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Бұзаубақова Қ.Ж. Педагогикалық тренинг жеке тұлғаны дамыту құралы ретінде Алматы
Роберт И.В. Теория и методика информатизации образования (психолого-педагогический 
и технологический аспекты). 2-е издание, дополненное. — М.: ИИО РАО, 2008. 274 с 
Касторнова В.А., Прозорова Ю.А. Методические рекомендации по использованию 
ресурсов Интернет образовательного назначения в общем образовании // Ученые записки / 
Под ред. И.В. Роберт. Вып. 12. М.: ИИО РАО, 2004. - С.66 - 106. 
Сейлбекова Д.К
- 1507-21 тобының студенті 
Ғылыми жетекші:
Султанова Г.Ф- аға оқытушы, магистр 
Оңтүстік Қазақстан Мемлекеттік Педогогикадық Университеті 
Қашықтан оқытудың арқасында әлемнің үздік мұғалімдерімен, тиімді методика 
арқылы сабақ өтуге болады. Көбінесе бізге шетел асып оқуға кету көптеген қиындықтар 
туғызады, сонымен қатар, оқу ақысы да жоғары болады, алайда Интернет желісінің 
арқасында біз кез-келген жоғары оқу орнында тиімді бағамен жаңа білім алып қана қоймай, 
ғалымшардың әртүрлі нүктесінен жан-жақты адамдармен танысып, мәдениетімізді 
дәріптей аламыз.
Today, the Internet has firmly entered our lives. Modern education is 
unthinkable without computers and the Internet. Most of today's schoolchildren and 
students actively use computers and the Internet in their lives and learning. 
In today's society with the rapid growth of information, a specialist needs to learn 
almost all his life. Previously, you could afford to learn once and for all. This stock of 
knowledge was enough for a lifetime. Today, the idea of "lifelong education" leads to 
the need to search for new methods of transferring knowledge and learning 
technologies. The use of Internet technologies and distance learning opens up new 
opportunities for continuous training of specialists and retraining of specialists, 
obtaining a second education, and makes training more accessible. 
At the same time, the need for lifelong basic education or retraining develops the 
potential of distance learning. With the development and spread of Internet 
technologies, distance learning has new opportunities. A huge number of distance 

learning courses and entire universities of distance learning have appeared in the 
Interesting numbers: 
The UK Open University has a budget of £400 million. 
More than half of the country's registered students study at the Turkish Distance 
The Indira Gandhi National Open University has over 1 million students. 
81% of all higher education institutions in the US offer at least one distance learning 
67% of US educational institutions consider distance learning to be a strategically 
important area of their development. 
“Today we have over 100 million e-learning students worldwide. General 
the market volume in 2003 amounted to 5 billion dollars, of which 3.5 billion is in 
eLearnExpo Managing Director Sally-Anne Moore said last year at the 1st 
International conference on e-education in Moscow. 
Benefits of distance learning 
Manufacturability - training using modern software and hardware makes e-learning 
more effective. New technologies make it possible to make visual information bright 
and dynamic, to build the learning process itself, taking into account the active 
interaction of the student with the learning system. 
The development of Internet networks, high-speed Internet access, the use of 
multimedia technologies, sound, and video make distance learning courses valuable 
and interesting. 
Today, the Internet has firmly entered our lives. Modern education is unthinkable 
without computers and the Internet. Most of today's schoolchildren and students 
actively use computers and the Internet in their lives and learning. 
Accessibility and openness of education - the ability to study remotely from the place 
of study, without leaving home or office. This allows a modern specialist to study 
almost all his life, without special business trips, vacations, combining with his main 
activity. At the same time, focusing on training in the evening and on weekends. 
You can study from almost anywhere in the world where there is a computer and 
the Internet. 
This makes the learning process more accessible and organizationally much easier 
than classical learning. The city where you live may not have the courses you need. 
To start distance learning, you just need to find the course you are interested in on the 
Internet, register on the site and pay the tuition fees through the bank. On the face of 
the simplicity of the organization of the learning process, both for the trainees and for 
the organizers of the training, the absence of formal restrictions for the start of 
At the same time, a person can study in another country, being on another continent, 
at a convenient time for himself, without the need for visas, tickets, hotels. 
As a rule, distance learning is cheaper than conventional education, primarily due to 
lower travel costs, living in another city, lower costs for organizing the courses 

themselves (no need to pay for a classroom, fewer staff, teachers’ costs can be 
reduced, etc. .) 
Distance learning is gaining popularity every year. Further development of distance 
learning systems involves ensuring maximum interactivity. In fact, it is no secret that 
learning becomes complete only when an imitation of real communication with the 
teacher is achieved - this is what you need to strive for. 

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