Внимание! Комплексное тестирование для обучения в магистратуре с английским языком обучения проводятся по следующим специальностям по направлению «3 Право» с указанием дисциплин: Для

Тест на определение готовности к обучению завершен

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Тест на определение готовности к обучению завершен

Тест по дисциплине Конституционное право Республики Казахстан Задания с выбором одного правильного ответа

На английском языке

  1. The science of the constitutional law evolved:

  1. hitherto not developed

  2. science does not develop either in the Soviet period, not now

  3. this process is closely linked to the activities of foreign experts

  4. this process is associated only with the development of legislation

  5. during the Soviet era in Kazakhstan

  1. The Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan is

  1. all branches of law in aggregate

  2. the leading branch of national law

  3. code of laws of the country

  4. set of all legislative acts

  5. complex branch of law

  1. The legal characteristics of the Constitution are:

  1. it has the general and special parts

  2. it regulates sphere banking relationships

  3. a set of state laws

  4. Constitution includes the fundamental laws of the State

  5. the Constitution has all the features of Law

  1. Characteristic features of the Constitution should be called:

  1. fundamental nature

  2. brevity

  3. historicity

  4. slenderness

  5. philosophical basis

  1. Kazakhstan in the sphere of international relations:

  1. adheres to the course "policy of force"

  2. has a policy of good neighborly relations between states

  3. carries out the principle of pressure on other countries

  4. always supported the principles of neutrality

  5. carries out military expansion

  1. According to the Constitution the Republic of Kazakhstan conducts a policy between states:

  1. of conflict resolution in countries outside intrusion

  2. of dispute resolution through mediation

  3. of differences in political influence

  4. of differentiation in economic power

  5. of their equality

  1. The mechanism for the realization of citizens' rights and freedoms includes:

  1. edition of textbooks for law schools

  2. publication of legal literature

  3. decision on civil case

  4. principle of guarantee of rights and freedoms of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  5. sentencing in a criminal case

  1. When applying for citizenship, the conditions for admission to citizenship for the following categories of persons are not required:

  1. Especially dangerous recidivists

  2. Minors

  3. People who speak Kazakh

  4. pregnant women

  5. Stateless persons

  1. The political party is liquidated in the following cases:

  1. at the suggestion of 75% of its members representing all regions

  2. at the suggestion of at least 51% of its members representing at least half of the regions

  3. by presidential decree

  4. by decision of the Prosecutor General

  5. by decision of the Constitutional Council

  1. In the RК are not allowed

  1. functioning of trade unions

  2. activity of mass social movements

  3. multiparty system

  4. activity of political parties of other states

  5. financing of political parties by foreign states

  1. The suffrage is a certain set of constitutional and legal norms governing the election procedure:

  1. Supreme Court

  2. Attorney General

  3. Ombudsman for Human Rights

  4. deputies of maslikhat

  5. members of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  1. The majority system in the RK is applied in accordance with the following provisions:

  1. in the election of members of local government

  2. in a second vote, the winner is the one who scored 100% of the vote

  3. such a system in the RK is not applied

  4. in the election of deputies of maslikhats

  5. in the election of the President, deputies of the Senate of the Parliament, deputies of the Majilis of the Parliament elected by the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan

  1. When conducting agitation before a national referendum, agitation is not allowed:

  1. cult of cruelty and violence

  2. approval of the provisions of the draft constitutional law

  3. active participation in the referendum

  4. the need to adopt a new Constitution

  5. holding peaceful rallies in support of constitutional reform

  1. Executive bodies include:

  1. President

  2. Supreme Court

  3. Parliament

  4. Government

  5. local governments

  1. Constitutional principles of organization and activities of state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

  1. Lifelong occupation by officials of their posts

  2. accounting of deputies before electors

  3. non-accountability of deputies to voters

  4. Appointment of all deputies and officials by the President

  5. Democratism of the system of state bodies

  1. The state body is:

  1. In special cases, a stateless person

  2. Called to perform the functions of public consciousness

  3. In cases provided by law, a foreigner

  4. Called to perform the functions of public control

  5. state institution

  1. The post of the President in the Republic of Kazakhstan was established:

A) April 24, 1990
B) March 14, 1990.

  1. by the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

  2. by the congress of People's Deputies of the Kazakh SSR

  3. September 22, 1989

  1. The final decision on the question of the dismissal of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is accepted:

  1. if there is a conclusion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the justice of the charge

  2. at a joint meeting of the Houses of Parliament

  3. at the session of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan

  4. in the presence of the conclusion of the Prosecutor General

  5. by a two-thirds majority of the total number of Senate deputies

  1. Bureau of the Houses of Parliament include:

  1. the Bureau of the Senate includes representatives of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan

  2. all deputies of the relevant Chamber

  3. prominent lawyers - state experts

  4. Chairmen of the standing committees of the Chambers

  5. employees of the Chamber Staff

  1. Standing committees of the Houses of Parliament:

  1. Make decisions

  2. Adopt Decrees

  3. 100% of the votes of the members of the committee

  4. Do not accept any acts, but only keep minutes of meetings

  5. Adopt laws

  1. Plenary powers of deputy of Parliament cease in cases:

  1. marriage with a foreign citizen

  2. Resignation

  3. Illnesses

  4. appearing in court as a witness

  5. departure abroad in a business trip

  1. The chairmen of Chambers of Parliament present to Chambers candidature on position:-

  1. the NSC Chairman

  2. President

  3. he Chairman of the National Bank

  4. the General Prosecutor

  5. members of the Constitutional Council

  1. Decisions of Government of Kazakhstan, accepted within the limits of his competence

  1. Can not be undone by anyone

  2. Have binding force throughout the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  3. Is adopted in the manner determined by the President

  4. have recommendatory in nature

  5. have binding force on the territory of the CIS

  1. The members of Government possess plenary powers:

  1. govern akimats

  2. manage the relevant state bodies

  3. supervise maslikhats

  4. are responsible for the state of constitutional legality in the country

  5. ensure the coordination of branches of power

  1. A member of the Constitutional Council is not entitled:

  1. Protect

  2. Protect or represent, other than legal representation

  3. pay taxes

  4. Own a house

  5. Patronize rights

  1. The bodies of constitutional control, depending on the constitutional fixation, may be:

  1. Committees of public control

  2. General courts

  3. international organizations

  4. Special public boards

  5. Committees of people's control

  1. The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the consent of the relevant maslikhats is appointed to the post of Akim:

  1. streets and yards

  2. villages and towns

  3. oblasts

  4. auls

  5. regions

  1. Chairman of Maslikhat session is elected maslikhat:

  1. from the party activist

  2. 3/4 votes of the total number of deputies

  3. by secret ballot

  4. on the proposal of the President

  5. by a majority vote of the total number of Maslikhat deputies

  1. The temporal commissions of maslikhat appear:

  1. The composition, tasks, terms of office are determined by the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  2. the appropriate akim

  3. to solve major scientific problems

  4. Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  5. in order to prepare for consideration at sessions of the issues assigned to maslikhats

  1. The deputy group in maslikhats is an association of deputies:

  1. To exercise their powers

  2. To speak in the media

  3. For traveling abroad on business trips

  4. In its composition there must be at least 20 deputies

  5. For joint leisure activities

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