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participation of the university

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participation of the university.
The work of the centers of employment of higher educational institutions makes it possible to reveal the 
dominance of the intermediary role. The announcement of training opportunities for employment technologies 
is not supported by implementation mechanisms realization (with the exception of links to articles on «How 
to write a resume and pass an interview»). Training and the formation of competencies for positioning in the 
market and employment are optional in the educational process. Evaluation of satisfaction with the quality of 
the preparation of students and graduates for employment shows that almost one in three did not receive 
knowledge and skills in the university for work search technologies and was forced to acquire them on their 
own. Only one in five graduates believe that the training system has sufficiently formed the theoretical and 
practical basis for search and promotion technologies in the market. The limited use of university resources in 
employment and the formation of job search skills affects the reporting indicators of the university on the 
employment of graduates, influences the formation of image policy in the market of entrants. The situation is 
complicated by the weak regulatory and legal protection of the young specialist, the high barriers to entry to 
the market, the presence of a dilemma of choice among employers and the struggle of competitive advantages 
of the «mature» (professional and social experience) and young professionals (modern knowledge and tools 
of organization, improvement of work, significant psychophysiological potential). The employer is often 
forced to decide on the suitability of applicants, based on a comparison of a large and varied list of data and 
own experience of hiring. 
The use of flexible forms of employment facilitates the involvement of students in the acquisition of work 
experience. In fact, the application of this measure is limited, as the proposals are initiated mainly by 
enterprises of the spheres of trade and services. Enterprises of other spheres are much less likely to create 
«special», non-traditional conditions for attracting and hiring young professionals. Consequences of the limited 
practice of using flexible forms of employment: for the trainer, this is the absence of a direct link between the 
acquired profession and work experience, which can contribute to the professional reorientation and (or) the 
growth of irrationally spent resources for professional development; for the economy – increasing disparities 
in the youth labor market and the staff shortage in certain professions with high barriers to entry to the labor 
Another measure of stimulating the interaction of «state-university-student-employer» can be considered a 
fiscal policy conducted by the state on the basis of rating data. 
The scale of overproduction of highly qualified specialists in Russia and the magnitude of losses due to 
non-core employment led to the development of a single all-Russian data collection system. This updates the 
work of the university in introducing training activities in employment technologies, the implementation of 

intermediary functions between a graduate and an employer, and the provision of instrumental support for 
factual confirmation of data on the employment of university graduates. 
Achieving a balance of the targeted needs of enterprises and universities presupposes the development of 
market and institutional forms for regulating the interaction of the labor market and educational services at all 
levels. Subsequently, in the work, attention is focused on the interaction of the university and the enterprise 
through the intermediary structure – the employment center for graduates of the university. The existing model 
of the interaction of employment centers with employers, students, issuing departments reflects the problems 
that all participants face. Among the significant are the disagreement in the requirements of employers and the 
set of competences laid down in the educational programs. Numerous studies assess the range and structure of 
the discrepancy. As a rule, estimates are local with time constraints, implemented for specific tasks. 
Fragmentation of evaluation works does not allow to form an integrated approach to studying the opinions of 
all stakeholders. At present, there is no universal mechanism for reducing the time and content distancing. The 
professional potential of the graduate does not fully correspond to the needs of the employer and there are not 
always conditions for its actualization. The low demand for graduates on the specialty causes unemployment 
and reorientation in other areas of activity. We believe that the complex mechanism should be based on the 
possibilities for continuous monitoring of educational and career trajectories, changes in the rules of interaction 
between the main participants, with an emphasis on introducing preventive measures to adjust the competence 
model; the introduction of flexible forms of employment assistance in the formation of a specific capital of 
graduates of universities. Studies show the significant impact of experience for highly skilled work. The 
existing problems in creating conditions for acquiring practical experience contribute to the implementation of 
the strategy of poorly managed professional and career development. It is necessary to correct the interaction 
of participants during the work on the acquisition of practical experience by the student. 
Dialogue of business environment and education is built within the framework of competence discourse. 
Instrumentation is provided by structures and mechanisms for assessing mismatch and implementation of 
interaction. Significant disproportions in the structure of labor market demand and supply cause the problem 
of low values of the indicator of profile employment of graduates of the university with stable dynamics. The 
abolition of the mandatory distribution system strengthened this contradiction. According to specialists' 
estimates [6, 7], the mechanism for replacing the traditional distribution of university graduates has not been 
built up so far, and many functions either moved to the subjects of training (departments, deans) or are not 
realized at the university level. Determining the scale and size of the problem of non-core employment, the 
need to ensure coordinated interaction and accumulation of information in a single center led to the 
introduction of an alternative replacement of the structure to coordinate work with students and graduates - 
employment promotion centers. 
To the significant problems of the work of university centers can be attributed: 
the complexity of transition at the initial stage to self-sufficiency and the disinterestedness of the 
university to finance the activities of the center in full; 
the distancing of the employment processes and the formation of the professional and qualification 
potential of young specialists. Often the center acts only as an intermediary, working with the initial data - the 
requirements of employers and the capabilities of graduates. A long period of training allows us to introduce 
preventive measures in the formation of labor potential. Dynamism of employers' requirements corrects the 
model of a competitive graduate. Current information on the dynamics of requirements and labor market 
parameters can be provided only by those structures that interact with both graduates and employers on a daily 
basis. Therefore, we believe that it is necessary to expand the functions of the managers of employment centers 
and to integrate them more actively into the educational process (for example, when adjusting curricula, 
providing analytical reviews and monitoring the labor market). This will facilitate the reorientation of centers 
from passive mediation functions to actively forming the structure and content of labor supply; 
lack of regulations for activities and interaction with all levels of training and employment of graduates; 
limited opportunities to maintain the viability of the site for employment, including due to lack of 
staffing. Analysis of the activity of employment centers for higher education institutions and the preservation 
of a negative trend with the employment of university graduates required the use of state support for the 
creation of a unified automated system to promote the employment of graduates of vocational education 
institutions and the introduction of a rating of employment centers on the basis of an integrated assessment of 
their work. 
The list of identified problems requires the introduction of a number of changes: organizational (for 
example, the construction of communication channels between vocational training systems and the withdrawal 
of specialists to the labor market); management (integration into the existing organizational structure, 
definition of the principles of financing, development of operating rules and evaluation of effectiveness); 

instrumental-methodical (maintenance of actual contacts with employers, formation of databases, 
identification and monitoring of key performance indicators of the center, etc.). Leveling the consequences of 
problems, increasing the effectiveness of the work of the centers and ensuring the positive dynamics of the 
indicator of profile employment require an integrated solution and changing the technology of interaction 
between the main participants throughout the preparation period, from the stage of attracting and selecting 
entrants to employment and monitoring the degree of satisfaction with the training and work received. 
Summing up, it can be noted that the world practice of promoting youth employment differs in the va0riety 
of forms used, the depth of involvement of the subjects of interaction and the measure of regulatory and 
regulatory provision. Russian practice is in the process of development: normative and legal grounds are being 
developed and applied tools for providing assistance to profile employment. The center of employment of the 
university is recognized as the key institution in the mechanism of interaction. An analysis of the effectiveness 
of the activities of the centers and the specifics of the formation of channels of cooperation reveals a number 
of problems that are largely due to passive and intermediary participation in the promotion of employment. 
Negative tendencies have been identified, which increase the likelihood of growth in youth unemployment and 
the growth of socioeconomic consequences of underutilization of the professional potential of students. The 
suggestions-regulators on the promotion of employment are considered and the organizational difficulties of 
their implementation are revealed. 

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