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Read this extract from a student essay. Does the writer agree or disagree with the statement in 1?

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2 Read this extract from a student essay. Does the writer agree or disagree with the statement in 1?

All researchers need to follow a code of ethics. Research ethics outlines the correct way to conduct research. It protects the rights and the well-being of participants and informs them of any potential negative consequences. Without a clear set of rules, many people may feel uncomfortable about getting involved in a research project. An important aspect of research is the respect which is shown to the people who participate in a research project. Research ethics is also an academic discipline, which studies the concept of ethics in research.

The writer agrees. Their view is expressed in sentence 1, the topic sentence of the paragraph.

Автор соглашается. Их точка зрения выражена в предложении 1, тематическом предложении данного параграфа.

The writer of the essay agrees with the statement in 1. They believe that all researchers should follow a code of ethics because it protects the rights and well-being of participants and outlines the correct way to conduct research. The writer also stresses the importance of respect for people who participate in research. So, their view aligns with the idea that researchers should be ethical at all times for their work to have value.

Писатель эссе согласен с утверждением в 1. Он считает, что все исследователи должны соблюдать кодекс этики, потому что это защищает права и благополучие участников и определяет правильный способ проведения исследований. Писатель также подчеркивает важность уважения к людям, участвующим в исследовании. Таким образом, его точка зрения соответствует идее о том, что исследователи должны быть этичными всегда, чтобы их работа имела ценность.

Task. 2. Ex. 1.p.44.

1 Read the extract in Task 1.2 again. Look at the underlined noun phrases and say why the indefinite, definite, and zero article are used.
Example: Research ethics outlines ... uses the zero article because it is referring to research ethics in a general sense. Also, 'ethics' is an uncountable noun.

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