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Education for sustainable development meets the needs of the present. That is, explain why the understanding of sustainable development is significant, see the essence of the problem. To promote the formation of a comprehensively educated socially active person. This training is socially, economically and environmentally required for the sustainable development of society. In short, these are innovative programs in the direction of social, environmental, economic knowledge and prospects, the formation of skills and values ​​required in the framework of sustainable development.

At the present stage, it is necessary to study and generalize Kazakhstan's rich experience in implementing a successful, planned and creative movement forward. Kazakhstan, as the whole world community is in a highly active stage of transformation, which makes it necessary to scientifically understand the problems of socio-cultural identification of the individual in conditions of social change. In the program article of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev "Social modernization of Kazakhstan: Twenty steps to the Society of Universal Labor" the question is posed: Are there any risks to the modernization process? Yes, and a major barrier to social modernization is the widespread phenomenon of social infantilism. It is clear that successful social modernization in Kazakhstan will be carried out in the event of overcoming social infantilism, achieving a state in which every Kazakhstani should realize his place and role in society.
Kazakhstan has gone through a complex path of socio-political, spiritual development, economic crisis, the likelihood of interethnic clashes, the people gained independence and has its own unique model of inter-ethnic unity. Following the most acceptable forms and methods of governance, Kazakhstan today has a strong statehood, a strong leader and a single nation [1].
Studentism, representing a large socio-demographic group of the population structure of our country and being the main agent of social change, has a significant innovative potential that can be effectively used for the benefit of the whole society. Sociocultural identity is an important condition for realizing the social potential of youth and the basis for preserving the integrity of the state in the context of globalization. Identity is a complex phenomenon in which the axiological (value) content of the national, cultural, religious, multilingual, civilian components is the basic and determining component.
Under the conditions of globalization, young people, in particular students, are carriers of new values, behaviors and cultural patterns, which are subsequently internalized by subsequent generations. This makes it possible to view young people as a powerful potential for the development of society.
Youth is one of the most organized, socially-active segments of the population; it is objectively the generator of new ideas, the life force and energy of society. Youth is not just the future of the country, it is its present. Owners of new ideas and vitality are often students. The term "student" refers to students themselves as a socio-demographic group, characterized by a certain number, sex-age structure, territorial distribution, etc.; A certain social status, role and status, a special phase, the stage of socialization (student years), which is a significant part of young people and which is characterized by certain social and psychological characteristics.
Students do not occupy an independent place in the production system, student status is obviously temporary, and the social status of students and their specific problems are determined by the nature of the social system and are specified depending on the level of socioeconomic and cultural development of the country, including the national characteristics of the higher education system [2]. The generality of goals in obtaining higher education, the unified nature of work - study, way of life, active participation in public affairs of the university contributes to the development of solidarity among the students. This is manifested in the diversity of forms of collectivist activity of students. Studying the value orientations of students, we can not fail to consider the environment in which it is socialized. This is necessary not so much to understand which institutions have a significant impact on the value orientations of the students, but how many ideas, values ​​and ideals are instilled in these institutions by young people and whether they are instilled at all, what guidelines they are offered and how they do. Students represent a certain part of the youth, which has both features common to all young people, and specific features [3].
In order to complete the education in the university and, thus, realize its dream of higher education, most students realize that the university is one of the means of social promotion of young people, and this serves as an objective prerequisite forming the psychology of social progress. The generality of goals in obtaining higher education, the unified nature of work - study, way of life, active participation in public affairs of the university contributes to the development of solidarity among the students. This manifests itself in the diversity of forms of collectivist activity of students [4].
State youth policy is one of the priorities in the activities of many countries. The main normative legal document regulating the sphere of relations between the state and youth in the Republic of Kazakhstan is the Law "On State Youth Policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan" No. 581 of July 7, 2004, which defines its goals, objectives, directions, as well as mechanisms for state support of youth, Its social and political rights.
Among the most important issues of Kazakhstan's development in the period of Independence, a special place belongs to the youth direction. This underlines the youth of the Kazakh state, and the importance of the younger generation in his life. Over six million Kazakhstanis were born in the years of Independence. Putting ahead of the people of the republic large-scale tasks in the Message "Strategy" Kazakhstan-2050 ": a new political course of the state", the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - The leader of the nation, N.A. Nazarbayev rightly singled out young people as the engine of the new course [5].
In the academic environment, the notion of youth as a single and integral community prevails. Such a presentation not only deceives the public, but also creates difficulties in the formation of state policy on the problems of youth, education, etc. In the modern world, people simultaneously unite, integrate, and at the same time seek to separate, separate. All this is projected and for young people, which formally represent a single whole, differs in its goals, values and other characteristics.
