Грамматика английского языка

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Lisicina Grammatika angl azika

of a compound 
verbal predicate
They were seen leaving the room. 
The students were heard discussing a new film. 
Peter was found working in the garden. 
They were kept waiting. 
Их заставили ждать. 
VI. Participial 
phrase as paren-
Roughly speaking 
- приблизительно, примерно, грубо говоря, на глаз, ориентировочно 
Generally speaking, they’re a pretty friendly bunch of people. 
Judging from what critics say, this new play is worth seeing. 
◄► 2. Summary of Functions of Participle II ◄► 
Function Example 
I. an attribute 
The story published in the newspaper interested us greatly. 
Children  introduced to music early develop strong intellec-
tual skills. 
Some roads were blocked by fallen trees. 
A bird had a broken wing. 
Seen now, in broad daylight, she looked tall, fair and shapely. 
II. an adverbial 
a) of time 
He spoke when spoken to. 
When told to go, Maxwell hesitated at the door. 
She won’t stop arguing until interrupted. 
When heated, the metal expands. 
Когда метал нагревают, он расширя-
The car was stolen while parked in the street.
Any animal will turn away if looked steadily in the eye. 

b) of condition 
c) of comparison 
d) of concession 
e) of cause
If given time, he will make the first-class chess player. 
Unless  delivered  immediately, the letter  will lose its impor-
He kept silent as if puzzled by my behaviour. 
He stopped as if struck by some new idea. 
Though tired, he tried to smile. 
Though greatly impressed by the story, he didn’t utter a word. 
Though ordered two weeks ago, the books haven’t been deli-
vered yet. 
He fell asleep exhausted by his journey.  
III. a predicative 
The place looked deserted, quite untouched. 
His tone became even more worried and somber 

The book-cover is torn. 
Переплет книги разорван.
IV. part of a 
complex object 
I have heard that melody played a lot of times. 
I have never heard him spoken of badly. 
They found the treasure hidden in a cellar. 
I want it done tomorrow. 
Arriving at the airport, he went to have his luggage registered. 
I’d like my TV set fixed. 
V. part of a com-
plex subject/ part 
of a compound 
verbal predicate 
 Many houses were seen damaged. 
The door was found locked. 
The picture was considered stolen. 
VI. Participial 
phrase as parenthe-
It wasn’t a bad show, all things considered.
 (принимая всё во вни-
мание, в конечном счёте)

Predicative Constructions with the Participle 
◄► 3. The Objective Participial Construction ◄► 
Function: Complex Object 
The Objective 

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