Грамматика английского языка

participle; it is used in the function of an attribute)

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Lisicina Grammatika angl azika

participle; it is used in the function of an attribute)
(b)  in phrases (as a participial phrase), i.e. with one or several accompanying 
Having finished my lessons, I went home.
Закончив уроки, я пошел домой.
 (‘Having fi-
nished my lessons’ is a participial phrase; it is used in the function of an adverbial 
modifier of time.)
This plant, hidden from the light, has kept its flowers till the autumn. (‘hidden 
from the light’ is a participial phrase; it is used in the function of an attribute)
(c)  in  predicative constructions,  i.e. constructions consisting of two ele-
ments/components: a nominal element (noun or pronoun) and a verbal element (parti-
ciple I - participle II); the verbal element stands in predicate relation to the nominal 
element, i.e. in a relation similar to that between the subject and the predicate of the 
sentence. In most cases predicative constructions form syntactic units, serving as one 

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