Мәтін: лингвистикалық және психолингвистикалық аспект Х. А. Ордабекова¹, К. Қ. Күркебаев²

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The article considers the linguistic and psycholinguistic character of the text as a complex semantic formation; theoretically and practically analyzes such features as integrity, emotionality, transcendental character, and the text's baverbality. As a result, it is argued that speech is focused on a specific goal and the pragmatic property determines the usefulness and mutual integrity of the text. Also, there was a review of works of scientists-correspondents conducting the study of the text’s problems in the Kazakh linguistics and it is determined that the activities of language units used in the speech process or in the text, activities and their relationship closely connected with the intellectual abilities of a language personality, a background education. The text is considered from the point of view of the psycholinguistic aspect, the differentiated features of the text and text-forming categories are considered.

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