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Karimzhanova N.T., еnglish teacher
Secondary complex «School-kindergarten №77»
“Do not praise me without measure! Do not torment me without guilt!” 
“If you still someday will write about me, call me in Kazakh: Baurdjan Momysh 
Alexander Beck “Volokolamsk highway”{1} 
Scientists still cannot give a definite answer to the question “Who is a 
man?”. It turns out that the essence of this issue lies in the man himself, in his 
inner world and his attitude to everything around him. One of such figures is 

Bauyrzhan Momyshuly. In November – December 1941, newspapers and 
magazines of the Soviet Union were full of articles glorifying the courage and 
patriotism of the Kazakh soldier Bauyrzhan Momyshuly. Having no combat 
experience, B. Momyshuly, remaining with his battalion surrounded by the 
enemy, always led him to his troops without much loss. Bauyrzhan didn’t like it 
when they judged a war according to stories or articles of print media: “In the 
war I read a book written not in ink but in blood. After such a book, 
compositions are unbearable to me.” 
Indeed, do we write about the war – the generation that has not gone 
through all the horrors and hardships of this difficult time. I would like to dwell 
on the personal qualities of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly, who contributed to the fact 
that he became a national hero and an idol of Kazakhstan. Bauyrzhan did not 
immediately become a commander. It was not an easy way. He does not deny 
that in his youth a rebellious beginning was manifested in him: “A forced 
Kazakh, a steppe horse who does not bear the bridle, was made a soldier. Hard, 
unbearably hard, the first months in the army were given to me. It seemed 
humiliating to me: to approach the commander on the run, to stand quietly 
before him, to listen to the imperative and short: “Without talking! Around! 
”Inside, everything rebelled:“ Why without talking? What am I to him- a slave? 
That I’m not a man like him? I turned pale and blushed, dared and did not 
submit.” They say correctly that it is impossible to understand a person until you 
find yourself in his place. After the lapse of time, Bauyrzhan was appointed 
commander, and then he realized the need for unconditional obedience to the 
will of the commander, the mandatory observance of military discipline. 
Bauyrzhan was very strict about his fighters and demanded complete submission 
to the commander, as was supposed by the Charter of the Red Army. Even in 
moments of battle, Bauyrzhan did not allow discipline violations. He adhered to 
the expression “To regret means not to regret”, expressed somehow by Panfilov. 
As Bauyrzhan wrote, war unmistakably determines who is who. He believed 
that it was not enough just to be fair and honest, it was necessary to have a 
decisive, bold character and a clear conscience. Bauyrzhan himself possessed 
these qualities; he was honest even before the fear of death. He taught his 
soldiers: “Honest is he who has a conscience. Let you have knowledge and 
abilities, let you have dexterity and dexterity, but if you do not have a 
conscience, do not expect mercy from me. Honor is stronger than death. ” No 
matter how strict Bauyrzhan Momyshuly was to the fighters, he treasured and 
loved them. Perhaps the word “loved” would seem inappropriate to the current 
generation, but Bauyrzhan said that “in war, in battle, the strongest love and the 
strongest hatred are born, about which people who have not experienced this 
have no idea”. He worried about every soldier, felt paternal responsibility for 
them. In one novel, based on the stories of B. Momyshuly, the battle on 
Volokolamsk highway was described. According to the order, it was necessary 
to retreat, for which it was necessary to break through the Germans, withdraw 
the carts, artillery and the wounded. The companies cover and keep the passage 

