Abai is the outstanding poet Сарсенбаева Алия Оразовна

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PGU Sarsenbayeva Asterkhan and Aliya

Abai is the outstanding poet

Сарсенбаева Алия Оразовна

МВА(АҚШ) магистрі Қазақ Спорт және Туризм Академиясының аға оқытушы, Алматы қ.

Сарсенбаева Астерхан Шойынбаевна

Павлодар Мемлекеттік Университетінің аға оқытушысы, Павлодар қ.

Бұл мақалада еліміздің 3 тілді қатар дамытуда Ұлы ақын Абай Қунанбаев жайлы ағылшын тілінде өз ойын еркін жеткізе алу үшін пайдаланатын мәлімет ұсынып отырмыз.Абай Құнанбайұлы ғұлама, ойшыл, ақын, ағартушы, ұлттың жаңа әдебиетінің негізін қалаушы, аудармашы, композитор ретінде ел тарихында өшпес із қалдырғаны сөзсіз. ХХІ ғасырдағы ғылымның мақсаты биікке ұмтылу, алысқа құлаш сермеу екенін көріп отырмыз. Ал Абай өз заманында «Біздің міндетіміз – осы ілгері көшке ілесіп қана қоймай, алдыңғы қатардан орын алу.Ол үшін ең алдымен, білім беру саласын заманға сай дамытуымыз керек» деген екен.

Абай айрықша дәріптеген игілікті істің бірі – тіл үйрену. Ақын жиырма бесінші қара сөзінде өзге тілдің адамға не беретініне тоқталып: «Әрбіреудің тілін, өнерін білген кісі оныменен бірдейлік дағуасына кіреді, аса арсыздана жалынбайды», – дейді. Демек, өзімізден озық тұрған жұртпен деңгейлес болу үшін де, оның тілін меңгерудің маңызы зор. Ал қазіргідей жаңа тарихи жағдайда бәріміз ана тіліміздің дамуы мен дәріптелуіне назар аударып, оның мәртебесін арттыруымыз керек. Сонымен қатар ағылшын тілін үйренуге де қажеттілік. Жастарымыз неғұрлым көп тілді меңгерсе, соғұрлым мүмкіндігі кеңейеді. Ағылшын тілінде өзіміз қолданып жүрген материалды ұсынамыз.

In the history of thought and Kazakh literature Abai Kunanbayev takes an outstanding place . Not only Shyngystau alone, but also the whole of the Kazakh land can take pride in being Abai`s homeland.

Look deep into your soul and ponder on my words.

To you I am a puzzle, my person and my verse.

My life has been a struggle a thousand foes I braved

Don’t judge me too severely for you the way I paved.

Abai addressed these heartfelt – sorrowful lines as a welcoming message to the generations to come, to his countrymen sound for whom he strove to pave the way to a more enlightened, better life. They bear the stamp of his genius and if his hard – lived life. Great people’s biographies contain milestones as well as the routine of everyday life. And the facts which seemed insignificant of important may with the lapse of time out to be invaluable relics of the Greats life and work.

The great Kazakh poet was born in 1845 into the nomadic clan of Tabykty in the Chingis mountains in Semei Region. His father, Kunanbai a stern and wild steppe ruler was an elder of Tobykty clan. Abai`s mother Ulzhan was a wonderful woman with innate reserve of tolerance and soundness. Ulzhan and her son lived in moral support in Zere, Abai`s grandmother. This wise and kind old woman who had herself tasted the full measure of rightness wife’s plight pinned all her hopes on her grandson who was the apple of her eye.

Abai was taught at home a hired mullah and then his father took him to Semei and placed him in the Ahmet – Riza madrasah. A diligent and extremely gifted boy. Abai learnt a great deal in the five years he was there. As for Abai, he had other interests besides mastering the wisdom of the Arabic scholastic teaching on the dogmas of the Islam. When he grew a bit older he tried to memories the tales, legends, hero sagas and historical songs recited in the village by the folk bards. Abai began writing poetry while still at the madrasah. Among the few of these early attempts, which have survived, we find lyrical fragments, epistles and love poems obviously written under the influence of classical oriental poetry and some impromptu verses composed in the manner of the Akyns.

The river and hills of Karauyl were Abais favorite places. Her he spent the best years of his life filled with joys as well as sorrows. Here he got acguainted with Togzhan who he fell in love with all the ardor of youth. Time did not obliterate his feeling of love for his girl; he did remember her to the end of his days, forever nostalgic for the purity and beauty of Togzhan.

You are the apple of my eyes

The fire of my soul

My heart will never stop

Bleeding hurt by this fire

Now he was free to do what he wished with his life. The first thing he did was resume he studies of Russian, which he had not been able to do since his madrasah days. He made new friends among the Akyns, the gifted young Kazakhs usually not very high – born and Russian intellectuals he met in Semei. Abai’s acquaintance with these people soon developed into real friendship. Abai`s Russian friends, while helping him to acquire knowledge, also learnt a great deal from him for Abai was extremely well versed in the history, common law poetry, art, economy and social system of many people related to the Kazakhs. He loved Pushkin, Lermontov, Krylov, Saltykov – Shchedrin and Tolstoy and after that memorable summer 1886 when he openly embarked on his poetic career Abai started translating Krylov, Pushkin, Lermontov in Kazakh, acquainting his countrymen for the first time with these great writers. Having an excellent knowledge and understanding of Kazakh folk music, Abai composed several melodies for those of his verses. He also wrote music for his translations from Eugene Onegin . By this time the name of Abai himself poet- thinker and composer had earned country – wide popularity and esteem. Akyns, composers and singers came from all over Kazakhstan to see him and learn from him

A mellow tune and gentle song

Stir the soul and caress the ear

I forget my cares, I forget the world

When the sounds of lilting song I hear

I do not see and do not hear

Number of works was devoted to youth: "Our children", "Only youth - happy flower of life". And a real treasure is his poems expressing his feelings and love to the nature of his land: "Autumn", "Winter“, “Fall” and etc. As a gifted interpreter Abai gave Kazakh people to enjoy the pearls of Russian classic literature. During 15 years he translated more than 50 works of Russian writers like Pushkin, Lermontov, Krylov etc. Abai's literary legacy also includes a number of ballads dedicated to eastern and western themes. Among these fictional pieces like "Mas'ud" (1887) and "Alexander,"

Abai`s public activity and poetry were especially appreciated by the young people. Hey were always asking the Akyns to sing Abai`s songs at popular gatherings, weddings, ceremonial feasts and funeral banquets.

Why did you orphan me, O God?

Why did you send me so much grief?

Why were my days of bliss so few?

Why was my happiness so brief …

A prominent poet Abai combine the narrow-mindedness and shallowness of his set to the trustfulness, pride, independence and flight of the poet`s inspired thought. Our generation reverses Abai as an amazing phenomenon. The glory of Abai, the real founder of modern Kazakh culture and the greatest Kazakh classical poet will never dim.

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