В. Н. Комиссаров. Теория перевода. «Альянс», 2013 C

Development of Translation Studies

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Lecture 1. Introduction and history

Development of Translation Studies

  • What appeared first translation theory or translation practice?

Translation as a method of language learning and teaching (GTM)

Typica Lesson plan:

a) presentation of grammatical rule,

b) specially written text that demonstrated the rule,

c) grammar exercises.

d) list of new words,

e) translation exercises.


  • Translation of a literary passage;
  • Reading comprehension questions;
  • Antonyms/synonyms;
  • Cognates;
  • Deductive application of rule;
  • Fill-in the-blanks;
  • Memorization;
  • Use words in sentences;
  • Composition
  • Is ‘Translation’ an art or science? Why do you think so?

What science started to investigate translation as an object of its study?

When did the Translation Studies as an academic discipline begin to develop?

  • What influenced its development?

Translation Studies as a science

  • Comparative literature, where literature is studied and compared transnationally and transculturally, necessitating the reading of some works in translation.
  • Translation as a subject of research of contrastive linguistics (1950-1960). This is the study of two languages in contrast in an attempt to identify general and specific differences between them, describe real translation cases that is descriptive approach, but not a prescriptive one.

A prescriptive and descriptive approach to translation studies

  • Prescriptive translation is based on rules and requirements of good translation, while the descriptive translation is based on process of translation, how the translation is done, on analysis of factual data.

Prescriptive translation theory

Étienne Dolet’s (1540) – five principles of translation:

  • understand the content of the source text;
  • be proficient in both the source and target language;
  • avoid translating “word for word”;
  • use common, everyday language;
  • produce the target text in an eloquent and harmonious style.

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