Руководство для педагогов предшкольных групп и классов по Типовой учебной программе дошкольного воспитания и обучения

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Track 52.

Speaker: “play football, play basketball, play hockey, play tennis”.

Exercise 2. Look at the pictures and learn the names of sports.
Tell the students to look at the pictures and learn the sentence patterns. Encourage them to use the verb “can”, e.g.: I can play hockey. My father can play tennis, etc.
Dynamic pause
Two little feet

Two little feet go tap, tap, tap.

Two little hands go clap, clap, clap.

One little child leaps up from the chair,

Two little arms go up in the air.

Two little hands go thump, thump, thump.

Two little feet go jump, jump, jump.

One little body goes round and round.

One little child sits quietly down.
Exercise 3.Speak about yourself.
Ask the students to speak about themselves using the given sentence pattern.
Exercise 4. Offer your friend to do this. Use: Let’s ….
Organize pairwork. Tell the students to offer their friends to play different games using the following pattern: “Let’s play hockey/football/tennis/basketball/”.
Activity book
Exercise 1. Listen to your teacher and tick the right box.

Instruct the children to listen to the information and put a tick in the relevant column of the table. To check the children’s work, say out names from the table and the children should say what game they play. Teacher:

Batyr: I play hockey.

Misha: I play basketball.


Ira: I play football.

Dana: I play tennis.

Exercise 2. Draw what sports you play.

Suggest the children drawing sports they play and ask them to speak about them.

Exercise 3: Listen to your teacher and put a tick or a cross.

Model the task for the children. They should put a tick or a cross in each box next to each picture. Put a tick if it is true and a cross if it is not. Teacher:

  1. To swim

  2. To jump

  3. To brush your teeth

  4. To run

  5. To have a shower

  6. To wash hands

  7. To get dressed

  8. To play tennis

  9. To wash your face

  10. To play basketball

Exercise 4: Find 6 differences, circle and say what they are.

The students need to look at the pictures

carefully, decide, circle and say what the

differences are.



Traffic lights colour (red/green)




Yellow cap/red cap




Blue shoes/yellow shoes


Holding an apple/ice-cream

End of the

End of the lesson:


At the end of the lesson ask the learners to summarize

their activity at the lesson. Elicit their answers via

5 minutes

supportive questions: e.g.:

- What sports did we learn today?

- Do you play tennis/football?

- What sports do you play? Why?

Then encourage them to say all the words in chorus,

you can say the words in Kazakh/Russian and they will

give the English equivalents or show the flashcards and

name the pictures.

Keep encouraging the young learners for any success

during the class/ whole course to make them feel more

comfortable, confident and motivated to acquire the



Animal Crackers
Take a big dice and assign an animal to each number. Have the students roll the dice and act like the animal.

Basic Flashcard Fun
The teacher simply holds up a flash card and elicits the answer from the students. This can be done in teams with points awarded for the correct answers.
What is in my pocket?
Gather several (around 6 works well) objects or possibly flashcards. If you want, you can teach the question "What is missing?" or "What is in my pocket?". Place the objects/flashcards where the students can't see them. Have one student choose an object and put it in his pocket (or just hide it if it doesn't fit in his pocket). Display the objects and have the student say "What is in my pocket?". The students now guess what is in the student's pocket.
I spy with my little eye.
One student chooses an object (they must be able to see it). Their opening statement is: "I spy with my little eye.... something green." They can say anything that describes the object they have

chosen (or its location, e.g. I spy with my little eye something that is ON the table). And another player tries to guess what it is, “the spyer” can only say “yes” or “no” to the guesses. The spy provides as many clues as he (she) can. Whoever guesses correctly becomes the spy. Variations: Set a time limit that the students have to guess the object. Set a limit on how many descriptions the spy can give.

Beat The Clock
Time the students as they race to put flashcard numbers in order. Have them try again to see if they can beat their fastest time.
Divide and line up the class into two teams. The first student from each team comes to the front. The teacher whispers a word or shows a flashcard to the two students and they act it out. The first team to call out the correct word gets a point.
Play any music and have the students walk, skip, jump, hop, etc. around the room at random. Stop the music and call out a number between 1-10. The students must quickly get together in a group or groups of that number, and the odd students must sit out until the next round.
Conversation Relay
Line up the students in two teams and have the last student in each team tap the shoulder of the student in front and have a conversation, e.g. "What's your name?", "How are you?". Theanswering student then starts the same conversation with the student in front, and so on. When the

conversation reaches the first student he (she) must run to the back and continue the procedure. The first team to get all the students back in their original positions wins.

