Кандидат филологических наук, доцент Казну т. Т

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Collocations, derivatives, etc

Accomplish (v)

succeed in doing sth; complete sth successfully

accomplishment (n)

Assertive (adj)

ability to express feelings, beliefs,and thoughts confidently, without becoming antagonistic towards others

assert (v); assertiveness (n); assertively (adv)

Attribute (n)

a quality regarded as a natural/typical part of sth

an important ~ in sb; attribute (v): ~ sth to sth/sb

Common sense

practical good sense gained from experience of life, not by special study

a ~ approach to sth; it’s ~ to do sth

Complement (v)

add new or contrasting features

~ each other; complementary (adj)

Crucial (adj)

very important, esp. for its effect on sth

a ~ decision/issue/ factor; ~ to the future/ career success; it is ~ly important that …

Emotional intelligence (eq)

the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself and of

develop/have/ demonstrate ~; acute, considerable, great, high ~

Emotional self awareness 

ability to recognize one's own feelings, which allows one to manage them and make better decisions

full/acute/deep/intense/growing/ keen ~; heighten/ increase/raise one’s ~

Empathy (n)

understanding the feelings of others, which enables us to respond appropriately to changes in the emotional climate of others

feel/have/demonstrate/ show/develop/establish ~ between/with sb; a
feeling/lack of ~

Expertise (n)

expert knowledge or skill esp. in a particular field

scientific/considerable/extensive/limited/appropriate/relevant ~

Ethic(s) (n)

a system of moral principles or rules of behaviour

work ~; professional/ medical ~s


gain an outstanding position within a group/organization

~ in sth/as a leader

Facilitate (v)

make sth (esp. an action or process easy or easier)

~ sb’s ability/a process; facilitator (n);
ant. complicate, hinder

Foster (v)

help the development of sth;

~ growth/development/ attitude

Hard skills

technical or administrative procedures related to an organization’s core business lack

acquire/develop/ demonstrate ~

Human resources (HR)

personnel; staff of a company, organization

~ manager/department/ policy

Impulse control

ability to resist or delay an impulse, drive, or temptation to act

exercise ~

Inquisitive (adj)

eager to learn new things

~ person/mind; inquisitiveness (n)

Integrity (n)

the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles

personal/artistic/professional ~; respect/ preserve one’s own ~

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