Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов специальностей «Педагогика и психология»

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Use any sources available (newspapers, magazines or Internet
resources) to fin d information about organizations that provide aid and

support after disasters and accidents and work fo r the emotional and
physical relief o f the people involved in troubles. Be ready to make a
presentation basing on the information y o u 9ve found.
осуществляемое в особой области социальной деятельности — 
социальной работе, направленной на оказание помощи, поддержки, 
защиты всех людей, особенно так, называемых слабых слоев и групп. 
Social W ork: W hat is it?
I hear - I know. I see - I remember. I do - I understand. Confucius 
(Chinese philosopher)
You are going to read a text about social work in the USA. Four
paragraphs (A-D) have been removed fro m the text. Choose from
paragraphs A-D the one which fits each gap (1-4).
A Some give advice to elderly people or family members about 
choices in areas such as housing, transportation, and long-term care; they 
also coordinate and monitor services. Through employee assistance 
programs, they may help workers cope with job-related pressures or with 
personal problems that affect the quality o f their work.
В Some work on interdisciplinary teams that evaluate certain kinds 
of patients — geriatric or organ transplant patients, for example. Medical 
and public health social workers may work for hospitals, nursing and 
personal care facilities, individual and family services agencies, or local 
С Other types o f social workers include social work planners and 
policymakers, who develop programs to address such issues as child
abuse, homelessness, substance abuse, poverty, and violence. These 
workers research and analyze policies, programs, and regulations.
D They identify social problems and suggest legislative and other 
solutions. They may help to raise funds or write grants to support these 
programs. A. Most social work Nersa stpuecrieal izoe.f A tlthhoeu ghW 
soomrek conduct research or are involved in planning or policy 
development, most social workers prefer an area o f practice in which they 
interact with clients.
Social work is a profession for those with a strong desire to help 
improve other people’s lives. Social workers help people to function the 
best way they can in their environment, deal with their relationships, and 
solve personal and family problems. Social workers often see clients who 
face a 
life-threatening disease
or a social problem. These problems may 
include inadequate housing, unemployment, serious illness, disability, or 
substance abuse.
Social workers also assist families that have serious

domestic conflicts, including those involving 
child or spousal abuse.
Social workers often provide social services in health-related settings that 
now are governed by managed care organizations. To contain costs, these 
organizations are emphasizing short-term intervention, ambulatory and 
community based care,
and greater decentralization o f services.
1 Child, family, and school social w orkers provide social services 
and assistance to improve the social and psychological functioning of 
children and their families and to maximize the family well-being and 
academic functioning o f children. Some social workers assist single 
parents, arrange adoptions; and help find foster homes for 
abandoned, or abused children.
In schools, they address such problems as 
teenage pregnancy, misbehavior, and 
They also advise teachers on 
how to cope with problem students. Some social workers may specialize in 
services for 
senior citizens.
They run support-groups for family caregivers 
or for the adult children o f aging parents.

. “ Child, family, and school social workers typically work in 
individual and family services agencies, schools, State* or local 
governments. These social workers may be known as child welfare social 
workers, family services social workers, child protection services social 
workers, occupational social workers, or gerontology social workers.
M edical and public health social w orkers provide persons 
families or vulnerable populations with the psychosocial support needed to 
cope with chronic, acute, or terminal illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s disease 
cancer, or AIDS They also advise family caregivers, counsel patients, and
help with a plan for patients’ needs after discharge by arranging for athome 
services from meals-on-wheels to oxygen equipment.

. 3 ^ e" ta ! heajth and substance abuse social w orkers assess and 
treat individuals with mental illness, or substance abuse problems
mcludmg abuse o f alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs. Such services include
“ S
and §rouP therapy> outreach, crisis interv'ention, social
h ab itatio n , and traimng in skills for everyday living. They may also help 
with a plan for supportive services to ease patients’ return to the 
community M ental health and substance abuse social workers are likely 
о work in hospitals, substance abuse treatm en t centers, individual and
farn.ly services agencies, or local governments. These social workers may 
be known as clinical social w orkers.
4 Social workers held about 477,000 jobs in 2002. About 4 out o f 10
° r !OCaI govemment agencies, primarily in departments
health and human services. Most private sector jobs were in the health
care and social assistance industry. Although most social workers are

(http://www.collegegrad.com/careers/proft41 .shtml)
Look at the words in bold in the text and try to explain them
In groups o f three discuss the follow ing points:
What are the main types o f social workers mentioned in the text? 
What are advantages and disadvantages o f these types of social 
What type do you prefer for your future specialization? Why?
The follow ing table shows 2002 employment in the USA by type o f
social worker

M ake your comments on the data given

Work in pairs and
share your ideas with your partner
Type of w ork N um ber of w orkers 
Child, family, and school social workers 274,000 
Medical and public health social workers 107,000 
Mental health and substance abuse social workers 95,000 
(http://www. collegegrad. com/careers/proft41

Disclose the meaning o f the follow ing terms used in the text you
are going to read:
ofull-time social workers ovoluntary nonprofit agencies 
olong-term care facilities osubstance abuse social workers omedian annual 
earning omental health 
Read the text below that reveals the problem o f working conditions
and earnings in the USA
W orking Conditions and Earnings
Full-time social workers usually work a standard 40-hour week; 
however, some occasionally work evenings and weekends to meet with 
clients, attend community meetings and handle emergencies. Some, 

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