Тақырыбындағы халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференцияға шақырамыз. Өткізілетін орны

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Requirements for the report :
The text of the report has to be issued in (A4 format and should be not more than 4 pages with graphics and drawings) in the WORD editor, the “Times New Roman” font (font size - 11 pt), field distance from the top, from the right and from the bottom - 2 cm, and from left - 3cm, paragraph -1cm, line interval -1cm.

The article should be prepared as follows:
The first line on the left shows UDC (Universal Decimal Classification).
Title of the paper - in capital letters, aligned to the center. Under the title in one space - the initials and surname (s) of the author (s), academic degree, academic title and position of the author (s); the next lower line indicates the name of the place of work, organization, city, country. In the next line, a summary should be typed in italic - for articles in Russian in Kazakh and English; for articles in the Kazakh language - a summary should be written in Russian and English; and for articles in English, a summary should be given in Kazakh and Russian. On the next line below,should be written the keywords (5-10 words).
The next line of the paragraph begins with the main text of the article. The list of literatures used is indicated at the bottom of the article with one interval. The text of the article is not corrected, it is considered to be the original. The collection of scientific articles of the conference is typed by direct copying. The editorial board does not deal with the re-registration. The materials submitted after the fixed date or issued not according to the requirements won’t be considered or returned to their authors.
1.The full text of the article should be typed on A4 format with a volume of up to 3-4 pages.
2.References to the literature should be indicated in brackets [1,15 b].
3.The list of literatures should be written according to the position of writing scientific papers in font size-11 : for example, (Vygotsky, Selected Psychological Works. Moscow: ed. Enlightenment, 2002-from 235).
4. Mathematical formulas are typed on Microsoft Eguation (each formula is one object).
5.The authors are responsible for the concreteness and objectivity of the scientific results of the article.
6. Scientific articles (in paper and electronic format) are accepted at the address: 160000, Shymkent, Tole Bi 32, "Research and Development Department" (107 kab), cell phone: + 8701-401 -22-22 (87252-95-23-09) or to the e-mail address: nauka, kipudn @ mail.ru or info@kipudn.kz. Responsible: Jeanpice A.

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