А. П. Голубев, Н. В. Балюк, И. Б. Смирнова

T e x t 2  Schools in the United Kingdom

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T e x t 2 
Schools in the United Kingdom 
Education in the United Kingdom is compulsory from the age of five to 
sixteen. Children under five go either to nursery schools, or to playgroups. 
Both types of pre-primary educational establishments are non-state; the 
difference is that a child spends the whole day in a nursery school, while he 
or she can stay in a playgroup only for some hours a day. Anyway, the main 
aim of such kind of establishments is to make the children ready for primary 
schools. Children play, draw, model things from clay and learn to work 
Compulsory education for all children begins at the age of five. There 
are 35,000 state schools in Britain. All of them are the responsibility of the 
Local Educational Authorities (LEA). The LEA caters for the curriculum 
and exams in each region; they also appoint head teachers and held 
assessment tests at schools. 
Primary school is for children from five to eleven. At first the studies are 
more like playing than working; English teachers say that this is the best 
way for children to get used to school. Probably they are right: children learn 
better when they play. Lessons usually last from nine in the morning till four 
or five in the afternoon with a long break at the lunchtime. 
At the age of eleven pupils go to comprehensive schools. Children 
usually wear a uniform; it is different in different schools. They study Maths, 
English, Arts, English Literature, Geography, one or two foreign languages, 
usually French, Italian or German, PE (Physical Education), IT (Information 
Technology), Religion, Science, Biology, Sex Education and other subjects. 
At the end of their studies they take General Certificate of Secondary 
Education examinations (GCSE) 0-level, and then they either leave school 
and start working or continue their studies at school or at college for two 
more years. This is called the sixth form at school or the sixth form college, 

and the students take only the subjects they need for entering the university 
of their choice. 
At the age of eighteen they take GCSE A-level. They usually take three 
or four A-levels. There are no entrance exams to universities, so the students 
can enter a university or a college on the results of their A-level 
Speaking about education in the UK it is necessary to say that there is a 
great difference between state education and private education. State schools 
are free, and about ninety per cent of all children attend them. Private, or 
public schools are very expensive. These are usually boarding schools, 
where children stay while they study, coming home only on vacations. These 
schools are for children between thirteen and eighteen. Before entering a 
public school children are usually educated at home. State schools are 
usually mixed, while private schools are typically single-sex, with a few 

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