The Bomb
Pass a ball, object or a flashcard around a circle of students. When the timer rings, the student holding the ball must answer a question, make a sentence or say a word of the studied topic.
I've Got It
Have students sit in a circle. Give each student an item flashcard. Ask "What is it?" and elicit the vocabulary. Call out the vocabulary and have the students stand up and name the flashcard item. Repeat until all the students are standing, then continue until all the students are sitting. Go at a fast pace so the students are sitting down and standing up rapidly.
Number Touch
Call out the number and have the students find and touch them in the classroom, on posters, etc.
Bingo can be used with any topic. Blank Bingo sheets can be used, and the students can write of draw randomly in the boxes. The winner is the first student to cross out all the numbers/letters etc. on the sheet.
Picture dictation
Give each student a piece of paper (or get them to take out their notebooks). Tell the students that you want them to draw the word that you say. Tell them they can draw the pictures anywhere on the page but do not let the person beside them see where they are drawing.
Dictate the vocabulary. For this example, I have chosen hamster, dog, cat, bear, zebra, monkey.
The students draw their secret pictures and each one will be different.
Use some plastic fruit, vegetables or corresponding flashcards. Gather the students around you and let them ask for what they want to use a dialogue such as: "Excuse me, can I have some apples?", “How many apples?” "3 apples, please.", "Here you are.", "Thank you.". Then the teacher calls back the objects from the students, "Apples, please". Then the students put the fruit back into the basket.
Simon Says
Play "Simon Says" as a review using the classroom objects, etc., or with actions. E.g. "Simon says wash your hands" = Students mime like they are washing their hands. "Touch your pencils" = Students don't move. When a student makes a mistake, he/she must sit out until the next round.
Make a jeopardy grid on the white board as follows:



School things




























In teams, or individually, let the students randomly pick a category and the points to be attempted. The teacher then asks a question and (a 40-point question should be more difficult than a 10-point question) if the students get the correct answer their team name is written in that box. When all the boxes are filled the team with the most points wins.

Use western gestures in your class.







It's cold.

put arms around shoulders

It's hot.

fan your face with hands


shake your head "no"

Come here.

move your index finger


touch your chest


make the OK sign

I don't know.

pull shoulders and hands up


index finger in front of the mouth


hand up, palm out

Stand up.

raise your hand slightly, palm up

Sit down.

lower your hand slightly, palm down


Hand/Eye Games For Younger Kids
Model the activity and have the students repeat after you.

      1. Rolling A Ball

  • Have your child sit with legs apart, and you roll the ball between the legs.

  • Your child needs to try and stop the ball before it hits his tummy.

        1. Object Relays

  • The kids stand in a line and pass the ball/object to the child behind them.

  • Do it overhead, then between the legs.

  • Encourage the kids to use both hands together.

  • Make it more fun by having a basket of objects in front of the children that have to be transferred back to the empty basket.

  • You can do this in a fireman relay style, where everyone keeps their place, or have the last kid run to the front after placing the object back in the way they all gett heir turn to be in front.

    1. Passing and Gentle Tossing

Play a variety of circle or line games, like the relays above, where balls or beanbags are carefully passed from one player to another.

  • Then upgrade to gentle tossing.

  • Have the kids move one step away from each other and then gently toss the ball or beanbag to each other.

    1. Suspended Ball Activities

  • Push and Catch:

Your child needs to watch the ball carefully to catch it again with both hands together, and not to let it bang against the body.

  • Bat and Ball:

Use a bat and have your child practise hitting the ball with the bat. Use a variety of bats to increase the challenge for your child.


5) Suspended Ball Activities
Older kids can use the smaller balls (e.g. tennis balls) to increase the challenge. Have them push and catch the ball, or hit the ball with a bat as described in the activities for preschool kids.
For extra challenge, ask your child to clap or twirl between pushing and catching.

      1. Ball-Wall Toss

  • Ask the children to toss the ball against a wall and catch it again.

  • See how many times children can catch the ball and keep a record of the best player.

    1. Gazing Into the Darkness

Place your elbows on the table. Then place the palms of your hands over your eyes with the fingers of one hand crossing over the fingers on the other hand. Close your eyes and gaze into the darkness. Relax and hold this position for 1-3 minutes.

8) Side to Side Eye Movement
Stand or sit up right. Look straight ahead. Without moving your head, look to the left. Focus on what you see. Then look to the right. Focus on what you see. Move your eyes side to side 5 times. Repeat this cycle 3 times.

9) Up and Down Eye Movement
Sit up straight and look straight ahead. Then look up and focus on what you see. Look down. Don't be afraid to wrinkle your forehead or frown. It's good for the eyes. Look up and down 5 times. Repeat this cycle 3 times.

