В. Н. Комиссаров. Теория перевода. «Альянс», 2013 C

Translation development in Russia in XVIIc

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Lecture 1. Introduction and history

Translation development in Russia in XVIIc.

  • Translation along with religious of non religious books (secular);
  • Translation of fiction literature;
  • Translation of scientific texts: astronomy and astrology, arithmetic and geometry, anatomy and medicine, and descriptions of various animals.
  • Creations of bilingual dictionaries as from Greek or Latin into old Church Slavonic languages.

Translation development in Russia in XVIII c.

  • Contribution of Peter I into development of translation studies;
  • In 1735 – the first professional organization for translators “Russian Assembly” in Academy of Sciences, Petersburg;
  • Change in demands for translations:
  • from German, English, French (modern languages) rather than Greek, Latin and Polish languages;
  • translations in technical spheres as well as literal.

Translation development in Russia in XIX c.

  • XIX century as gold period for development of translation in Russia:
  • - Contributions of A. Karamzin in translation of classical and modern works from German, English, French, Italian and Oriental languages into Russian;

    - Contributions of V. Zhukovskyi in translation of Schiller, Goethe, Byron, W. Scott and others into Russian;

    - Contributions of A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov in raising the quality of literary translation.

Translation development in Russia in the beginning of XX c.

  • 1917 – a new publishing house “the World Literature” initiated by M. Gorky;
  • Translation of western and eastern literature;
  • Translation from Russian language into other languages of Soviet Union’s nations;;
  • Translation from languages of peoples in Soviet Union into Russian;
  • Translators of this period: M.Lozinsky; T. Shepkina-Kupernik, S.Marshak, N. Lubimov, E.Kalashnikov, Lev Ginzburg, B.Pasternak, N.Tikhonov.
  • Fiction translators were trained at the Literary institution named after M.Gorky at the Union of Writers of USSR.

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