Kazakhstan society is experiencing an identity crisis, which is becoming one of the factors of increasing social and ethnic tensions in society. The crisis of identity is due, first of all, to the one-sided Soviet system of values ​​that is disappearing in the past, by devaluating them in the eyes of the younger generation and causing a mass phenomenon of "identity search". The most significant consequence is also the process of restructuring of identities. Globalization helps erode the sacred values ​​that underlie ethnocultural identities, creating a homogenous pragmatized and rationalized context devoid of sacred dimension, which provokes the actualization of protest movements in defense of ethnocultural identity. At the same time, thanks to globalization, structural complexity and content enrichment of identities and their hybridization occur, resulting in identity becoming multilayered, uniting ethnocultural and global levels in a single structure.
The social context of modern modernization has a significant influence on the identity crisis: the reforms of political and economic structures, the complication of the stratification system of society, the growth of information flows, as well as a serious update of the value scale and models of social, economic, political behavior [6].
These, in fact, global factors cause the instability of identity, an amorphous socio-cultural environment in which Kazakhstani youth are forced to adapt and adapt. The loss of spiritual values, the inability to identify oneself in the national and state plan gives rise to feelings of inferiority, a sense of insecurity, provokes aggression towards representatives of other ethnic groups and cultures, which becomes a way of self-defense, a destructive mechanism of social consolidation.
For the time being, in the given conditions, the sociocultural identity of the individual acquires a predominantly adaptive character, when the individual experiences difficulty in choosing identification marks, which manifests itself not only in "identity search" but also in the structuring of the identification hierarchy and the search for a mechanism for the formation of social identity.
State youth policy is one of the priorities in the activities of many countries. The main normative legal document regulating the sphere of relations between the state and youth in the Republic of Kazakhstan is the Law "On State Youth Policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan" No. 581 of July 7, 2004, which defines its goals, objectives, directions, as well as mechanisms for state support of youth , Its social and political rights.
Among the most important issues of Kazakhstan's development in the period of Independence, a special place belongs to the youth direction. This underlines the youth of the Kazakh state, and the importance of the younger generation in his life. Over six million Kazakhstanis were born in the years of Independence. Putting ahead of the people of the republic large-scale tasks in the Message "Strategy" Kazakhstan-2050 ": the new political course of the state", the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - The leader of the nation, N.A. Nazarbayev rightly singled out young people as the engine of the new course [7].
State youth policy is carried out, first of all, by state institutions. Therefore, this policy, its pace and effectiveness depends on the capabilities of the state. But, on the other hand, without youth, there will be no development of the state itself, which determines the outrunning nature of the policy towards young people, its leading position among other areas of state activity.
The Committee of Youth Organizations coordinates all student organizations of the University. The main activity of the KMO is aimed at increasing the civic activity of students, strengthening the activity of the University's general structure of student government at the faculties, creating a strong effective team of like-minded people, and strengthening the interaction of the Administration with students. The priority area of ​​the KMO's activities is improving the effectiveness of ideological work with students, organizing information and analytical work of student government. The main task is, first, to become a condition for the realization of creative activity in educational, cognitive, scientific, professional and cultural relations. Secondly, to become a real form of student democracy with the corresponding rights, opportunities and responsibilities. In the third, to become a means of social and legal self-defense of students.
In Kazakhstan, during the period of independence, a sufficient number of youth movements and organizations were formed. Among them: Zhas Otan, Association of Young Leaders, Youth Parliament of Kazakhstan, Youth Media Union of Kazakhstan, Kaisar, Kahar, Union of Patriotic Youth of Kazakhstan, Abyroi, etc. Some Of them have stood the test of time, others have disintegrated.
In the same programmatic address of the President of Kazakhstan, the declaration of the Law "On State Youth Policy", adopted in 2004, is noted. "We can not leave the situation with the youth in the dark," emphasizes Nazarbayev NA. In the education system as a whole, about a third of the population of Kazakhstan is involved [8]. And the most important thing here is that our children are growing, forming and growing up in the education system. Some young people easily become "prey" to religious sects, extremists, drug addicts and criminal groups. The main reason for all this is social infantilism, inability to become an adult and a mature citizen, who himself is responsible for his life and the welfare of his family. It is necessary to modernize the law on state youth policy.
It is important for Kazakhstani students not to forget about their cultural, religious, ethnic and linguistic identity. It is necessary to preserve national roots and modernize our national state, maintaining a balance between the principles of globalization and the fundamentals of the sociocultural identity of Kazakhstan's youth. On the other hand, the creation of a single educational space (within the framework of the signing of the Bologna Convention) implies the transformation of the identification grounds of students in the direction of unification. These new factors may have a different effect on the cultural identity of students in megacities and cities of the scale of regional centers. The identification of these differences is very actual not only in the theoretical, but also in the practical sense and requires a special detailed sociological analysis. The success of the development of our state depends to a large extent on whether its own young citizens recognize whether they consider themselves to be citizens of this country, whether they feel connected with it, feel responsibility for what is happening, whether they are proud of its successes, the successor of which it is.

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