Scholarship Program Application Letter

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Scholarship Program Application Letter
7 сынып БЖБ ТЖБ жинақ физика (2)
Motivation Letter

To Whom it May Concern:

My name is Toktamuratova Aigerim and I am writing this letter to express my interest in the “Top Mobility Student” Scholarship. It is my hope to use this scholarship to aid in the pursuit of my master’s degree in Physics.

Being awarded the chance to study further in my field at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia is an incredible opportunity for me and one I intend to seize wholeheartedly without reservation. I have consistently proven throughout my previous studies and working experience than when presented with an opportunity I will strive as hard as I can to best represent myself and reward those who have granted me a chance to prove such. This is evident in my continuing relations with the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia and my professional mentors at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Despite financial hardship, I have always done what is necessary to further my studies and work experience.

Relocating from Kazakhstan, Almaty for the duration of the program represents a huge challenge and while it is one I am fully committed to, it does present considerable financial strain. I will be doing my utmost to not let this affect my participation and concentration required to gain as much as I can from the program.

This scholarship represents to me an opportunity to fully focus my attention on the main objective of achieving the best I can in the Environmental and Natural Resources program. I will strive to be a representative and ambassador of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University throughout my future career and am very thankful to be able to attend this course.


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