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V. Bibliography
1. Dzheni Eyr, istoriya moey zhizni, Sharloty Bronte. Sokrashchennyy perevod s angliyskogo [Jane Eyre, the story of my life,
Charlotte Bronte. Abridged translation from English]. Yunyy chitatel', 1901, no. 3, 5.
2. Bronte Ch. Dzheyn Eyr [Jane Eyre]. Moscow: Azbuka-klassika Publ., 2008.
3. Bronte Ch. Dzheyn Eyr. Roman [Jane Eyre. A novel]. Translated from English by V. Stanevich. Moscow: Khudozhestvennaya
literatura Publ., 1990. 253 p.
4. Bronte Ch. Dzheyn Eyr [Jane Eyre]. Moscow: NF "Pushkinskaya biblioteka" Publ., 2003. 815 p.
5. Novikova E.G. F.M. Dostoyevsky's and V.V. Nabokov's garden pergola. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.
Filologiya – Tomsk State University Journal of Philology, 2008, no. 3 (4), pp. 82–88. (In Russian).
6. Vinogradov V.V. Ocherki po istorii russkogo literaturnogo yazyka XVII–XIX vekov [Essays on the History of Russian literary
language of the 17th – 19th centuries]. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola Publ., 1982. 528 p.
7. Bakhtin M.M. Problemy poetiki Dostoevskogo [Problems of Dostoevsky's poetics]. Moscow: Khudozhestvennaya literatura Publ.,
1972. 470 p.
8. Shmid V. Narratologiya [Narratology]. Moscow: Yazyki slavyanskoy kul'tury Publ., 2003. 312 p.
9. Khardak D.B. Tvorchestvo Emili Bronte (iz istorii angliyskogo realizma XIX veka): avtoref. dis. kand. filol. nauk [Emily Bronte's
works (from the history of English realism of the 19th century). Abstract of Philology Cand. Diss.]. Moscow, 1972. 26 p.
10. Mikhaylova M.S. Demokraticheskaya napravlennost' i realizm romanov Sh. Bronte: dis. kand. filol. nauk [Democratic orientation
and realism of Charlotte Bronte's novels. Philology Cand. Diss.]. Moscow, 1954. 307 p.
11. Budagyan A.A. Tvorcheskiy put' Sh. Bronte: dis. kand. filol. nauk [Creative way of Charlotte Bronte. Philology Cand. Diss.].
Erevan, 1950. 183 p.
12. Bazilevich V.M. Oblichitel'nyy kharakter proizvedeniy Sh. Bronte: avtoref. dis. kand. filol. nauk [Revealing nature of the works of
Charlotte Bronte. Abstract of Philology Cand. Diss.]. Lvov, 1954. 15 p.
13. Gritchuk M.A. Realizm Sh. Bronte ("Dzheyn Eyr" i "Sherli"): avtoref. dis. kand. filol. nauk [Realism of Charlotte Bronte (Jane
Eyre and Shirley). Abstract of Philology Cand. Diss.]. Moscow, 1957. 15 p.
14. Naumova O.A. Avtobiograficheskiy roman vospitaniya v tvorchestve Ch. Dikkensa i Sh. Bronte: dis. kand. filol. nauk
[Autobiographical novel of education in the works of Charles Dickens and Charlotte Bronte. Philology Cand. Diss.]. Moscow,
1990. 204 p.
15. Elistratova A.A. Nasledie angliyskogo romantizma i sovremennost' [Legacy of English romanticism and modernity]. Moscow:
USSR AS Publ., 1960. 432 p.
16. Ivasheva V.V. Vek nyneshniy i vek minuvshiy. Angliyskiy roman XIX veka v ego sovremennom zvuchanii [The present and the past
century. English novel of the 19th century in its modern sound]. Moscow: Khudozhestvennaya literatura Publ., 1974. 464 p.
17. Demidova O.R. Sharlotta Bronte, Elizabet Gaskell, Dzhordzh Eliot v Rossii (1850-e – 1870-e gg.): dis. kand. filol. nauk
[Charlotte Bronte, Elizabeth Gaskell, George Eliot in Russia (1850s – 1870s.). Philology Cand. Diss.]. Leningrad, 1990. 242 p.
18. Anikin G.V, Mikhal'skaya N.P. Istoriya angliyskoy literatury [History of English Literature]. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola Publ.,
1985. 431 p.
19. Tugusheva M.P. Sharlotta Bronte, ocherk zhizni i tvorchestva [Charlotte Bronte, a sketch of life and creativity]. Moscow:
Khudozhestvennaya literatura Publ., 1982. 191 p.
20. Genieva E.Yu. Eti zagadochnye anglichanki [These mysterious Englishwomen]. Moscow: Progress Publ., 1992. 505 p.
21. Sokolova E.A. Traditsii romantizma v tvorchestve Sharlotty Bronte: dis. kand. filol. nauk [Romanticist tradition in the works of
Charlotte Bronte. Philology Cand. Diss.]. Moscow, 1995. 185 p.
22. Selected works of the Bronte sisters. London, 2005.
23. Bronte Ch. Dzheyn Eyr [Jane Eyre]. Moscow: Azbuka-klassika Publ., 2008.
24. Bronte Ch. Dzheyn Eyr [Jane Eyre]. Moscow: NF "Pushkinskaya biblioteka" Publ., 2003. 815 p.
25. Dzheni Eyr, istoriya moey zhizni, Sharloty Bronte. Sokrashchennyy perevod s angliyskogo [Jane Eyre, the story of my life,
Charlotte Bronte. Abridged translation from English]. Yunyy chitatel', 1901, no. 5
1. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/v/roman-dzheyn-eyr-sh-bronte-v-perevode-v-d-vladimirova-1893-transformatsiya-metoda-i-zhanrovogo-svoeobraziya
2. https://translatorthoughts.com/2015/09/translation-techniques-borrowing/ 3. https://nauchkor.ru/pubs/osobennosti-perevoda-angloyazychnoy-literatury-na-russkiy-yazyk-v-period-novogo-vremeni-na-materiale-romana-sh-bronte-dzheyn-eyr-5a6f88407966e12684eea48c 4. https://bust.com/books/13762-6-amazing-18th-century-lady-authors-who-aren-t-jane-austen.html 5. https://owlcation.com/humanities/Evolution-of-English-Literature-by-Female-Authors

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