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«I have told you, reader, that…»

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«I have told you, reader, that…» (я говорила тебе, читатель, что).
Перевод В. Станевич: «Я уже говорила вам, читатель, что…»
Перевод И. Гуровой: «Я уже призналась тебе, читатель, что…»

In V. Stanevich's translation the atmosphere of intimacy is lost. Note that until the end of the work, this strategy of transferring the style of appeals is preserved in both translations-the formal style of V.Stanevich and the informal style of I.Gurova. Perhaps in his translation I.Gurov, moving from the official style of appeals to the reader on " you "to a relaxed dialogue with the reader on "you", demonstrates the dynamics of the relationship of the main character to the reader. The more Jane tells, the more she begins to trust the "interlocutor", perhaps, therefore, in translation, all subsequent addresses are made in a more friendly and relaxed style.

In the case of V. Stanevich's translation, it is difficult to guess the reasons why the translator changes the style of addresses in various episodes, perhaps V. O. Stanevich did not specifically study this aspect of the narrative. Despite such inaccuracies, both translations fully convey the author's intention of the presence of explicit and implicit narrators.
In the presence of some individual features, I note that in all texts of the Russian-language versions of the novel, the form of dialogue with the reader remains. Another important aspect, in my opinion, for the analysis of Russian translations of the novel in the context of the narrative structure is the format in which Ch. Bronte designs his work – meaning the genre nature of the work. In the novel, Ch. Bronte does not give a direct indication of the type of presentation of the material, in the text there are only some hints of its possible belonging to the written text, namely to the novel creativity.
The assumption that this is a written text, namely a novel, does not arise by chance.
Numerous appeals to the reader in the text of the work coincide with the addresses to the reader by S. Bronte herself in the Preface to the second edition of the novel: «I have alluded to him, Reader, because I think I see in him an intellect profounder…» (я упоминаю о нем,Читатель, потому что, я думаю, я вижу в нем глубокомыслящего интеллектуала).
So, on my look, it becomes obvious that the heroine (narrator Jane Eyre) and the real author of the novel (sh. Bronte) completely coincide with in the appeal of “reader”.
Confirmations that we have a written text (possibly a novel), are found in many episodes. So, for example, in Chapter 10, Jane says, «Hitherto I have recorded in detail the events of my insignificant existence: to the first ten years of my life I have given almost as many chapters. But this is not be a regular autobiography: I am only bound to invoke Memory where I know her responses will possess some degree of interest; therefore I now pass a space of eight years almost in silence: a few lines only are necessary to keep up the links of connection» (до этого

времени я записала в деталях события моего малозначительного существования: первым десяти годам своей жизни я отдала почти столько же глав. Но это не регулярная / стандартная / обычная биография: я только ограничиваюсь просить мою память тогда, когда я знаю, что ее отклик будет обладать какой-либо степенью интереса; по этой причине сейчас я пропущу промежуток восьми лет моей жизни почти в полном молчании: необходимо

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