Английский язык Пособие для поступающих в магистратуру, докторантуру, резидентуру и адъюнктуру

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Magistr 2008-2018 (копия)

Sharon: I hear you're off to work in Australia next year Ian. How exciting!
Ian: Yeah, that's right. I've got a holiday visa but I'll try and find work while I'm there.
S: So how long are you going for then?
I: Just for three months or so...but it'll be long enough to test the waterJ'm thinking about emigrating you see.
S: Isn't it really difficult to get a permanent visa?
I: Yes, it is. Apparently, it's done on a type of points system...they give priority to certain professions...but as a mechanical engineer, I should stand a reasonable chance.
S: I guess the other option would be to fall in love with a nice Australian girl.
I: Well, you never know...
S: Won't you miss England though?
I: Well, I'll miss my family and friends of course...but the world's become a much smaller place with the internet and cheap international flights...The truth is I've got itchy feet.
S: So you've been bitten by the travel bug, have you?
I: Yes, I guess so. It's a spectacular country and life in Australia's supposed to be really laid-back...
S: So do you think you'll get on well with the Aussies?
I: Yeah, they are really easy-going and they love outdoor life. The thought of doing adventure sports like scuba diving, hang-gliding and windsurfing really appeals
to me....
S: The weather will be nice too, won't it?
I: Yeah, apparently it can get really hot...really scorching in the summer but I'm sure I'll get used to that. Wouldn't you like to work abroad, Sharon?
S: Oh, yeah, definitely. I went grape-picking in the South of France a couple of years back and absolutely loved it.....and of course, now that I'm a qualified nurse, I've got a lot more options.

What kind of feelings do the scientists have about their new scientific breakthrough?Delight.

Ian says that he will miss when he is away.England
On his first visit to Australia, Ian wants to.to test the water
Ian loves outdoor activities like.scuba diving, hang-gliding and windsurfing
To get a permanent visa and live in Australia is.not easy
The easiest way to get Australian nationality is to.marry an Australian
Ian thinks he has possibilities of getting a permanent work.fairly good
Ian is planning to be in Australia.for about three months
Ian has a holiday visa to Australia but he wants to.find a job there

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