Digital recourses
Цифрлық ресурстар
Оқу-әдістемелік құрал-жабдықтар, анықтамалық әдебиеттер
English Grammar Raymond Murphy
Oxford Dictionary
Техникалық құралдар, материалдар
Internet resources: Youtube, e-college platform,slide sheets.
New English file pre intermediate level
Онлайн сөздік
Short information about the theme:
Жаңасабақ жайлы жаңа ақпарат
Hello Dear my student!
Explanation of the new material:
a)Read the text
It’s great to be a student. Many colleges and universities offer great opportunities for studying and for social life.
There are a lot of reasons why student life is exciting. First of all, students learn what they need for their future profession. They learn subjects, which they are interested in.
Secondly, being a student means not only studying. You have enough time for hobbies and different activities.
Thirdly, student’s social life is very interesting. You meet lots of new people, even from other countries.
For many people student years are the best in life.
While you study, lots of things start changing: your thoughts, your ideas, people who surround you. You stop being a child. You realize that you’ve grown. You start earning your first money. Lots of students nowadays work and study at the same time. Eventually you understand that it’s great to have the job you like. High education may help a lot in getting your dream job in future.
Starting university is like starting a new life. When students leave home for university, they embark on a new journey, one that of self-reliance and self-discovery, which largely shapes up their outlook on life in the longer run.