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Сборник зимней школыы 2019

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  • Key word
UDK 631.319.06. 
Sarimsakhov B.R., Baratov M.B., Norov A.A., Roziyev D.I. 
Tashkent institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers (Tashkent) 
In the article it was given the combinational treating the cotton stalk fields on one passing in 
autumn after picking up cotton and the technology of creating furrow, the results of creating 
worker aggregate construction which do this task.
Key word: 
Resource saving technology, combinationed aggregate, worker organs, cotton 
stalk directing, toothed bobbin, furrow taker, the screw of furrow taker, chain passer, reduction 

It is being implemented so many actions about resource saving technologies and putting 
into practice the means of technical which do this task on the field of all branches of agriculture 
and the national economy of our republic. 
For instance: It is being created an opportunity to attract the attention of resource saving 
technologies for preparing a land for sowing which is the most difficult part of farming, energy 
demanding but the agro action which is required to do in a short time. And all these problems are 
being supported by our government.
Resources saving technologies are carried out by using combinational aggregate. It has its 
own special tasks and not doing them like not saving the turn of agro actions may not give an 
expected result.
For using the combinational aggregates: 
It must be consisted of the technical processes which are done in the same season. 
Not being low the demand indicator of agricultural technician than being done separately
It must be supported a high economical
It must have the chance of placing worker organs in the frame and their adaptation -
It must have tractors which are enough powered to do the work with combinational aggregate. 
The combinational aggregate must be reliable, simple structured, comfortable serving. 
In the years of Independence, wide reforms on agriculture are being carried out. Traditional 
technologies of agricultural manufacture are being replaced with new energy and recourse- saving 
At the present time, minimizing the resources spent for the production of agricultural 
products is one of the most urgent issues. In the first place, the technologies which prepare the 
land for planting should keep up with this demand, because this process contains 18-40% of the 
energetic consumption of all field works and 25% of the labor expenses. Due to the results of the 
research which was carried out by a group of scientist of Qarshi Engineering-Economic, Tashkent 
State Agrarian University and the Scientific research University for the mechanization and the 
electrifications of Uzbekistan agriculture, the method based on combined fertilizing of making 
furrow in cotton fields regardless of soil hardening in autumn, and the construction of worker 
aggregate which do this process have been created. The main idea of this method is separation 
hardened soil on the either side of old furrow as individual layers and replacing it in the place of 
old deep loosened furrows. As a result, big lumps will not be made and there will be an opportunity 
to use buried cotton stems as a fertilizer. 
The technology is carried out step by step by fulfilling the following process (figure-1). 
Firstly, cotton stems are crushed on the surface of their furrow. Then, these cotton stems with their 
root soil, in the farm of AB segment, are pushed into the next furrow (figure-1b). Consequently, 
the field will be as in figure 1b. The ABCD layer of the furrow is divided two separate parts in the 
farm of ADC and BDC triangles, and they are both throw onto left and right furrows separately 
(figure -1c). As a result, there are new furrows with mixture of soil and cotton stems under it 
instead of old furrows, and new furrows instead of old furrows. After the technology has been 
done, the field will look like the sight in figure-1d.


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