open. Then you need to cover the companies. Who! Machine gunners. They will 
remain the last. Nobody will cover them. It was hard for Bauyrzhan, he could 
not sacrifice his people, his fighters. So many experiences, pain and love were 
conveyed in these lines. And he decided on a risky step, on an action that is not 
contained in any charter, not a single instruction. The idea of a breakthrough 
was that the battalion was built in one line, a rhombus. Inside the rhombus are 
carts and guns. At the command of the commander, the battalion moves at a 
moderate pace, preserving the rhombus system and fires volleys on the move, 
aiming the barrel at the enemy. “We walked and shot. We pressed the enemies 
to the ground, did not give the opportunity to raise our heads, move. Not a single 
fighter violated the system, not one faltered. … It was worth looking around: if 
there were any wounded, if someone had been left in the field without 
protection, without help: if at least one was thrown, it was necessary to 
somehow detain the enemy and take him out. But there were no abandoned 
ones.” Thanks to the excellent soldier training and accurate calculation, the 
battalion was withdrawn without much loss. Near Moscow, in conditions of 
maneuverable defense, Bauyrzhan Momyshuly as a commander of the battalion 
of the 19
Guards Rifle Regiment conducted 27 successful battles. For the 
battles in the Volokolamsk direction, General Panfilov introduced Senior 
Lieutenant Momyshuly to the Order of Lenin. In 1942, senior lieutenant 
Momyshuly led the 19
regiment, which took part in the battles for the station 
and the village of Kryukovo, where he was seriously wounded, continued to 
command the battle. Given the many military merits, the commander of the 8
Guards Rifle Division, Colonel I.I. Serebryakov in August of the same year 
introduced Bauyrzhan Momyshuly to the assignment of the title of Hero of the 
Soviet Union. In July 1944, Serebryakov again appealed to the Presidium of the 
Supreme Soviet of the USSR with a statement on conferring the title of Hero to 
the Kazakh batyr, but Bauyrzhan Momyshuly received the Star of the Hero only 
8 years after his death. More has been written about Bauyrzhan Momyshuly than 
about any other person known in our time. Articles, books, poems, but more 
interesting are the memories of him. As a person who survived the war, 
Bauyrzhan possessed a strong character, he did not forgive weakness even to 
those whom he loved. “What was his father like?” Harsh. In school years, when 
my parents sent my classmates on vacation to rest on the Black Sea, to see 
Moscow, Leningrad, other cities of the Soviet Union, he put me in a common 
carriage and sent me to the village to my relatives. He was always dissatisfied 
with me. He said several times: “I am very sorry that I didn’t hit you on the 
parade ground, corporal.” In fact, unlike him, I wasn’t assembled, he called me 
plasticine, from which you can sculpt anything, then a bit of a bitch … I think he 
regretted that I did not wear a military uniform. He believed that form 
disciplines a person first externally, and then internally. His severity was only 
the outer shell, in fact, he was a very caring father. And he educated me in the 
best traditions of the Kazakh life – he taught me to appreciate the hearth, to treat 
my wife with care. And he sent me to the village, thinking again about my 

future. If it were not for these children’s trips that terribly offended me, then 
perhaps I would not have avoided the drama of a whole generation of Kazakhs – 
I would not have known my native language or customs. ” About how the father 
influenced the formation of his son as an individual, as a man, can be found in 
the novel-essay “Ascent to the Father”, written by Bakhytzhan Momyshuly{2}. 
He writes that his father tried to instill in him the qualities of a worthy person: 
“Indifference to the little things of life made him lonely, but he always said, 
hiding the pain, that he who lives for the people will never be lonely.” As 
children, we do not understand paternal severity, and only from the height of the 
past years do we realize the need for such an attitude towards sons. Bakhytzhan 
Momyshuly recalled how his father, being dissatisfied with his behavior, said: 
“Do not confuse pride with pride! Pride is an empty swagger, and for pride you 
still have no reason. … others should be proud of your deeds, not you. ” 
According to Bakhytzhan Momyshuly, his father “did not understand a low and 
unrighteous life, although he suffered from involuntary contact with her, but was 
too proud to ask for at least some kind of leniency. He only said: “Do not praise 
me without measure. Do not torment me without guilt. ” You can write a lot 
about this worthy person, but do you need words …. It is important that 
everyone feels his essence, his soul and heart through stories and novels. 

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