Грамматика английского языка

Participle I and Participle II)

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Lisicina Grammatika angl azika

Participle I and Participle II) 
She was found waiting for her turn. 
Её застали ожидающей свою очередь.
She was found dressed for the party. 
Then he was found barricaded in a little hut. 
He was left reading. 
The things were left undone. 
They were kept waiting. 
Их заставили ждать.

I felt I had been caught boasting. 
Many houses were damaged, but no one was reported hurt. 
About that time a hurricane was reported moving out of the Caribbean in our di-
•  (3)
after the verbs of mental activity: to consider, to believe, to think, 
(with Parti-
ciple II ) 
The picture was considered stolen. 
The problem is believed solved. 
The Subjective Participial Construction 
Complex Subject  
or according to another point of view – the nominal component is ‘the subject’, the verbal com-
ponent is ‘

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