Английский язык Пособие для поступающих в магистратуру, докторантуру, резидентуру и адъюнктуру

Combination of Medicine and Therapy Called Best for Depressed Teens

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Magistr 2008-2018 (копия)

Combination of Medicine and Therapy Called Best for Depressed Teens

This is the VOA Special English Health Report.

Depression can cause long periods of sadness and hopelessness, feelings of low self-worth, even physical pain. It is the leading cause of suicide.
The World Health Organization says more than one hundred twenty million people worldwide suffer from depression. But many people may not know it can start at a young age. In the United States, for example, health officials estimate that about five percent of adolescents are depressed.
Researchers in the United States have just reported on a study of more than three hundred patients ages twelve to seventeen. All suffered from major depression disorder, the most common form of the disease.
The researchers divided them into three groups. One received the antidepressant drug Prozac. Another received cognitive behavioral therapy. The third received both.
The study found that the best treatment was a combination of antidepressant and cognitive behavioral therapy, or C.B.T. This kind of therapy teaches patients to recognize and deal with the thoughts that can result from depression.
It centers on current feelings instead of past events.
At twelve weeks, the researchers found reduced levels of depression in all three groups. But they say the group receiving the combination of treatments had the greatest reduction. This continued through the end of the nine-month study.
The researchers say eighty-six percent of those who received both treatments had improved. This was compared to eighty-one percent each in the two other groups.
The study did not include an untreated control group. So there is no way to know for sure if it was the treatment that eased the depression.
The findings by Duke University researchers appear in the Archives of General Psychiatry. The National Institute of Mental Health paid for the seventeen million dollar study.
The researchers say the group that received Prozac alone had a higher rate of suicidal thoughts than the other two groups. Experts say antidepressant drugs can increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in teenagers.
And, earlier this year, the government asked drug makers to extend that warning to patients age eighteen to twenty-four during initial treatment. Generally that means the first one to two months.
And that’s the VOA Special English Health Report, written by Caty Weaver. To learn about World Mental Health Day, observed each year on October tenth, go to voaspecialenglish.com. I’m Steve Ember.

... in the United States have just reported on a study of more than three hundred patients ages twelve to seventeen.Researchers

...... says more than one hundred twenty million people worldwide suffer from depression.The World Health Organization
Researchers in ... have just reported on a study of more than three hundred patients ages twelve to seventeen.the United States
Researchers in the United States have just reported on a study of more than ...patients ages twelve to seventeen.three hundred
The National Institute of Mental Health paid for ... study.the seventeen million dollar
The World Health Organization says more than ... people worldwide suffer from depression.one hundred twenty million

The World Health Organization says more than one hundred twenty million people ... suffer from depression.worldwide

What is the leading cause of suicide?Depression
Слушание 2011

Text 1
Bags will be provided by the council ....only for materials that can be recycled
Fields near the entrance to the beach can be used as.car parks
hey are preparing to celebrate the anniversary of the town. 250th
Large bags are given forcollecting recyclable materials
Picking up litter will be the duty of ....the Beach Team
Someone is needed.to be in charge of the first aid
The celebration will be held at the money of...the council
The celebration will be held on ... .Sunday
The left-over food will be taken away by.the organizers
The oldest of the mini-marathon applicants is.60
The profits from the marathon will be given to the Children’s Hospital to help.buy new specialist equipment
The second team will ...arrange the square.
The winner in each competition will.be awarded a cash prize
There are applicants for the mini-marathon. 265
There will be judges for various competitions.3
To close the beach we need permission from.the council
Wardens will be needed at the car park because ....the parking last year was disorganized
We need some volunteers for.cleaning -up
What does the speaker say about the judges in the competition?Most of them have had some experience in judging.
What two changes to the organization of the festival are mentioned?Free refreshments and free concert

Text 2

Everything turned out easier with.the right attitude
Giving up smoking was easy for Mr Gold because he.it was his private game, he was winning
He wanted to change his life and his desire was.to become an actor
His trouble was that.he had a couple of bad headaches
Mr Gold became a professional actor due to.his experience in fighting his bad habit
Mr Gold had problems because he ... .smoked a lot
Mr Gold never ran out of... .cigarettes
Mr Gold said about.kicking the habit of smoking
Mr Gold stopped smoking on ...1st July
Mr Gold told about his secret plan to ... .nobody
Mr Gold tried a lot of different courses because he wanted to be fit
Mr Gold used to travel across London to ... .get cigarettes
Mr Gold wanted to.get rid of his bad habit
Mr Gold was successful because ....this was as an exciting adventure
Mr Gold’s little private game consisted in.cutting down the number of cigarettes smoked
On 1st July Mr Gold.didn’t smoke for 24 hours
The reason for Mr Gold’s frequent colds and throat infections was.smoking a lot
What did Mr Gold have difficulty with in the past?Giving up smoking.
What worried Mr Gold most of all in the morning?The thought of his past attempts to give up smoking.
Не never feared of.the accusation of having no willpower
Text 3
Booking for the Club equipment is made by . .James Todd
Cafeteria is situated ....on the ground floor
Contact details you can find.on the notice board
Edward Mark’s main role in the Club is.to prevent injuries
Edwards Marks works days a week. 3
Fitness machines are situated.on the first floor
Information about the training can be found in a(an). brochure
It is very pleasant to have.many people turn up
Liaison Officer’s duty is.to manage bookings
Margaret Lloyd’s main duty is ... to oversee training
On the ground floor, there are two halls are used for.yoga, Thai Chi
Our physiotherapist’s role is.to prevent injuries
Sean Bond supervises ....computers and electrical equipment
The extensive therapy training programme is accredited to the university of Manwich
The main purpose of the Open Day is to give a(an) (quick) tour
The notice-board contains ....contact details
The number of staff members of the Club is.9
There are nine ... in the Club.permanent staff members
There are..... programmes in counseling at the moment.3
Those interested in yoga will have a chance to talk to trainers on.Thursday 4.30

Text 4
About two thousand ideas were received by Royal Mail every daу.few of them were ever used
Australian artists receive money.for the design and again if it is used
In the search for suitable subjects, people are invited to ... .give an opinion on possible topics
Many stamp enthusiasts are afraid of that.stamps ate not acceptable
On the basis of the extensive research, it is clear that.it is hard to please everybody
People writed to the post office that.they loved and hated
Recently King Henry has appeared on a British stamp together with.a stamp featuring each of his wives
The design of stamps in Australia is usually supervised by ... .Australia Post
The main policy in Australian and British stamps design is thatno living ordinary person can ever appear on a stamp
The main thing about the stamps is that.they must be of national interest
The picture of Father Christmas surfing at the beach ....arose lots of discussion
The process of stamp production is.fast
The production of a stamp in Australia is as long as ... .up to two years
The programme «Tell me more” appears.once a week
The speaker says that.people will never agree about stamp design
The speaker suggests that....too much attention is devoted to stamp production
The weekly radio programme is on ... .topics suggested by listeners
Topics are sent for final approval to ... .the Board of Directors
What picture is the most popular one on Australian stamps?Kangaroos.
When people want to give their opinion on a new stamp, ....they write to the post office

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