Шетел тілін оқытуда шеттілдік мәдениетті аутенттік лингвомәдени мәтіндерді қолдану арқылы дамыту

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Дәуітханқызы Динара Мақала

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4 Sidikova, B. A. Autentichnye teksty v programme profil’nogo obucheniya kak baza formirovaniya inofonnoj kartiny mira. [Authentic texts in the program of profile training as a basis for the formation of foreign images of the world] In Shetel tіlіn okytu әdіstemesі. Metodika obucheniya inostrannomu yazyku. – 2013. – № 1. – P. 12–17
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6 Rahimbekova, G. O. Vybor i primenenie autentichnyh tekstov pri obuchenii inostrannomu yazyku v neyazykovom vuze [Selection and application of authentic texts when studying a foreign language in a non-linguistic university] In Sejfullinskie chteniya – 9 : novyj vektor razvitiya vysshego obrazovaniya i nauki, posvyashchennaya dnyu Pervogo Prezidenta Respubliki Kazahstan : Materialy respublikanskoj nauchno-teoriticheskoj konferencii (28-29 noyabrya 2013g.) / Kazahskij agrotekhnicheskij universitet im. S.Sejfullina. – Astana : KazATU im. S.Sejfullina, 2013. – P.167–168
7 Mustafina, K. E. Rabota s autentichnym tekstom v optimizacii processa formirovaniya rechevyh umenij i yazykovyh navykov [Work with authentic text in the optimization of the process of formation of speech skills and language skills] In Sostoyanie i perspektivy obucheniya professional’nomu kazahskomu, russkomu i inostrannym yazykam : materialy metodicheskogo seminara, 29 yanvarya 2013g. / sost. Eskatova G. K. – Kostanaj : Kostanajskaya akademiya MVD RK, 2014. – P. 54–58
8 Gauriyeva, G. M., Zhumabekova, A. A. Use of Authentic Texts for Formation of Students’ Linguistic Competence [Use of Authentic Texts for Formation of Students’ Linguistic Competence] In bulletin of the L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Philology Series. – 2018. – № 2. – P. 74–76
9 Lirola, M. A proposal for teaching with authentic texts in order to develop social awareness in a language subject in tertiary education. In Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics. – 2016. – № 1. – P. 59–73.
10 Rodriguez, G., Fernando, L. Learning Strategies : A Means to Deal with the Reading of Authentic Texts in the EFL Classroom In Signo pensam. – 2016. – № 69. – P. 50–63.

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