Хабиева алмагүл алтайқызы

Main thesis of the dissertation submitted for defense

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Main thesis of the dissertation submitted for defense:
- connotation – many-sided, complex phenomenon covering morphological, stylistic, lexical and semantic levels of language system. Connotations accompanying verbal meanings are realizing in definite context and have huge communicative potential;

  • deeply national poetry of Makhambet is characterized with bright expressiveness, emotional tension and associative multi-dimensioning. We may consider as prepotent signs of idiomatical style of Makhambet Utemisov – the figurative definitions, reflecting the features of author’s attitude, his poetical thought;

  • lexical units, representing connotative artistic vocabulary of the poetical text of Makhambet Utemisov, carry connotative sememes K1 (motivated connotative sememe), K2 (non-motivated connotative sememe) and K3 (isolated connotative sememe);

  • connotative lexical units (toponymy, antroponyms, settled phraseological units, names of animals, birds, clothes, color and etc), the most active participating in creation of the semantic structure of the text are the carriers of cultural information. Given lexical elements, performing text-creation, stylistic, aesthetic, pragmatic and other functions passing traditional and author’s individual views;

  • in the basis of appearance of connotative augmentations in Makhambet Utemisov’s poetry lay different means of language system, primary on the lexical levels are metaphor, epithet, comparison, metonymy, hyperbole. They reflecting the lexical world picture, assist understanding of ideas of the author, concept of the work and play important role in creation of the aesthetically completed artistic character.

Theoretical and practical importance of the research. The present research put definite contribution into the theory of linguistic and stylistic, text analysis and into the study of the language of the work of art. Results of the research can be used at working out of the special courses and seminars on linguistic and stylistic analysis of the text, stylistics, linguistic cognition, linguistic cultural studies, during compiling explanatory dictionaries of the Kazakh language, and also can be served as the basis of compiling the dictionary of Makhambet Utemisov.

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