Владимира Дмитриевича Аракина одного из замечательных лингвистов России

A. Describe the actions of the mimes using the Present Indefinite, Continuous or Perfect tenses. (for one or two students)

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Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс (7-е издание, 2008)

A. Describe the actions of the mimes using the Present Indefinite, Continuous or Perfect tenses. (for one or two students)

B. Speak for each mime. (for two students)

С Tell the story in reported speech orally or in writing. (for one student)

Suggested topics and stages for actions:
1. At the Doctor's
a) A patient enters the room and tells the doctor what he (she) is suffering from.
b) The doctor asks the patient to strip to the waist and examines him (her).
c) The patient asks the doctor what's wrong with him. He seems to be worried.
d) The doctor tries to comfort the patient and writes out a prescription.
2. At the Dentist's
a) A patient complains of a bad toothache.
b) The dentist asks him to sit down and examines his mouth. One of his teeth should be pulled out.
c) The patient is afraid. He feels sick and giddy.
d) The dentist pulls out his tooth and shows it to the patient who brightens up and looks happy.
3. At the Bedside
a) A boy complains of a sore throat.
b) His mother is worried. She takes his temperature, it's normal. His throat is all right
c) Then the boy pretends to have a stomach-ache and a headache, to be sick and giddy.
d) His mother understands his tricks and orders him to go to school.

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