____________.

a) St. Paul’s Cathedral

b) Henry VII Chapel

c) Westminster Abbey

d) Tower

e) Big Ben

16. Traditionally London __________into several parts.

a) is divided

b) are divided

c) divide

d) has divided

e) divides

17. Trafalgar Square _________ in the memory of Admiral Nelson’s victory.

a) are named

b) to name

c) was named

d) names

e) name

18. Many great Englishmen ___________ in Westminster Abbey. 

a) buried

b) bury

c) had buried

d) to bury

e) were buried

19. London _________upon both banks of the River Thames.

a) was situated

b) situated

c) is situating

d) situates

e) is situated

20. St. Paul's Cathedral _________ in 1710. 

a) is completed

b) was completed

c) completed

d) complete

e) completes

21. The West End is traditionally ________by rich and successful people.

a) is inhabited

b) inhabited

c) inhabites

d) inhabite

e) had inhabited

22. London ________in the first century AD by the Romans. 

a) founded

b) is founded

c) was founded

d) has founded

e) had founded

23. The Houses of Parliament _____often _____ to as the Palace of Westminster.

a) has referred

b) were referred

c) referred

d) referres

e) are referred

24. If you _____fond of painting you ______ to the Tate Gallery. 

a) is, go

b) are, will go

c) were, go

d) are, went

e) to be, to go

25. You would not feel so tired if you ________ more.

a) sleep

b) sleeps

c) slept

d) has slept

e) have slept

26. If the City _____the business part of London, Westminster ____ the centre of administration. 

a) are, are

b) is, are

c) was, are

d) is, is

e) are, is

27.  If I _______ in London I ____________ an excursion. 

a) is, organize

b) am, organized

c) been, organize

d) am, to organize

e) were, would organize

28. If you ____a possibility to visit this exciting city but I insist that you ____ it.

a) have had, should do

b) had, do

c) has, does

d) have, does

e) have, did

29. If he _______ the money, he ______a fast car.
a) had ,would buy

b) have, will buy

c) has, buy

d) had, buy

e) have, buys

30.If _______ nearer to London, we _______there more often. 

a) lived, would go

b) live, would go

c) lives, go

d) had live, go

e) to live, to go.


Focus on Reading

1.Write your associations to the picture.
_ ______________________________










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