Методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 4 курса, обучающихся по программе бакалавриата

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4 Match the words in the box to their definitions below. Clue: if the word appears in a definition, it won't be the answer.

ability aptitude background competence experience knowledge qualification skill

  1. something you are capable of doing; also the quality of
    doing something well ability

  2. (formal) the ability to do something well; also (formal) the legal power that a body has to deal with something _______________

  3. an ability to do something well, especially because you have practiced it ______________________

  4. knowledge and skill you get from being in different situations; also something that happens to you ______________________

  5. an exam you have passed, especially at school or university; often appears in the plural as a heading on a CV _______________________

  6. the type of education, experience and family that you have; also information about the past that helps you understand the present _______________________

  7. the facts, skills and understanding you have gained through learning or experience _____________________

  8. a natural ability to do something well or to learn it quickly _________________________

5 Complete the text about worker-management relations with the words in the box.

arbitration boycotts collective bargaining court injunction
individual grievance layoffs legally binding length of service mediation official dispute picketing strikes

The process by which management and unions form an agreement is called 1…………………….. Typical issues for discussion are wages, benefits and working conditions. HR and the union may also sometimes discuss an 2………………………., where someone thinks they have been treated unfairly. And of course negotiations will be necessary if the company is in financial difficulties and has to make 3………………………….. Workers who lose their jobs get a 'severance package' (BrE redundancy package), usually based on their 4………………………….in the company.

In any dispute, the employees' side will initially be led by a union rep (= representative) - a worker who represents the interests of their colleagues on a daily basis. Then, if the conflict escalates and becomes an 5……………………, there might be involvement of a full-time union official. The union side has various tactics it can use, including 6………………………… (people stop working), 7…………………………. (persuading others not to work by standing at the factory gates) and 8………………………..(getting consumers to stop buying the company's products).
The management side will usually be led by someone inside the HR department. Management tactics include hiring replacement workers, and in extreme circumstances obtaining a 9………………. which directs workers to do (or not do) particular activities.
The procedure for resolving conflict goes through various stages. First, managers and workers will hold direct talks to try to resolve the problem. If these talks fail, then there may be involvement of a third party who can make suggestions and try to find a compromise. This is called 10…………………. Finally, if talks break down, the whole process goes to 11…………………………..
This is where a judge (or perhaps a government-appointed official) makes a decision which is 12………………………… on both sides.

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