Қазақстан Республикасы Білім және ғылым министрлігі «Ғылыми қазына» мақсатты бағдарламасы

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M.O.Auezov Institute of Literature and Art in the frame of the program 
“Gylymi kazyna” (“The scientific heritage”) publishes fundamental 
philological researches of the eminent scientists, theorists of Kazakh literature 
such as Kazhym Zhumaliev “Adebiet teoriyasy” (“The Theory of Literature”, 
1964), Zeinolla Kabdolov “Soz oneri” (Theory of Literature”, 1970), Zaki 
Akhmetov “ Olen sozdіn teoriasi” (“The theory of poetic language”, 1973).
These literary works highlight the key issues of Kazakh poetic language, 
issues of poetic image in connection with the development of Kazakh literary 
and artistic writing. Theoretical works of literary scholars are written in the 
period of socialist realism, but despite this fact they are in demand today,
during the years of independence. Scientific papers of Kazhym Zhumaliev, 
Zeinolla Kabdolov and Zaki Ahmetov have been recognized by prominent 
Soviet literary critics.
This volume includes the most popular classical philological texts. 
Theoretical writings explore the imagery features of poetic language in artistic 
and aesthetic context. The urgency and importance of this issue is determined 
by the fact that it addresses the internal framework of word-artistic creativity; 
not knowing the peculiarities of poetic language, it is difficult to penetrate 
into the depths of the artistic image, cover the whole richness of the content 
of the work.
The main theme of these fundamental works is the theory of poetic 
creativity and artistic language. It should be noted that at that time the research 
of artistic skill and poetic language hasn’t been an independent field in Kazakh 
literary criticism.
Scientific studies of K.Zhumaliev, Z.Kabdolov and Z.Ahmetov also address 
the issues of poetic speech, its folk origins and observe the way of enrichment 
of intonation and rhythm, syntactic structure of speech in contemporary 
Kazakh poetry in 60-70 years of the XXth century.
Verse patterns in the book are given in poetic translations. However, 
the authors use a more accurate, literal translation of particular phrases 
and expressions. Poetic translations are used in cases where they closely 
reproduce the character of figurative and expressive means of the original 
in Kazakh language and when it is important to show the general features of 
the poetic text. It is noted that poetic texts, despite particular and sometimes 
quite substantial deviations from the original, they often brightly transmit the 
emotional structure and expressive power.

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