10) Moving Your Eyes Diagonally
Look straight ahead. Look down and to the left. Then move your eyes diagonally and look up and to the right. Focus on what you see. Repeat this exercise 5 times, then look straight ahead and do the same exercise looking down and to the right and then looking up and to the left. Repeat this cycle 3 times.
11) Rolling Your Eyes in a Circle
Sit up straight and relax. Look to the left and slowly roll your eyes in a circle clockwise. Look up, then slowly move your eyes clockwise and look down and then move your eyes and look to the right. Do it clockwise 5 times and then counterclockwise 5 times. Repeat this cycle 3 times.

12) Near and Far Focus

Focus on a nearby object, e.g. a pencil. It should be 20-30 cm away from your eyes. Then look at something distant. Focus on that distant object and try to see it in detail. Then look on the nearby object again. Change this focus 5 times. Repeat this cycle 3 times.
13) Massage One
Close your eyes. Then squeeze your eyes shut tightly. Keep them squeezed shut for 2-3 seconds.
Relax the muscles around your eyes. Squeeze your eyes shut again. Repeat 10 times.
14) Massage Two
Close your eyes. Gently touch your eyelids and massage your eyes with circular movements.Press lightly. Don’t try to press too hard. Make 10 circular movements, first clockwise then counterclockwise.
Why Do These Activities?
A young learner will spend a lot of time touching, poking and prodding, all of which are activities where the eyes alert the brain that there is something that looks interesting and to "please send the hands along to find out more".
The eyes are in a sense guiding the hands in those exploratory activities, but the eyes will not necessarily stay focused on the object that is being picked up, prodded, poked or touched.
There is therefore a need for you to give your students specific activities where the eyes need to focus and stay focused in order to guide the hands to successfully complete the activity.
Doing these activities will give your young learners a chance to work on hand-eye coordination, visual focusing and tracking skills, all of which are needed for reading, writing in a short time.
Visual Motor Integration Activities - moving beyond hand eye coordination, these visual motor integration activities may help improve your child's handwriting skills.
Good visual perceptual skills will help your child distinguish between letters, and will help them when learning the correct letter formations. This is an important part of preschool hand writing.

  • Form Constancy Activities will help your child remember that a letter or number is still the same, no matter where it is seen.

  • Visual Closure Activities will help your child learn to recognize the numbers and letters even when they are smudged or partially covered.

  • Figure-Ground Perception Activities will help your child develop the skills they need to find information on a busy board, read a map or use a dictionary.


  • Visual Discrimination Activities will help your child to see the differences between similar looking words and numbers (e.g. b / p /d)

  • Visual Memory Activities will help your child with phonics and help them to learn the new words.


  1. Мектепке дейінгі тəрбие мен оқыту туралы үлгілік оқу бағдарламасы. Астана, 2016

  2. Современная методика обучения иностранным языкам. Н.Д. Гальская. Издательство Аркти-Глосса, Москва, 2000.

  1. Teaching English to Young Learners. David Nunan, Publisher: Anaheim University Press, USA, 2010.

  2. Teaching Young language learners. Annamaria Pinter. (Oxford handbooks for language teachers’ series) Publisher: Oxford University Press, May 11, 2006.

  3. Bringing Creative Teaching into the Young Learner Classroom (Into the Classroom). Lynne Cameron Penny McKay. Publisher: Oxford University Press; 1 edition (April 19, 2010).

  1. http://www.eslkidstuff.com/esl-kids-games/warm-up-games.htm#.VbBZZ7NVikr

  2. http://iteslj.org/Techniques/Lauder-ForYoungLearners.html

  3. http://edition.tefl.net/articles/yl-articles/how-to-teach-family-vocab/

  4. http://www.eslkidstuff.com/esl-kids-games/days-of-week-games.htm#.VbzlFvlViko


Introduction 3

Long-term plan 5

Short-term plan 14

Games bank 148



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Рахимжанова Светлана Даулетхановна
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Əдістемелік нұсқау

Методическое руководство

Мектепке дейінгі тəрбие мен оқытудың үлгілік оқу

для педагогов предшкольных групп и классов

бағдарламасы бойынша мектепалды дайындық тобы

по Типовой учебной программе дошкольного

мен сыныбы педагогтеріне арналған

воспитания и обучения

Əдіскер Б.С. Тажинова

Методист Б.С. Тажинова

Редакторы Л.С. Ахметова

Редактор Н.У. Пернебекова

Корректоры Л.М. Исалиева

Корректор Л.М. Исалиева

Басуға 11.07.2017 ж. қол қойылды.

Подписано в печать 11.07.2017г.

Пiшiмi 60х84 1/8. Əрiп түрi «Times New Roman».

Формат 60х84 1/8. Гарнитура «Times New Roman».

Таралымы 2000 дана. Тапсырыс № 1457.

Тираж 2000 экз. Заказ № 1457.

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