Жамбыл облысы әкімдігінің білім басқармасының

(подстрочный перевод: я подскочила, взяла мою муфту и зонт)

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(подстрочный перевод: я подскочила, взяла мою муфту и зонт);
«After supper he began to ask me many questions...»
(после ужина он начал задавать мне много вопросов) и др.

Перевод В. Станевич: «Я вскочила, взяла свою
муфту, зонтик….»,
«После ужина он без конца расспрашивал меня…»

Перевод И. Гуровой: «Я вскочила, схватила со
столика муфточку с зонтиком…»
«После ужина он засыпал меня вопросами…»
В переводе 1901 г. также сохранена форма повествования от первого лица: «Я надеюсь» «…я вышла за него…» и др.

The author’s style of storytelling from the first person is saved in all three variants of translation, a form of the verb and singular, personal pronouns are used in the speech of the heroine: «я», «меня», «мне»,«встала», etc. Thus, the image of an explicit narrator is saved in translations.

Along with the explicit, the novel expresses an implicit narrator. In our opinion, the implicit narrator is manifested in the numerous appeals of the heroine to the reader, so in the work there is an image of Ch.Bronte herself. Such treatment involves the installation of a dialogue between the author and the reader: it seems that everything said by the heroine is decorated in a work of art, here we meet the real author-writer (Ch. Bronte), but the content of the work is subordinated to the idea of a personal story of the main character (Jane Eyre) about her life, and at this point, these two images diverge. Throughout the text, most direct appeals to the reader are omitted by the translator, all appeals are preserved only in the final part of the novel:

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