Мележик К. Н. Неличные формы глагола indd

Task 3. Translate the sentences into Russian. Note the difference

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Task 3. Translate the sentences into Russian. Note the difference 

in the translation of the Gerund and the Participle.

1. Yet conservative people in rural areas were tremendously 

enthusiastic about buying shares of railroad stock, often mortgaging 

their farms or businesses to do so.

2. Beginning in 1825 various state government began to play an 

active role in stimulating the construction of an internal system of 


3. A certified public accounting firm, after performing an audit 

certifies that the figures and statements about the finances reflect 

generally accepted accounting principles.

4. Many persons who do not feel qualified to decide which stocks in 

purchase, but who nevertheless want to participate in the stock market 

in hope of making a profit by doing so, turn to mutual funds.

5. A mutual fund combining funds of its shareholders, which may 

be in small amounts, invests large blocks of money.

6. Their available cash will buy many more shares, giving them the 

opportunity of making more profit and also the risk of suffering greater 


7. The laws have some success in preventing fraud and secret dealings 

aimed at manipulating stock prices.

8. Congress has charged the SEC with seeing that American 

corporations abide by American business ethics even when doing 

business in another country.

9. In its history the SEC has taken on the responsibility of overseeing 

corporate policies, particularly by requiring reports designed to uncover 

illegal company payments to political figures or others for the purpose 

of buying their influence.

10. Money saved by individuals is usually deposited for safekeeping 

in interest-bearing accounts in one of four types of private institutions: 

commercial banks, savings banks, savings and loan associations and 

group credit unions.

11. The money for insurance company lending comes from the 

annual premiums paid by individuals and businesses for insurance 


12. Most of the money deposited in these individual savings 

accounts is used by the institution to finance the purchase, building or 

remodeling of private homes.

13. By the 1990s, advances made in such fields as chemistry, 

electronics and biotechnology were producing goods and services 

ranging from semiconductor circuit to laser surgery.

14. The typical corporation likes to keep a balance among these 

methods of raising money for expansion frequently plowing back about 

half of the earnings into the business and paying out the other half as 


15. When acting in concert, individual and institutional stockholders 

can have tremendous power over corporate management by selling or 

buying their shares to drive the price of the stock down or up.

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