«Тұрақты даму мақсатындағы халықаралық журналистиканы оқыту модельдері»

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UnitedNationsGeneralAssembly – “NuclearWeaponDisarmament
United Nations Security Council – “The Republic of Kazakhstan as Non-Permanent Member
United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) – “Climate Change and its Solutions in Central Asia (SDG-13)
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) – “Scientific Development of Future Energy
In his opening speech, vice-rector of research - innovation in the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sciences, Professor T.S. Ramazanov thanked for the support of this program, the head of the UN Information Office in Kazakhstan VlastimilSamek, the US Consul General in Kazakhstan Mark Moody, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan. Also, T.S. Ramazanov noted that it is an honor for the University to carry out such a responsible and important international event. Addressing the students, pro-rector added that it is a great contribution to their future. The students had a chance to show their ability to open a discussion, to speak in public.
In his speech, the US Consul General in Kazakhstan Mark Moody congratulated the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan's accession to the United Nations. 25th anniversary of the accession into UNPO noted as well as the Central Asian countries of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Consul thanked the students from Kazakhstan and all Central Asian students for working and participating in the Model United Nations. Mark Moody also thanked Al-Farabi Kazakh National University for hosting this conference.
Participation in the Model United Nations contributes to the acquisition and improvement of public speaking skills, experience, high quality debate and overcoming the fear of public speaking. In addition, meetings were held in one of the official languages of the United Nations, which allowed the participants to improve their knowledge of foreign languages. At the seminar-training, students learn self-organization, the correct allocation of time building a future career at the international level.
Participants of ‘’Model UN - New Silk Road" were inspired a message of the UN Secretary General, in which he urged the youth to realize their" political responsibility in an era of uncertainty". According to the head of the UN, it will help future diplomats to achieve success and live up to the hopes and expectations, which confers on them the world community.
The event was held with the support of the US Consulate General in Almaty, the UN Information Office and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Special support to the participants of the ‘’Model UN - New Silk Road" in the preparation were the representatives of the United Nations Department of Public Information, the head of the UN Information Office in Kazakhstan VlastimilSamek, who stressed the importance of the event, addressed to young people and students in the region of Central and South Asia.
Program coordinators – Rafis Abazov (executive director of the program "Model UN New Silk Road" and a visiting professor at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University), and GaliyaIbrayeva (Director of the Centre UN Academic Impact professor of Al-FarabiKazakh National University) - believe that "Model UN New Silk Road’’ is a very important initiative. This is one of the few programs in the region of Central and South Asia, which allows students to independently discuss various global issues and strengthen the ties between the two countries in the spirit of the traditions of the Great Silk Road.
Such events give the chance global interoperability and the development of international cooperation at the scientific level, for both university researchers and potential young students.
Рожков А.В.,
филол.ғ.к., ЮНЕСКО, халықаралық журналистика және
қоғамдық медиа кафедрасының доценті
әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ

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