ТұЛҒаның БӘсекеге қабілеттілігіндегі психологиялық мазмұН

Psychological content individual’s of competitiveness

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Psychological content individual’s of competitiveness 
In new socio-economic conditions of society, the study and development of the competitiveness of 
the individual become an urgent problem for the psychological sciences. In this regard, the theoretical 
justification of the psychological content of competitiveness as a scientific and methodological refer-
ence point for theoretical and experimental studies of the competitive behavior of the individual and the 
development of positive competitiveness is presented.
In the following article, on the basis of foreign research, the multivaluedness of the definition and 
intrinsic characteristic of competitiveness as an integrated-structural personality formation was identified 
and analyzed. On the basis of empirical data, positive characteristics in the content of competitiveness 
are revealed as parameters of success, optimal interpersonal communication, stress-resistance of the 
individual. Also, it was found that aggressiveness, neuroticism, depressiveness, hostility, social disadap-

ISSN 2617-7544; еISSN 2617-7552 The Journal of Psychology & Sociology.
№3 (66). 2018
Ерментаева А.Р.
tation, and other negative characteristics are included in the content of competitiveness. The phenom-
enon of hypercompetitiveness is defined as the desire of the individual to be superior to others; as an 
accentuation of competitive properties in the structure of the personality; as a negative consequence of 
the development of competitive behavior. Presented data shows that the high level, stability, and lability 
in the development of a competitive personality have a masculine basis; and, feminine traits determine 
the social and psychological disadaptability, affectivity, episodic and insufficient level of development 
of competitiveness. Types of competitive behavior and features of CW and CE orientations are described 
as forms of competitiveness of personality. Based on the analysis and theoretical substantiation of the 
psychological content, it is concluded that there are psychological and pedagogical preconditions for the 
positive development of the competitive behavior of the individual.
Key words:
competitiveness, individual, development, hypercompetitiveness, gender features, CW 
orientation of competitive behavior; CE form of competitiveness.
Ерментаева А.Р.
доктор психологических наук, профессор,
Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н. Гумилева,
Казахстан, г. Астана, e-mail: erasem@mail.ru 

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