Сборник заданий Республиканской олимпиады по общеобразовательным предметам

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Сборник заданий Республиканской олимпиады по общеобразовательным предметам

Opposites attracts

    1. IAN: My sister Eva and I are twins, and we get on really well. I think we're probably far closer than most brothers and sisters. Our friends are surprised when they find out that we're twins, and I suppose that's because they think we will be the same sort of people. And we aren't - not at all. I'm not half as sociable as she is. I'm a bit of an introvert - very quiet and kind of shy. We go to parties most weekends, but I just like talking to people I already know. She's just the opposite. I often complain that she never stops talking, but she loves to chat to new people and find out all about them. She's a lot more outgoing than I am.

    2. NED: I think that old friends are the best of all, and Sam and I have been friends all our lives. Wewere both born in the same hospital, in rooms next to each other. He's a little older than I am - but only by two hours. He was the cleverest kid in our school, and now he's doing a degree in Chemistry. That suits him because he's got quite a scientific mind, and he's very practical and hard-working. For me, Science is the subject I'm the least interested in. I'm crazy about art and I'd love to be a painter. If that doesn't work out, maybe I'll go round the world or become a musician. We don't see each other much, but close friends don't need to, and when we do get together it's like we haven't been apart at all.

PAULA: Jane and I share a flat, but we're complete opposites. She's by far the most organized person that I know. Look at the way we found this flat: she went to different agents, made lists of all the advantages and disadvantages, and so on. I was much more laid-back about it. I came, had a quick look, said it seemed fine, and we moved in. That's not to say that I rely on her all the time. She also benefits from me too. I'm much more spontaneous and enjoy doing things without thinking them through - like inviting people back to our flat for a party. That makes her panic because she's so cautious, but generally I think she's also a bit happier and has more fun with me around.

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