Тапсырманың берілу және орындалу мерзімі (апта күні мен уақыты)
Берілген мерзімі
Қабылдау мерзімі
МОДУЛЬ II. Meals.Relationship.
Unit 1. Name. Text:What is in a name? (Inside Out)
In written form
1 week
2 week
Tuesday 14:00
Unit 3. Love. Text: Get personal (Inside Out)
In written form
2 week
3 week
Tuesday 14:00
Texts: Revenge is sweet, dinner by post. (Inside Out)
In written form
3,4 weeks
4,5 weeks
Tuesday 14:00
Text: My Best friend. (Inside Out)
In written form
5,6 weeks
6,7 weeks
Tuesday 14:00
МОДУЛЬ II. Education and job.
Unit 8. Education. Training to be a Geisha. (Inside Out)
In written form
7,8 weeks
8,9 weeks
Tuesday 14:00
Unit 6. Job. Text: From mountains to modeling.
(Inside Out)
In written form
9,10 weeks
10,11 weeks
Tuesday 14:00
Nightmare Job. (Inside Out)
In written form
Tuesday 14:00
МОДУЛЬ III. Healthy lifestyle.
Unit 5. Fit. Reading: Are you dangerously unfit? (Inside Out)
In written form
13,14 weeks
14 week
Tuesday 14:00
Unit 10. Lifestyle. Text: How not to die before you get old? (Inside Out)
In written form
15 week
15 week
Tuesday 14:00
СӨЖ тапсырмалары
СӨЖ тапсырмасы
Тапсырма түрі
Сағат саны
Орындалу мерзімі (апта )
Модуль - 1. Meals.
What national dishes you may recommend to a foreigner?
In written form
English meals and dishes.”
In written form
Fruit and vegetables are an indispensable part of a diet. Healthy foods.
In written form
Модуль - 2. A Student’s day
My day off. My working day
In written form
7-8 weeks
Zhubanov University. Oxford and Cambridge Universities. My dream job.
In written form
Модуль - 3. Shopping. Season.
What climate you would like to live in
In written form
11, 12weeks
The season you like best of all
In written form
Shopping. Clothes. My favourite fashion style
In written form
14-15 week
9.2Оқытушының жетекшілігімен жүргізілетін студенттің өзіндік жұмысы (ОСӨЖ)
МОДУЛЬ- I. English Meals. Relations.
ОСӨЖ №1-2 Theme: Name. Text:What is in a name? (Inside OutUnit 1)
Tasks:Ex 1,2,3 pp 4-11 Recommendations: Write out unknown words and translate them. Read the text very carefully. Do exercises in written form. While doing a written task, think it over, rewrite the necessary active vocabulary and them in your writing, paying attention to the content and grammar
Literature: .
3. Philip Kerr “Inside Out”,Student`s book, Pre-Intermediate, MACMILLAN
ОСӨЖ №3-5 Theme:.Love. Text: Get personal(Inside OutUnit 3.)
Tasks:Ex 1,2,3 pp 20-25 Recommendations: Write out unknown words and translate them. Read the text very carefully. Do exercises in written form. While doing a written task, think it over, rewrite the necessary active vocabulary and them in your writing, paying attention to the content and grammar
Literature: .
3. Philip Kerr “Inside Out”,Student`s book, Pre-Intermediate, MACMILLAN
ОСӨЖ №6-8 Theme:Revenge is sweet, dinner by post.(Inside OutTexts:)
Tasks:Ex 1,2,3 pp 25-31 Recommendations: Write out unknown words and translate them. Read the text very carefully. Do exercises in written form. While doing a written task, think it over, rewrite the necessary active vocabulary and them in your writing, paying attention to the content and grammar
Literature: .
Philip Kerr “Inside Out”, Student`s book, Pre-Intermediate, MACMILLAN
ОСӨЖ №9-11 Theme:My Best friend.(Inside OutText:)
Tasks:Ex1,2,3 pp 32-36 Recommendations: While doing a written task, think it over, rewrite the necessary active vocabulary and them in your writing, paying attention to the content and grammar
Write out unknown words and translate them. Read the text very carefully.
Literature: .
3. Philip Kerr “Inside Out”,Student`s book, Pre-Intermediate, MACMILLAN
МОДУЛЬ II. Education and job. ОСӨЖ №12-14 Theme:Unit 8. Education. Training to be a Geisha. (Inside Out) Tasks:Ex1,2,3 pp 48-59 Recommendations: Use the active vocabulary in your speech and be attentive in grammar While doing a written task, think it over, rewrite the necessary active vocabulary and them in your writing, paying attention to the content and grammar
Write out unknown words and translate them. Read the text very carefully.
Literature: .
3. Philip Kerr “Inside Out”,Student`s book, Pre-Intermediate, MACMILLAN
ОСӨЖ №15-17 Theme: Job. (Inside Out) Tasks:Unit 6. Text: From mountains to modeling. (Inside Out) Ex 1,2,3 pp 69-72 Recommendations: While doing a written task, think it over, rewrite the necessary active vocabulary and them in your writing, paying attention to the content and grammar
Write out unknown words and translate them. Read the text very carefully.
Literature: .
3. Philip Kerr “Inside Out”,Student`s book, Pre-Intermediate, MACMILLAN
ОСӨЖ № 18-20 Tasks:Nightmare Job.(Inside Out)
Ex 1,2,3 pp 72-76 Recommendations: While doing a written task, think it over, rewrite the necessary active vocabulary and them in your writing, paying attention to the content and grammar
Write out unknown words and translate them. Read the text very carefully.
