Руководство для педагогов предшкольных групп и классов по Типовой учебной программе дошкольного воспитания и обучения

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Take your books and open your books, please.

Let’s start our lesson.

Exercise 2. Name the actions of the children.

The children should look at the pictures and name the


10 minutes

Monitor the students’ answers.

Dynamic pause.

Use this rhyme for the dynamic pause during a few

lessons so that the learners will be able to remember the

words and movements.

One, one, one (children show their index fingers)

I can run! (children jog in place)

Two, two, two (children show two fingers)

I can jump too! (children hop in place)

Three, three, three (children show three fingers)

Look at me! (children freeze in a funny posture)

Exercise 3. Listen to your classmate and do the action.

Ask a volunteer student to give instructions to the

group and make them do it.

Activity book

Exercise 1. Listen to your teacher and complete the


The children should draw the corresponding object they

hear the teacher say.

Teacher’s instructions:

1. Take your bag. 2. Take your pen. 3. Take your

book.4. Take your pencil.

Exercise 2. Listen to your teacher and match the


The children should listen to the information the

teacher says and match the pictures in the first column

with the pictures from the second one. Say the

instructions slowly and clearly.

Teacher: 1. Foxy, please, sit down.

2. Digger, please, stop.

3. Slowy, please, take your pen.

4. Wolfy, please, be quiet.

End of the

End of the lesson:


At the end of the lesson ask the learners to summarize

their activity at the lesson. Elicit their answers via

5 minutes

supportive questions: e.g.:

What new words did we learn today?

Which word/words do we say when we see each other?

What do we say when we finish our lessons?

What does the teacher say to you at the lesson?

Then encourage them to say all the words in chorus, you can say the words in Kazakh/Russian and they will give the English equivalents or show the flashcards and name the pictures.

Sing the song to practise the instructions.

Keep encouraging the young learners for any success during the class/ whole course to make them feel more comfortable, confident and motivated to acquire the language.

Unit 2. My school

School: #

Lesson 4. My school


Surname /name of the teacher:


Number of attendees:

Number of absent learners:

Aims of the

To introduce the learners the new words, practise building their basic


communication skills, foster tolerance and respect to each other.

Objectives of the

The learners will be able to:

 recognize with the considerable support and exchange short simple



 recognize with the considerable support a few basic personal questions

spoken slowly and distinctly.

 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes.

The majority of the learners will be able to:

 exchange short simple greetings.

 respond to the very basic supported personal questions using short answers.

 make basic personal statements.

Some of the learners will be able to:

 make the basic personal statements unsupported and without mistakes.


This is the final lesson of the unit, children know and are able to exchange


simple greetings, recognize and name classroom objects, count from 1 to 10,

recognize and do short instructions for classroom routine.



Scheduled activity




Warm up:

of the lesson

Ask the learners to clap their hands to the beat as they

chant The Hello song.

5 minutes

Introduce the topic and the objectives of the lesson.

For the phonetic drill play the following tongue twisters

for the sounds [ei], [d], [k], [s], [ tʃ]:


You can use the

The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.

following resources for

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