Literature: .
3. Philip Kerr “Inside Out”,Student`s book, Pre-Intermediate, MACMILLAN
МОДУЛЬ III.Healthy lifestyle. \ОСӨЖ №21-13Theme:Fit. Tasks:Unit 5. Reading: Are you dangerously unfit? (Inside Out) Ex 1,2,3 pp 40-44 Recommendations: Read the text very carefully. Rewrite the unknown words, look up them in the dictionary ,read them correctly,translate them and try to understand the material. Do all exercises in written form.
Literature: .
3. Philip Kerr “Inside Out”,Student`s book, Pre-Intermediate, MACMILLAN
ОСӨЖ №24-25Theme:Lifestyle. Tasks:Unit 10. Text: How not to die before you get old? (Inside Out) Ex 1,2.3 pp 88-95 Recommendations: Read the text very carefully. Rewrite the unknown words, look up them in the dictionary ,read them correctly ,translate them and try to understand the material. Do all exercises in written form and be attentive.
Literature: .
3. Philip Kerr “Inside Out”,Student`s book, Pre-Intermediate, MACMILLAN
9.3. Студенттің өзіндік жұмысы (СӨЖ) Модуль 1. English meals. СӨЖ № 1-10. Theme: What national dishes you may recommend to a foreigner Plan:Write down an essay on the given topic ”Whatnationaldishesyoumayrecommendtoaforeigner’
Recommendations: Read the given topic and make your essay. Rewrite the unknown words, look up them in the dictionary, read them correctly, translate themand try to understand the material. Pay attention to the content and grammar.
Literature: 1. В.Д.Аракин «Практическийкурсанглийскогоязыка»
2.Т.Н.Шишкина “Just English “
3. LONGMAN Dictionary of Contemporary English
СӨЖ № 11-20. Plan: Write down an essay on the given topic”English mealsanddishes.”
Recommendations: Read the given topic and make your essay. Rewrite the unknown words, look up them in the dictionary, read them correctly, translate themand try to understand the material. Pay attention to the content and grammar.
Literature: 1. В.Д.Аракин «Практическийкурсанглийскогоязыка»
2.Т.Н.Шишкина “Just English “
3. LONGMAN Dictionary of Contemporary English
СӨЖ № 21-30. Theme: Fruit and vegetables are an indispensable part of a diet Plan: Write down an essay on the given topic “Fruit and vegetables are an indispensable part of a diet” and give your opinion
Recommendations: Read the given topic and make your essay. Rewrite the unknown words, look up them in the dictionary, read them correctly, translate themand try to understand the material. Pay attention to the content and grammar.
Literature: 1. В.Д.Аракин «Практическийкурсанглийскогоязыка»
2.Т.Н.Шишкина “Just English “
3. LONGMAN Dictionary of Contemporary English
Модуль - 2. A students day. СӨЖ № 31-40. Theme: My day off. My working day Plan:Write down an essay on the topic ”Your day off”. ”Your working day”.
Recommendations: Read the given topic and make your essay. Rewrite the unknown words, look up them in the dictionary, read them correctly, translate themand try to understand the material. Pay attention to the content and grammar.
Literature: 1. В.Д.Аракин «Практическийкурсанглийскогоязыка»
2.Т.Н.Шишкина “Just English “
3. LONGMAN Dictionary of Contemporary English
СӨЖ № 41-50. Theme: Zhubanov University. Oxford and Cambridge Universities Plan: Write down an essay on the topic ”Oxford and Cambridge Universities-theoldestUniversitiesofGreatBritain“
Recommendations: Read the material very carefully and make your essay. Rewrite the unknown words, look up them in the dictionary, read them correctly, translate themand try to understand the material. Pay attention to the content and grammar.
Literature: 1. В.Д.Аракин «Практическийкурсанглийскогоязыка»
3. LONGMAN Dictionary of Contemporary English
Модуль - 3. Shoping. Seasons.
СӨЖ № 51-60. Theme: What climate you would like to live in Plan: Write down an essay on the topic”The climate you would like to live in”
Recommendations: Read the given topic and make your essay. Rewrite the unknown words, look up them in the dictionary, read them correctly, translate themand try to understand the material. Pay attention to the content and grammar.
Literature: 1. В.Д.Аракин «Практическийкурсанглийскогоязыка»
2.Т.Н.Шишкина “Just English “
3. LONGMAN Dictionary of Contemporary English
СӨЖ № 61-70. Theme: The season you like best of all Plan: Write down a composition on the topic ”The season you like best of all”
Recommendations: Read the given topic and make your composition. Rewrite the unknown words, look up them in the dictionary, read them correctly, translate themand try to understand the material. Pay attention to the content and grammar.
Literature: 1. В.Д.Аракин «Практическийкурсанглийскогоязыка»
2.Т.Н.Шишкина “Just English “
3. LONGMAN Dictionary of Contemporary English
СӨЖ № 71-80. Theme: Shopping. Clothes. My favourite fashion style Plan: Write down a composition on the theme “My favourite fashion style”
Recommendations: Read the given topic and make your composition. Rewrite the unknown words, look up them in the dictionary, read them correctly, translate themand try to understand the material. Pay attention to the content and grammar.
Literature: 1. В.Д.Аракин «Практическийкурсанглийскогоязыка»
2.Т.Н.Шишкина “Just English “
3. LONGMAN Dictionary of Contemporary English